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“Wake up,” Beth was screaming and shaking Aurora so hard, you would think something terrible had just happened. Aurora’s eyes flung open, startled. How long had she been sleeping? It felt like a few minutes to her, because she was so tired, but the way the woman was shaking her was quite annoying to be truthful. “What time is it?” She asked. “It's almost 11 A.M and I'm tired of waiting for you to stand up yourself,” The woman said in a loud voice. “Keep it low alright, I'm awake,” Aurora muttered under her breathe, but she was still struggling to sit up. She was tired no doubt, and her body ached all over. For a brief moment, she stared around her, then at the woman's face who desperately wanted her awake. Yes, she was still in this unknown place, and she still did not know who she was or where she came from, the only events that played in her head were those of the previous night, of Beth and Collins, the nice family that had taken her in. She had believed if she slept she would eventually wake up to remember everything, but that was not so, and she felt disappointed. “Good morning,” She greeted Beth dryly, the sleep was gradually clearing from her eyes, and she realised she was still in the clothes Beth had thrown at her last night. She still felt dirty and she wanted to be cleaned up. “Good Morning Aurora, what has come over you? I had to come in here every hour to confirm if you were still alive. I don't want anyone dying in my house you know and you slept like you were under some kind of drug, what is wrong with you? I know you are tired but you have to get up now, it’s about time,” The woman was talking so fast that Aurora felt her head spin. “Alright,” She jumped to her feet and walked towards the bathroom to clean herself up “Stop sounding like I committed a crime sleeping, I was tired already,” She grumbled “And I need a change of clothes, these are more like rags, don't you have something better?” She shouted from inside the bathroom. Beth clearly did not like Aurora's tone of voice “You should learn to speak to me with some manners girl, I'm the one doing you the favours, don't sound like it’s your right,” Beth shouted back at her but Aurora just remained quiet as she washed herself up. She was not going to apologise to the woman, if Beth did not want to help her then she may as well let her out. She dried her body with the old towel in the bathroom and stepped out naked. Beth was already waiting for her with a change of clothes on the bed, and Aurora got into the dress without saying anything to the lady. She had promised she would be out of here by morning but that was not possible now considering she still did not know who she was or where to go to, and she knew Beth sensed that. “Get these on,” Beth flung the clothes at her “ You should not be so comfortable in your naked state, girl. Remember there's a man in this house, my husband,” She rolled her eyes. “Its hard to forget,” Aurora said under her breathe and started to dress up. “So what do you remember?” Beth asked curiously, “do you remember anything at least ?” Aurora folded her hands against her chest and pretended to give the words some thought, then she shook her head slowly, and it seemed like Beth was happy about that. “You can stay here as long as you want Aurora, and I will try and help you the way that I can, but you must not be rude to me or Collins alright?” The old lady said, looking at her for a response but Aurora said nothing. “You can start by cleaning this room after you have eaten, then I must show you around the neighbourhood. If you are going to be staying here then you need to get yourself something to do, and I'll get you a therapist that could assist you to regain some of your memories. You should probably get a job too, and I know it may be a little too soon and especially because you have no qualifications,” Beth paused and shrugged “Well, at least not any that we know of, but I know someone who can find you something,” Aurora stared at herself in the mirror when she was now fully dressed, she could not even recognize herself. It was no dream, she had slept and woken up already and there were still no memories in her head, she heard her wolf purr, and Beth felt it too, because she was no longer comfortable. Aurora pondered on her words for a while. Much as she did not want to stay, she did not know where to go, and her wolf was too stubborn, the beast was unsettled and it worried her. She followed Beth to the kitchen and Beth served her breakfast which she finished hurriedly. “I’ll be back,” She told Beth and quickly got to her feet, she needed to take a walk but Beth found it annoying. “And where do you think you are going young lady?” The woman frowned, catching her hands before she could leave. Aurora struggled and freed herself from her grasp, eyeing the woman. Beth jumped to her feet, fuming with anger, “This is my house, and you need to learn to live by my rules woman. You should tidy that room before stepping out of this house, you just can't leave now,” “I'll like to see you stop me,” Aurora retorted and stormed out of the house. Aurora walked a long distance before realizing she had been rude to the woman, and she immediately felt the urge to go back and apologize, she did not know where she was going to, and Beth had been very nice to her since they found her yesterday. The woman did not deserve the rudeness she had just given