
Vampire and His Wolf Bride

small town
love at the first sight

Morgan was one day left to go for a walk outside the compound and that is when he saw her the very first time ,his mate.. But her father kept them apart , he told Edward the Vampire king to stay away from his daughter, but the vampire was never one to listen. Remember my first book :The bad boy Alpha?, well this is the second book!. Now come and let me tell you Liam's sisters story and the vampire king's....

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Chapter 1 (Where it began)
Sometimes life was good and other days it seemed bad, but our mother kept us safe from him, he turned into a madman, he wanted to rule and he was beginning to get power hungry as some may call it, and he never really cared for me and my brother Liam . He was never home and when he was ,he was cruel to our mother and even though my father was the Beta of our pack he always wanted to be more, to rule them all he always told me and Liam. I was the shy one, but Liam ... he was the strong one , he liked talking were I would rather bake with mother or sit in the fields enjoying the sun and flowers.But one day there was a storm coming that changed our lives forever and all the pack seemed to feel on edge already and so on this day my father got banned from our pack too, it was later said he wanted to kill our Alpha, and take his place ,but did not succeed ,so they banished him and allowed us to stay if we wanted,so my mother agreed to stay, but he came back for us even though my  mother said no she fought him off until he went into hiding for many a days.  One night before winter came to our door my father came back, but not on good terms , no he came to take me and Liam ,but only got me because Liam ran for help, sadly I was taken to some hide out in the woods were it seems he made a home for himself and a new pack it seems because they now called my father the Rogue King , so I was put into my own nice room ,but father told me to stay put and never leave. I was heartbroken too ,he was my father and so I stayed, he was never loving but he cared for me and made sure I was save , I almost felt like rapunzel some days being kept in a castle away from the world and it's evil as father would put it to scare me from running away, so the cold stone walls began to feel like home to me and in some way me being here kept him sane in a way and I saw it as my way of saving him from himself that is why I never tried to leave him.He was my father after all... The Rogue King, my father never really talked about what had happened ,but one day he was very mad hitting all he could and I just ran to my room hiding away from his rage and after about two hours of him bickering , shouting and braking stuff it was quiet once more and I thought he went to sleep ,but I was mistaken he went to get my brother and on that fateful night he also killed our mother as she did not want him anymore and he took Liam with the help of his witch friends spell's and brought him here , I was now 15 years old with long blond hair , blue green eyes and the most beautiful light skin like porcelain , small build but strong and Liam was 16 years old, also a very handsome boy for his age,I was happy to see my brother after all this time, but he was sad and he cried and then he shouted to our father the words that still ring my ears and haunt my dreams, "You killed our mother you monster!!!", Liam shouts with so much anger in him, but then father slaps him so hard he falls to the floor ,so I run to his side looking to my father with hate as to what he has done now. "Did you kill our mother father?", Morgan asked the Rogue Alpha and he frowns looking more mad at her question. "Yes because she would not come with me, she betrayed us and me and so I killed her and now I will start my plan for those idiotic fools", he says walking out closing the door behind him. "Liam, brother are you ok, ?, I am so sorry", I say to him wanting to help, but then I feel my own tears fall , but before Liam can answer me a man comes in taking me by the arm away from my brother whom I have missed. "Come your father said you must go to bed , he will not have you see Liam now, maybe tomorrow", the man says and I agree only because I do not want my brother hurt again by my father or me for that matter, so I walk into my room as it is locked behind me, not like a cell, no my room was big with a on suite and all so I just layed on my bed and prayed like my dear mother always taught us to do, she believed the moon goddess sees and hears us always and that she looks over us helping us find our way and so I pray to her to help us and guide us on the path we shall go on. My heart ached for my mother knowing my father killed her because she wanted to protect us from him and I missed her so much and now I hate my father for taking her away from us, he is a monster like I sometimes hear voices say in the corridors of this cave compound he so love to call home and now I believe it myself. I layed on my bed thinking of what my future could hold and if I would ever have my wolf seeing I did not get her yet and if you are a wolf one can feel your wolf already from the day you turn 12 years old ,but me I felt different , my wolf was dormant somehow and hopefully when I turn 18 she will awaken . "Morgan, are you asleep yet girl?", I hear my father on the other side of my bedroom door like he always stand and say whenever he felt he wronged me but tonight I did not wish to see or speak to him ,but because I somehow feared him I answered him in a cold tone. "Yes father ", Morgan replay . "Then I say good night then child and I am sorry for taking you from your brother , he just "..and then he keeps quiet and makes Morgan realise he knows what he had done. "Yes I understand father it is alright", goodnight father", Morgan says and cover herself more with her warm blankets. "Goodnight", he says back and Morgan hears him walk away feeling a bit relieved.  Vampire King (Pov)  Cold and heartless, monster is just some of the names they would call us through the ages, but me I was the King of the Vampires the monster of them all , even though I was not a true monster , we never killed humans as in the olden days , we tried to only hunt animals ,but well once called a name the rest will surely follow you so we grew used to it I mean we were not on good grounds with other creatures and I the King was still mateless and well young and stupid I presumed my mother always said ,but I saw myself as more of a ruler then a mate type like the werewolf's for instants. They wanted to find their mates ,but me...well I was happy alone with my clan of vampires and had plenty of woman too keep me happy and warm at night so to speak. My clan was more important to me then a woman and for a vampire it was not easy to find their mate, we were seen as the darkness and so the moon goddess simply did not like us as much as she did  the wolfs and well we did not like the wolf's either , they have killed our kind to many a times and for that one reason we kept out of each other's way . I was a man with many scares yet woman wanted me , I was the Casanova of my time and the scare on my face did not scare them it only made them to want me more, besides being very handsome I was tall and had dark shoulder length hair and dark brown eyes making me very mysterious to all that met me and because of the scare they came to think I was very evil so after many years I started to believe it and well today I am feared by many living in my big cold castle and not in caves like my forefathers did, I was more modern yet still oldschool in a way. "My King the lord of the west is here to see you", my best friend Markus comes to my office to tell me. "Fine let him enter", I say .And just then the vampire lord of the west steps in bowing to me his King. "King Edward how are you?",he says still bowing out of respect. "Good thank you lord , you may sit, so what do I owe this visit to?", He looks to me and like most vampires we seldom show emotions. "I come to tell you that some Rogues are starting to make trouble for us and I think you should know this my King". he says rather shaking knowing my powers. "Thank you I will look into it lord you may leave". This was not good the last time a bunch of Rogues gathered up troops was when we fought the big war and we lost many that day, but I will sent spies to see what they are up to. How can two worlds fall into play and become one, it is simple a clever man once said you only need to stir the pot and they will mix and once mixed it will be something new and exciting and then the new journey can begin... 

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