Chapter 9 (Star)

1117 Words
Lying on her bed Morgan could not stop thinking about her mate the Vampire King, he seemed so tough on the outside the first time she saw him ,but after coming here she has come to notice that he is kind and soft and so confidant it almost make her fall in love with him more then she already is. This date was just so perfect and even him being all nice and loving made her heart feel whole again. Just as Morgan wanted to get into bed she felt a warm sensation all over her body, what can it be, and then this unreal pain shots from her head to her leg, she thought for sure she is dying or something because she has never felt this before."Do not be afraid Morgan, I will be with you threw it all ,just look to your inner self and take a deep breath", Star her long awaited wolf say and Morgan sits up fast wondering if she is going mad , she swears she heard a voice . "Is someone there,oww !! if you are hurting me please stop!" Morgan pleads curling now on her bead from all the pain and heat she feels "I don't mean to hurt you human, this is just how it happens, didn't anyone tell you this before?" ,Star asks and Morgan shakes her head no. "Who are you , come out so I can see you damit". "Not yet Morgan, but I will tell you this , its me Morgan,, its me Star, I am here ". Star try to explain but Morgan still don't get it. "Sorry I don't know a star so show yourself before I call my mate who will rip you apart for hurting me so bad", Morgan say trying to get up but the pain is to much. "No Morgan I am Star , your wolf !", Star say a bit overwhelmed . "What ??" Morgan shouts and just then her door slams open and Edward has worry all over his face running to hold Morgan. "Morgan what the hell, are you ill?" ,Edward say and just as she realice Edward is in her room holding her in her nightgown the voice she hears now makes sense. "Are you really my wolf, am I shifting ?", Morgan mindlink and Star answers happy. "Yes and Yes, is this our mate?", "Yes he is". "O my he is hot I want him but for now let me help I will be here just relax ok". "Ok" ,Morgan say while a worried Edward still holds her . "I am fine , my wolf she came Edward, I am awww!!". "Are you shifting ?".Morgan only shakes her head yes and so Edward smile, but then he helps to steady Morgan helping her but being so close makes him so lustfull and she looks to him smiling. "Put me down now, I think I need to go outside". "Ok but I am coming to".  So Edward and Morgan goes outside and as Morgan sees the moon the pain almost gets worse but then she falls down and white fur starts to come out all over and Edward decide to take a seat and a few steps back, that is when infront of him stands this amazing big mesmerizing pure white wolf and on her tail she has this big golden patch and her eyes is pure golden, he reaches out to groom her and she licks his hand. "You are so beautiful Star, a true Queen", Edward say and Star bows to him looking behind her to the forest and that is when Edward knows she wants to run so he agrees and she is off.  The air in my fur feels so nice and refreshing like I have awaken."Thank you Star". "O it's nothing Morgan, you are me and I am you so of course I would help you out always we are one now, our souls combined forever, now come lets run a bit more then I want to go play with my vampire ". "OH no we don't play Star". "So you have not mated yet?" ,Star ask stopping from the run seems she was confused. "No not yet, I am not ready and you were dormant, o and by the way why only come now, I needed you at some points you know",Morgan say and Star turn quiet for a bit . "I had to, it was the only way to keep you save Morgan, you are not just a werewolf you are rare and well we are the daughter of the moon goddess and then there is you , you are a Alpha female Morgan, making you rare too ". Morgan smiles for a bit understanding now it all. "Thank you Star, Thank you". Star then looks to the moon and howl and it's like the moon smiles onto her child and so Star decide to head back to a worried looking Vampire walking up and down, he is very handsome Morgan". "Yes indeed." So Star come to a stand still before a relieved Edward and bows mind linking him which no one knew she could do. "Will you turn around so Morgan can shift please my love", Star say and Edward smile and mindlink back. "As you wish my love" .  That is when Morgan shifts and stands infront of him again in her nightgown. "You may turn around now". "Good, how do you feel?".Edward ask and her smile is so big it makes him smile to. "I feel so alive now, strong and confidante and like I have so much power in me". "That is good, your wolf is amazing". "Thank you yes she is and it seems she likes you to". Edward stops from walking turning to her. "Did she tell you so?". Morgan then walks past him laughing out of her stomach at this bold confidant man she has grown fond of over these past few days."Yes she did now come let's go make tea I feel cld now". Morgan say and so Edward agrees, but while walking to the kitchen he takes her hands in his and the two smile while walking hand in hand to the kitchen. The tea was made and so the two enjoyed it sitting around the table but then Star was in her head again. "Morgan the Alpha Queen ,...she wants to link us, can we?", Morgan then puts her cup down looking to Edward. "The Alpha Queen wants to mind link me". "Then let her love, go on do it".Edward inspire her and so she closes her eyes and concentrate on the link to her Queen.
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