her, and Aurora did not know why she had to pour out the anger on her. She was stubborn, she had a rebellious streak, and it was all thanks to her unsettled wolf. The beast could not be tamed. She sat down on the sand and made a few sketches on the sand, why did she not still remember? And Beth was already considering getting her something to keep her busy, she did not want to settle here, her wolf did not want to. She thought of her next move, what would happen if she never remembered who she was again? What if she was a nobody? These people seemed nice enough but she did not want to live their routine life. If Beth got her a place, she could get some income at least, but she was not even good at anything. The only two people she had seen since she opened her eyes were Beth and Collins, surely there were other people in the world and she wanted to meet them, she would not regain any of her memories if she remained here, and although Beth said she was going to help her the way she could, she still had her doubts or maybe it was fear, but being rebellious would not help matters, she had to go back. “What you  doing out here?,” She heard a voice that sounded so close to her and her eyes met a young girl's that was not too far from her age, the girl was staring at her. “What do you mean?” She asked. “There are not many of our age mates in these streets, so it’s good to see you, My name is Eden, what's yours?” The girl extended her hands to shake Aurora, and when she did not give her any answers, the young girl secured a space on the floor opposite Aurora. She was human too, Aurora observed, does it mean she was the only werewolf on earth? Something was wrong, and she wanted to find out, her wolf was unsettled for a reason, and she needed to know who she was. “I’m Aurora,” She told the girl. “Aurora, that's a nice name,” The girl smiled at her revealing a set of nicely arranged teeth. She was beautiful, her hair was a deep  shade of brown and it fell down beneath her boobs. She seemed friendly, everyone she had met seemed friendly so far. “Did you just move here? The girl asked, but Aurora did not know what to say to her and Beth came in time to rescue her. “I see you both already met,” Beth commented. Aurora had not heard her come, but she was grateful when the woman showed up “She's a distant relation. She stays with me for now,” Beth answered for her, but Aurora did not miss the stern look Beth threw her way. “Oh,” the girl looked at her sceptically, “You seem to have a lot of distant relations popping up every now and then,” She commented but Beth just stretched her hands to Aurora indicating that it was time they went. “I hope I get to see more of you soon Aurora,” the girl commented “I don't have any friends around, and that's obviously because there are no many females my age to befriend in this environment,” “I guess you will be seeing more of her,” Beth commented, then she dragged Aurora out of the place. “What is wrong with you? You think you can walk out into the streets anyhow you like and people would not start asking questions? Why are you so stubborn?” She shouted at Aurora as soon as they were out of earshot. Aurora shrugged, “I’m sorry alright,” but she did not sound sorry and Beth looked at her distastefully. “Of course you are,” She said dryly “ I'll show you around the neighbourhood and introduce you to a few people that you need to know, and you must tell them we are distant cousins alright? You just came to spend some time with me,” Beth instructed and Aurora just nodded. No matter how stubborn she was, she needed this woman, her wolf was just being as stubborn as it could be but there was no denying the truth. “Beth,” She called the woman, “What is it Aurora?” The woman asked her. Beth was getting sick of the girls attitude in all honesty, she needed company quite alright, but this girl was proving too stubborn, and she needed to learn some lessons. Beth did not want to get too attached to anyone again, especially since the last girl she helped just walked away without saying goodbye, but she was getting so old, and she needed some company. Collins had been the only one around since the girl left, and he was becoming a little boring, if she were to be honest. She wanted a little bit of adventure you know, it was just how she was built, and Collins still did not understand her need to always have someone around, he was a good man, and in all honesty, he loved her despite all their occasional fights, most of which she knew were her fault, but she had gotten so used to him, and they were quite popular in the neighbourhood. “Am I the only of my kind?” She asked the lady. Beth pretended not to understand what Aurora was saying. “What do you mean?” She asked. “You know what I mean Beth, am I the only werewolf alive?” She asked again. Beth chuckled then, “Of course you are not sweetheart, there are many more of your kind, and with time you will meet them, but some of them are bad wolves, and I know I cannot tell you who to mingle with or who not to mingle with, you can make that decision on your own, but I feel the need to protect you, if only you will stop this stubbornness of yours,” Aurora nodded “I'll try to,” then she smiled at the older lady, who returned her smile back “This is your new home Aurora, I'll help you anyway I can, but for now, you just have to accept that you are stuck here with me and old Collins,”
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