1457 Words

7It was all over the local news the following day. “At least it keeps you out of the public eye,” said Dad laconically. Jed ignored him, keeping his attention on the television screen. A young nurse, found brutally murdered in Earlston Park, behind the library. She had been sexually assaulted before being strangled, then her body lashed to one end of the sea-saw. Jed felt something like a vice squeezing his heart. Dad leaned over the chair Jed occupied and let out his breath slowly. His voice sounded full of shock when he spoke. “Who the hell would do that?” Jed looked up, his eyes wide, terror rippling through him. He swallowed hard, struggling to control his voice. “Dad…I know her.” The police detective, a man by the name of Sullivan, took up most of the armchair on which he sat. He h

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