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8Remanded in custody. Youth offender. The words fell off Sullivan's tongue like treacle. He was enjoying himself, but then he probably had good cause. Jed had hit him hard in the mouth, chipped one of his teeth, causing his lip to swell like a small balloon, making speech difficult. He still managed a contented smile however. “You can go and visit him at Risley,” said Sullivan, squeezed in behind his desk, with Jed's shell-shocked dad opposite. “Perhaps you can convince him to start telling the truth, Mr Meres – the whole truth.” “I believe he's already done that.” “Well, I don't, and witnesses seem to confirm it. So, do him a favour – convince him.” The journey to Risley was long. Meres left home at around eight o'clock to get to the remand centre for his arranged visit. By the time he

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