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Chase Anders has never felt this terrible in his life. He was angry, and mad, and Landon was not making it easy for him, because the man saw absolutely nothing wrong with what he had just done. Landon was not a bad wolf but he always believed he could do whatever he wants and get away with it, so he had completely wiped Aurora's memories, and left her to wander away. Aurora, his mate, one that he had been searching for a long time now, he had found her after he had completely lost all hope’s of finding any, and his best friend had completely wiped her memories. How was he ever going to forgive this man? Chase and Landon were not only best friends, they grew up like brothers, their fathers had also been very good friends when they were both alive and they died on the same day, sadly, in a motor crash in which nobody survived, but Landon and Chase remained friends. How had it gotten to this? Landon still believed he had done the right thing to save his friend’s mate but Chase did not think so, if only he even had an idea where Aurora was, he would gladly go look for her, but she had run off, with nothing in her memories, she did not know anywhere, her brain was as clear as that of a child and Landon had just let her run off. How was he going to live with himself? His wolf was angry, and even though Landon thought he had done the right thing to keep his friend’s mate alive, and also protect her, Chase still thinks they could have resolved it in a better way that did not involve wiping Aurora's memories, and now he was never going to find her. “How could you?” he shouted at Landon. “No, how could you? How could you betray your own pack because of a woman?” Landon shot back at him “You are the beta of this noble pack for crying out loud! Everybody looks up to you, you are next in line after the Alpha you know that and you dare to support the enemy pack? After all they did to us?" “Oh shut up Landon,” Chase paced, his wolf wanted to hurt Landon so bad, he wanted to tear the man apart, but Chase and Landon had come a long way, he could not even hurt this man even though he wanted to. Chase Anders found Aurora just a few days before now. He had searched for his mate when he had come of age, but she never came. It had been years since he discovered his wolf, but still there was no mate. He was not attracted to any of the girls that threw themselves at him. He had merely used them to satisfy his s****l urge at that time and many of those ladies were now bitter, because it was crystal clear he didn’t like them, and while he was sure they could easily perceive that, the women still had strong believe that he would fall for them, but none of them was his mate, and truth is he never actually regretted using any of them because he did not really force himself on anybody. Many women hated him, and many loved him still because he was a natural charmer, he came with the complete packaging, good looks, charm, perfect accent, brilliance, and what have you not? He had his own cravings after all, and he had come of age and still hadn’t found his mate and much as he wanted to find her, he had given in to moral pleasures and he couldn't say he regretted it up until this point, when he thought he had finally found his mate but she was gone now, too fast before he could mark her as his, and it was all thanks to the rumours that members of her pack; the mystique shadow pack had robbed and killed a member of his own pack; the moon stone pack. Chase did not have any proof, but he was sure it was all rumours, even though Landon tried to convince him otherwise. Landon was of the belief that Chase did not want to believe anything about the Mystique shadow pack because his mate belonged there. But there was no proof that it was the Mystique shadow pack that had killed Aaron.  From the moment he realised his mate was a member of the enemy pack, Chase had kept the knowledge to himself. He was the beta of his pack for crying out loud, and he was next in line after the alpha. An Alpha who was very ruthless, one who acted before thinking, but Landon was too smart. Landon was one of the few that found his mate before eighteen, and he had wasted no time in marking her. She was beautiful and Landon was very proud of her. Even though they were yet to be married, there was no denying the sparks between them, but Landon had gone ahead to erase Aurora's memories, and the worse part of it all was that he did not know where she had run off to, and from the look of it, he was never going to find out, and that was what annoyed him the most. He loved Landon like a brother, but Landon had just hurt his mate, and denied him a chance to be happy, and there was no way he was going to let it all go easy. “Just look at you,” Landon screamed at the top of his voice “You have been blinded by love by a woman that does not even know you exist. You say she is your mate but does she even know you?” “Shut up Landon, just shut up,” Chase screamed back at him “I had it all under control before you showed up, and you just came and ruined everything,” “Maybe I should discuss this with Alpha Martins? Perhaps you would like that?” Landon questioned. Chase grabbed him by his shirt collar and half lifted him from the ground. There was no debating that Chase stood a full