Chapter 17 (Sacrifice)

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A long dirt road layed ahead and the warlock Stepan seemed very pleased with himself, he got what he wanted in a way,not killing that vampire king but taking his pregnant mate .The warlock now knew what he wanted to do and that would be to bring back his son from the dead to rule by his side again and go end that vampire king for good this time, they do say third time lucky. Morgan and her unborn pup will be his blood sacrifice. My son will be with me again soon and this time no one will take him from me again, that I will make sure of. Soon the dark mansion came into view and they lifted Morgan's unconscious body to take her to some cell in the basement dungun where two witches were to look over her , and make sure she is still alive because this blood ritual needs her and that pup to be alive for it to work after all so they vowed to look after her until the next day where he would start the ritual, but for now he needs to look out for the vampire just incase they followed.  Edward (Pov)  Back at the Vampire castle wolfs and vampires were helping the injured and wounded to the small hospital on the territory and cleaning up the mess left by the intrusion. Edward as in the woods looking to find a trace of Morgans smell but it lead to nothing everytime , this warlock fooled them and lead them to all sorts of places but never the real one, this made Edward mad and he felt frustrated all together not knowing what happened to his mate and the one question he asks himself over and over, why did he take Morgan , why not kill her, not that he wanted it but still this was weird and Edward could not think as to why this warlock would take a pregnant she wolf that was already mated and marked?.   "My king someone is here to see you she says she has news about our Queen Morgan", Markus says while looking to a devastated Edward, but once he hears this he looks very interested to find out what this person knows. "Good then where is this messenger then, let them come to me". Edward say but Markus looks a bit hesitant and so Edward walks up to his friend knowing there is more Markus wants to say but don't know how to. "Out with it what is wrong Markus?", Edward say and Markus turns around looking to the ground in the garden of his Queen they stand in. "The messenger, she,... she is my mate Edward". He answers not even sounding happy at all. "That is wonderful news buddy I am so happy for you, so who and what is she, is she from the west or north clan?". "She is a witch Edward!", Markus say ,but Edward turns him around worried. "What do you mean a witch?". "She is a witch and she saw them take Morgan to the south forest". Markus say and leave to go get her to talk to Edward. After seconds Markus brings the witch to Edward and I can see they are mates, I know the look in his eyes, I had it when I first saw Morgan in her fathers garden all those years ago and now my best friend has it too , but I pry this witch is on our side or eld I see trouble ahead. "My king this is Ilana the witch that saw Morgan", Markus say and she bows whitch was strange , normally witches bow to no one else. "Good day Ilana I am Edward the king of the vampires, Markus tells me you know of my mate and the warlock that took her?". She then stands up again smiling at Markus then at me. 'Good day Vampire king, yes and I am Ilana the white witch, and yes I did see that warlock take your mate and I want to help you seeing you'll need a witch to help you". she says rather outspoken herself and I see markus grin . "Good that will help me but why must I trust a witch  and why help me to find my mate that you don't even know". She then walks closer with Markus next to me now. "you see king I do know your mate and have for long , she would not recognise me now, but we were friends once when we were mere kids and she was always the one wolf that was nice to me, I knew her mother to and when her father took her I never saw her again ,but I looked for her and well I was in the forest as they passed and overheard then talk and I thought maybe it was my friend Morgan and it was ,and now I will help her and you if you want my help and well it seems I to found my mate, o and you will need a witch, he did a spell to cover his tracks and I can take it away" , she explains to him and this made both men look stunned. "Morgan is also pregnant you know and I have no clue to why he took her or why he came for me again?. Edward say but it seems Ilans knows the answer. "I know why my King, he wants to use her as a sacrifice, a blood sacrifice to be correct, that is what I heard them say at least". Edward then turn all red in the face and his fangs show ,this make Markus hold him in place telling him to calm down and so he does ,but still his eyes are bright red. "Why her, why?".  "A blood sacrifice is normally to bring someone or something back from the dead and he seems evil so to him she means nothing but we need to find her soon". This is where Edward swiftly disappears and left Ilana and Markus to them self . "He will be back dont worry". Markus say as he and Ilana walks inside to the office.   The next morning Morgan woke up with a big headache and saw that she was in a cold room that looked like a basement, but then two woman came to open the door. "Where am I and who are you?". "No one mutt just eat and lets go , no time for chatter pretty, today will be your last day, now eat we need you strong". the other witch say ,but Morgan throws the plate to the side . "I will not what do you want from me?". You.. " but then the warlock walks in smiling . "No leave I will get her myself, come Queen we have to go now and get ready". he says but while trying to take her Morgan struggles against him he seems strong . "Don't fight or I will kill your baby!!" . he says and so she calms down and walk out with him to another dark room with a lot of candles in it and this smell of thyme and garlic and something horrible too. "What are you doing why am I here and what is this?", Morgan say again feeling worried for their safety now. "Calm down " he says using magic to calm her and so they help her onto the bed where a witch stands over her putting some ointment on her head while saying some stuff in another language. And on the other end The warlock sharpens a knife but just as the start to cut Morgans neck the door slams open in in comes Edward, Ilana and some warriors of the vampire kingdoms. Edward looks to Morgan seeing blood on her soft gentle neck and the witch fighting with Ilana then he stormes the warlock, soon they gain on each other fighting one blow after the other and Edward not giving this warlock time to summon his magic but luckily Ilana rips out the witches heart with her two blades and the witch falls dead on the floor but then another witch is behind Edward and so she takes him on and still the two men gift blood dripping and just as Edward have the upper hand he hears Morgan moun and just as he looks away the warlock gets loose and disappeared into thin air. Edward then runs to his mate seeing her lie liveless and blood is dripping from her neck so he takes a peace of his clothes to stop the bleeding, why is she not healing she is a wolf, so he takes her in his arms running like no other to get her home to the hospital . At the hospital doctors were working hard and luckily Morgan was save and ok just a bit overwhelmed an dehydrated but she was ok and that was all that mattered, now they need to find that fu*ker and kill him...
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