Chapter 16 (Not a good day)

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After Mia went home Alex called me telling us the good news that Mia was in labour.I was so happy seeing she was in the territory when her water broke and not on the road.She was going to be a mother and to think I will soon follow was blissful indeed, come to think of it I still need to organise some baby toys we got and Edward took me shopping again to buy what we needed, he was so cute he even had me take a photo with my big tummy and I loved seeing him acting normal were at the castle he was the Vampire King shut out from the modern world, and I did not mind seeing I prefer the quietness rather then the town and all the humans and werewolf's running it. I don't remember much about my own mother but what I do remember was that she always tried to protect us from evil and bad people even tried to keep my father from taking us but she had no chance against him, I think about her every day and know that she looks over us.  The next thing I hear are a loud thud and then a sound like thunder , it came from outside I thought but my mistake was looking out the window to see this man stand in my garden killing some of my people, wolfs that was saved by Edward and some vampires to , so I ran downstairs to find Edward because his office is on the ground floor , I mind linked Dina ,but she did not answer and I was not able to shift because of me being to far pregnant so Star told me to hide, but I could not just hide while others die, I will not let it happen again.I came down the corridor and saw this evil looking wolf and he carried the stench of rotten food, I know this smell, No it's rogues so I wait for him ,so I take my stand to fight in my human form which I have started traing when I learned I was pregnant, a she wolf Alpha like me was just as hard to fight as my wolf would be so he walked closer sneering as if he saw my state and thought I would be easy. "You dare come into my home and kill my people, you will die today rogue".He then charge as I ask Star to protect our pup and she agrees. Soon he tries to bite me but I summon all my strength and hit him in the face so hard he falls against a small table that is when I take out my dagger and run slamming it into his heart . He died just there and my hands were stained with his blood but I had to do this , so I look over the rails and see no one , the coast must be clear so I walk down rounding a wall to see if Edward was in his office or wherever he was .His door was open but he was not there then I heard our men outside and Markus ran past me . "My Queen thank the heavens you are ok, go to the office I will tell Edward you are there the house is cleared for now you will be save", Markus say hurrying out , that is when I see a glimpse of Edward fighting alongside his men so I ran to the office, but as I want to close and lock the door I feel a hand over my face from the back so I struggle and try to fight but then I smelled this sharp smell then nothing, complete darkness..  Edward (Pov)  My castle and my village was under attack from the outside, how did they find us, I had a cloak spell over my territory to keep the outside world out and now someone blasted that old spell as if it was nothing done for me by a witch long ago when I first became King. There were rogue wolves and witches all over and I knew I needed to protect my mate and she was in the castle with some maids, so I told the clan to surround the Queen and protect all entries, but what I did not know was that this warlock was good and he was smart and it seemed he had done his homework, I saw him and I almost lost my mind,"You , what do you want after all these years you dare attack me and my home again?!!!, Edward shout as the rest fight all around them ,but the warlock laughs loudly with his eyes also glowing knowing he was the one from this vampire kings past live, he killed his mother and sister and destroyed their village. "O I just need what is mine and kill you this time", the warlock says while summoning fire again, throwing it to Edward that was to fast for him. "I will kill you first ", But then after another fireball he was gone and Edward was hit and helped up by his warriors . He had to find him, then Markus came running to him."The Queen is save my king","Are you sure, I cant mind link her ", "Yes sir she is now let's find this asshole and kill him". So they went on fighting and soon after in the blink of an eye the war ended as some of the rogues retreated and Edward send men after them, but he himself went to his office to get Morgan. As he came into the castle he saw Dina on the floor blood was seeping from her arm and she was in pain so he asked Marcus to take her to the inflammatory so the doctor can see to her but she cried non stop saying ,"He took her Edward, he took Morgan!!", Edward ran to his office and as he went in he saw no sign of his mate , he was beside himself with anger and guilt, what did he do why did he not come for her, now she is taken by him, that is when he took his phone calling Alex and all connection was off so he sat on the floor crying from anger about what had happened. It turned out to be a bloody bad day , Morgan was taken by the same man that killed his mother and sister all those years ago but why ?,how come he still looks like then, did he not age at all?. her light was gone and darkness soon followed so Edward send word to the Lord vampire of the north and west to help in finding their Queen too, and it was the start of a big hunt for this pest that dared to take his mate..
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