four inches above his gamma, and his wolf was much bigger. If they had to fight, He was sure to over power the gamma, he was a much stronger and bigger wolf, and not just because he was higher in rank than Landon. “You bloody fool,”  Chase sneered at the man. “You betrayed your pack, you were saving the enemies, that is a big offense Chase,” Landon forced the words out of his tight neck “They killed Aaron, Chase! He was one of us,” “Shut up, there is no proof of that,” Chase let go of Landon's shirt as roughly as he could. Much as he wanted to, he could not bring himself to hurt his childhood friend. “Chase I'm sorry alright,” Landon sighed. “I know she is your mate, but I had to do what I had to do to save her. Do you think she would want to have anything to do with you if she eventually finds out you are one of us?” Landon was shouting now, with his hands outstretched “I don't know why you can’t just pick of all the maidens we have,” “She’s my mate you moron,” Chase sneered, running his hands through his hair. “So why were you so scared to tell anyone? Why did you deny it yourself?” Landon asked. “Just shut up alright, you already know why,” Chase answered him. “Then you should Understand why I had to erase her memories. I saved her for you, and if she is rightfully yours, you guys would definitely reunite. Otherwise, you can have your pick from the other females,” Landon supplied. Chase stared at him. He could have any other woman quite alright, but none of them came close to Aurora, none of them smelt like her, none of them made him feel the way she made him feel, she was his mate, and he was angry that Landon did not see that fact. That he could never be with any other woman. That in fact he could not live with the guilt he felt, his wolf would not let him. He wanted no other person but her and how would he live with himself knowing what he had done to her? Yes he wanted to save her, and God knows he tried. He succeeded in saving Ciara at least, even though he also did not have any idea where she was, but he had not been too fast with Aurora. What if Ciara found her eventually and told her the truth? That was if the lady even survived that night. But what if Aurora regains her memory? She would want to revenge, he had to find her. “You go no where,” Landon cautioned him, already reading his thoughts and blocking his way “I will fight you if I have to, heaven knows I will. You are the f*****g beta, you should be fighting shoulder to shoulder alongside Alpha Martin’s, but you are going to run away because of a woman? Because of love for someone who probably doesn't know you? You want every body to call you weak? You want to be recognized as the traitor? I won't let that happen Chase, not in this world,” Chase wanted to turn, his wolf desperately wanted out of that body, and he had to go outside. Landon perceived this, and still tried to sweet talk Chase but the bigger man shoved him out of the way, and ran out into the open air. He growled, and bit by bit, he transformed into his wolf form, in the middle of all the on going chaos. He howled loud, and members of his pack howled back in response. Then Landon joined him outside, he also was in his wolf form now, and he challenged Chase to a fight. He was going to stop his friend from going after Aurora, so he glared at him with mist green eyes. Everywhere smelt of blood, Alpha Martin’s was still taking no chances with the Mystique Shadow pack, he held up a good fight, and they were winning. No, they had already won, and while he and his gamma were snaring at each other, he noticed other wolves gathered around to cheer their favourites. That angered him even more. His mate had just disappeared for crying out loud. Couldn’t they all just see that? Couldn’t they smell his bitterness? He pounced on Landon, both of them snaring and clawing at themselves. He put up a good fight of course, and everybody booed Landon. It was becoming a charade of beta against Gamma, and the members of the pack enjoyed it. It's not everyday you get to see your superiors at loggerheads, especially ones that were best friends. Landon was nodding Chase, while bearing his fangs, at the same time giving a loud howl, and Chase scratched his friends face, admits giggling from the crowd. “What is this,” Alpha Martin's voice sounded and the crowd dispersed immediately. “What is going on here?” he directed his question at his beta, but Chase did not reply to the wolf. He flashed his teeth and groaned in fury. “You two want to disgrace moon pack?” The Alpha said in his deepest wolf voice and while the gamma was trying to explain, Chase bared his fangs at the Alpha, and the wolf recoiled, then quickly snapped at Chase, as if just realizing he was superior to the wolf, but not before Landon noticed it, and many other members of the pack. Chase had had enough for one night, Martin’s was just being too wicked, he had lunched a war on the Mystique Shadow pack because he knew they easily out numbered them, and he had done so without any proof that Aaron was actually killed by a member of the mystique Shadow pack, because of the long family beef between them. “How dare you,” The Alpha growled at him, but Chase did not even give the man a second look, he galloped away, in search of his mate.
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