Chapter 18 (He got away)

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Darkness falls to the lands and all is more quiet then yesterday .so it seems they will not find me now, they have outsmarted me once but not again , and besides a little witch helped them break my spell to keep them off my trail, I will need to deal with her soon, she is betraying us and me for what , her worthless mate .Once you betray someone of your own kind it is normally punishable by death but the warlock had made up his mind, he would make her suffer. The forest was quiet and so the warlock went to his other hideout where he found some of his witches and he was happy to see they were still alive, they took a hard blo from those vampires and he might have underestimated the Vampire King's power and that of his people and those wolfs that so love to bow to him, once the wolfs and vampires hated each other but now they build homes together, pathetic he thought. The warlock still wanted his some to resirected and went to his elders who were just as evil as him to come up with a better plan this time even though they almost had Morgan killed and sacrificed .  At the vampire kingdom all was not good, the enemy got away, a lot of vampires and wolfs died for that senseless warlock and that only was what has driven Edward to go find him, he knew the warlock was now a bit hammered and also needed to gain his powers and strength so he rounded up Markus and the witch that helped them find Morgan, one to thank her and second to ask for her help and in return he would ask her to stay if she wanted seeing markus was her mate and all, and Edward knew better then any not to keep mates apart from each other. "Ilans , Markus , please come in , sit, we need to talk", Edward say serious and so the two sit to listen. "First Ilana, thank you the Queen and I ..." But then just as he talks a very pregnant Morgan comes in smiling at them and Edward quickly gets up walking to his mate that was still fragile. "The Queen will come and say thank you on her own my love, so thank you Ilana, you not just saved my live but that of my pup's live too and for that alone I will forever be grateful to you".Morgan say as Edward still holds on to her and Ilana smiles. "Thank you Queen, it was nothing , I simply had to do what was right that is all". "Well then I suppose you are always welcome , it is good to know that there is still good in this world and you bring hope to many Ilana and I also just want to say how happy I am hat Markus is your mate, I hope you two are as happy as we are, not without tuburelance though but after every storm the sun will shine again". Morgan utter her wise words and it seems even Ilana is taken by those words as she looks to a blushing Markus . "I believe so my Queen and I promise to you and King Edward to always try my best". Ilana say and that is when Markus takes her hand and the two smile. "We wandered if you want to stay and join our clan if you wanted to?" Edward say helping Morgan to also sit. Ilana smile and look to her mate and he winks to her. "I would love to stay, and if I may I would love to help you find that warlock", Ilana say but Morgan cant help to wonder why this witch and new mate of Markus would want to help them so badly besides finding her own mate what derived her to help us. "If I may ask Ilana, why do you want to help us, why do you hate that man as we do?". Ilana then look down knowing she must tell them. "He is my uncle and he killed my mother and father when they did not want to help him in all this and they only wanted to live in peace ,but he killed them and so I ran and hid till I saw him again and overheard him and his followers, they had you and so I followed Edward to and found out my mate was Markus so I knew you would become my new family so I had to and in return get revenge for my poor parents". she says now looking sad. Markus then looks to Morgan almost pleading to take it easy. "Thank you , and you might not think so Ilana but I to know of the demons you have to face, I actually understand you and all you go through now, but don't you worry we will find him and then we will end him together, he dared to try and harm me and my pup and that alone got him a ticket to hell as far as I am concerned". Morgan say walking to Ilana and take her hand, the two women share a common enemy and also sorrow and pain but more importantly their mates were friends to , like brothers and this brought them closer.  "Thank you Queen", "No please call me Morgan". Then Edward stood up looking pleased at his mate and seeing her become a true Queen he always knew she would be. "Now lets find him and end him, Markus Ilana, come we must get planes ready and my love you must go rest still please, later the four of us can have dinner and we will enlighten you about the plan, he might have gotten away now but not for long I swear by the moon goddess I will not rest until I have his head",Edward say and so Morgan leaves to go rest as the other three walks to their men waiting for more orders.
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