Chapter 8 (Date night)

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Everything was planned out to perfection Edward went out of his way to create the most romantic Date night setting for Morgan . In the back of the castle was a  small courtyard also with a bit of garden, but not as big as the one under Morgan's bulgany , but is was just enough to wipe up a magical setting for a romantic time, Edward got some of his people to help him, between the two trees standing there a small half tent were put up and a lantern was hung in it to create the ambiance of light softly being in the background and on the grass they layed down carpets and cushions and blankets to give a cosy feeling and in the trees some fairy lights hung and on a small table stood champagne and some nicely prepared food with a candle and soft music played only for them to hear. "Thank you this looks great, I just hope she will like it", Edward say not sure of all this."She would love it, this will be the first date she has ever gone on you know my King", Dina say a bit worried for speaking her mind, but Edward look to her astonished. "You mean she had never even had a party or going out even?", "I'm afraid no , her father never let her out... she only knew of the garden she loved back there , but now she has you and you can now show her what it is she missed sir". "Yes thank you Dina".Dina smiles to the vampire king and as she leaves she looks to him again as if pleading. "My I only ask King that you take it slow with her , she is very fragile and should not be rushed". "Yes you have my word, only on her time".Edward reply and the maid seems happy with his answer so she bows and hurry to see if Morgan is getting ready.  In her room Morgan has taken out six dresses but it seemed impossible to choose one to wear. I need to impress him seeing he is my mate, but I do not want him to think little of me, o this is agony to decide and I wonder where is Dina, she was supposed to help me with this. As Morgan sits on the bed Dina finally comes in the door smiling happily knowing Morgan has a great mate even if he was a vampire, he cared for her and Dina knew he would never harm her, this made her happy but seeing the poor girl on the bed with six dresses makes her shake her head smiling. "So I guess you are not ready then my dear?". Morgan sighs. "It seems not Dina, I can not decide on one". "Well let's see about the red one ?, it is perfect for a first date and believe me it will be one to remember always child",Dina speaks her mind almost letting the surprise slip. "You mean to tell me you know what he is up to and you told me nothing,tell me Dina, what are we going to do?,or going?", Morgan ask exited while trying on the red strapless dress that ends at her knees , showing of her perfect physique. "O now do you want to spoil it Morgan?". Dina say helping her and then she stand infront of the mirror looking at herself. "No but ".... "No but's, just enjoy it , get to know your mate and be in love child". "In love?...". "Yes look at you you are young and beautiful still and you look stunning , now hair and makeup then you must go , come", Dina say letting Morgan sit down as she curls her pretty hair into locks and then she did a bit of soft makeup only to make her lips and eyes pop out a bit more knowing this King would not be able to keep his hands to himself and it would be about time they get this marking and mating underway soon,and hopefully this will bring her dorment wolf forward. All was quiet in the castle and a bit dark but Morgan was not worried so she stood in the hall as Dina said and that is when his scent hit her, he smelled like the forest and old spice with a bit of burnt wood , it was amazing, this was the first time she smelled him so clear and o my he was so hot and handsome she could feel her legs wobbly already as he neared her , He looked like a prince to her but with this sexy darkness in him, he extended his hand to her looking her up and down slowly as if seeing her for the first time, then his eyes turned red,was he going to eat her now ?, but then his eyes went dark again and he seemed shy. "I beg your forgiveness Morgan my love I did not mean to, you know.." he say almost lost at words but she knew it was his mate instinct and the thought of him wanting to claim her made her blush and he loved it. "No need Edward, believe me I understand , so come show me to our date ", she says all to exited and he was glad to see she kind of accepted him and their bond already.  "Before we go out I just need to say you look beautiful tonight Morgan and seeing this will be your first I want you to enjoy it and remember it so close your eyes for me ", And so she closes her eyes and he takes her hand and she moans as she feels his touch, he leads her outside and as they stand in the small garden he lets go of her and tell her to open her eyes.  Morgan (Pov)  As I open my eyes I see the most beautiful setting, it is like fairy's descended on the castle, there was lights and lanterns everywhere and it was just magical , I looked to him and he stood there with this playful grin on his face just staring at my reaction , it suited him when he smiled and he looked so handsome in this light ,so this is what a real date looked like. "So say something,do you like it?" He ask looking worried now. That is when tears of joy run down my face and in seconds he is next to me swiping it away . "Please don't cry , we can go somewhere else if you'd like,I am so sorry", He says worried,but I loved it. "No Edward this is perfect, I love it thank you".H frowns not understanding, "Then why cry my love?". She wipes her last tear and take his hands kissing them,"Because no one has ever done something like this for me,It is very special that is why I cry". And just as she was done with her last word Edward decides he could not wait any more so he leans in kissing her and she gladly complies kissing him back with so much need in her , he is a wonderful kisser , he then folds his arms around her small waist and this feeling of want grows in both their hearts. Morgan then breaks the kiss, but still stand in his arms."So I guess this is what we will be doing on our first date?" ,Morgan ask shyly and he takes her hand walking to the cushions sprayed out by the small table. "Yes and no, not that I mind, I can kiss you all night and day and in that dress, my whole life" , he says."Well let me eat first ok then maybe I will let you kiss me again", Morgan smiles while he looks so intrigued by her forwardness being very refreshing. "I think it is time for a drink to calm my racing heart", Edward blurts out getting the two glasses and the champagne from the table . Edward pops the cork and Morgan laughs because of the sound and the wonder of feeling happy at last and so she holds the glasses as he pours the champagne for them. He puts the bottle down taking one glass and she has the other. "To you my love". "No to us and this perfect Date", she says and so they sheers and drink. "This is so nice I can have this every day", Morgan admits ,so Edward then takes her glass putting it down with his,then lifting her up and as if magic some music softly plays and so he holds her so close as they dance on the beat , swaying . "I can smell your arousel Morgan", Edward says and she looks in his lustful eyes. "I am sorry it, its a wolf thing I am told, I am so sorry ". "I know, don't worry love I will not pressure you into anything, and at least now I know how you feel to". "I know you won't ,its just I have never". "I know Morgan you are still pure and when you are ready I will show you how much I want you ,but for now I am happy to just have this,to have you by my side". Edward say and makes Morgan smile laying her head on his chest. "Thank you ".She softly answers thanking the moon goddess for him. The two danced for a while longer enjoying this night to the fullest, then they ate a meal and talked while sitting under the stars. " So you love gardens right?"."yes I do, don't you?". "Well I do now", he says making her smile at his forwardness. "You always seem to surprise me Edward". "Good ", and while sitting they once again share a kiss ,but then it starts to rain and they both get up laughing running inside where he holds her in his arms again and hugs her so tight. "Thank you for a perfect first date, good night", Morgan says as Edward watch her go to her room and in his heart he knew he loved her more then anything and this was indeed the perfect Date.
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