1348 Words

6Dad looked like he was tearing himself up inside. All this talk about Mum, it must have got his emotions all jumbled up and his eyes were wet. Jed hadn't asked him to say anything, but when he'd come home from seeing Matthew, it all sort of spilled out, uncontrolled and he didn't think he should stop the revelations in mid-flow. So, he just let his dad talk. And he'd spoken all about how mum had been treated in the War, how Matthew's father had beaten her, regarded her more like a possession, jealous and controlling. Dad didn't stop for a second, almost as if he needed to talk, to rid himself of the memories, bare his soul. Jed had known nothing about any of it, why should he? It had all happened long before he'd been born. “We met years later,” Dad continued, his eyes still clouded with

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