Chapter 10 ( Two Queens )

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The next morning waking up to the warmth of the sun falling onto her bed made Morgan realize just again how great is was to live here and to be save and part of something again, last night she shifted and got to know Star her wolf and that alone was awesome in it self, knowing that she was a Alpha Female too and that her mate and her wolf liked each other . Knowing now that she was a Alpha female made her wonder if her father might have known this, being this also might be why he kept her locked away not wanting anyone near her, but alas that was history because after getting a mindlink from the real Alpha Queen of the wolfs she was in seventh heaven knowing this Queen wants to meet the newborn wolf seeing that it is a wolf thing because every new turned or shifted wolf needs to be introduced so to say to the wolfs King and Queen , it is a custom to all wolfs and showing respect to the royals .  Dina came in the door all smiles with a bunch of sunflowers in her hand, and she layed them down while getting a vase to fill with water to put them in and onto my dress table. "Morning dear and how do you feel today ?, seeing you are now part of the pack so to speak", Dina askas. "It's great Dina, I feel reborn and stronger in a way and well I am going with Edward to meet the Alpha King and Queen, so I feel very happy indeed, but who is the flowers from ?, they are so pretty making my day even more bright". "Well that is all good my dear just remember to bow ok , o and the flowers is send to you from king Edward, he told me this morning that from now on I should buy these sunflowers and others for you every morning if coming from the village side", Dina gives a trusted answer and Morgan simply can't keep herself from smelling them and enjoying their brightness, just like the sun. "O he is  just so thoughtful ,don't you think Dina ? , he really cares for me". Morgan sighs happily as she gets her clothes on getting ready to leave later on. "Yes he is and now that you have shifted, do you feel the mate bond more?". "O yes I do,it's more intense, but I told him I am not ready yet , you know for the next step and he understood". "That is good my dear, he is a gentleman, that is why". Just as the two finish talking about Edward he walks into the room smiling at them both. "Come my love we don't want to be late ". he says and bothe woman smile so Dina greet them a good day, wishing them luck on the road and leaves to wash some clothes. "I must say you know me to well my King". Morgan blurts out as her and Edward gets into the limo that will take them to the Alpha King and Queens home, it's a two hour drive and so he smiles at her. "Yes I think I do, did you like the sunflowers ?, they were hard to get you know". She smirks at him and feels how her heart leaps as he watch her closely, looking at her lips as she talks knowing he must be wanting to kiss her lips and she must say she wants to kiss again too."I loved them thank you, but next time I would prefer you giving them to me not Dina". Edward then turn more to her frowning. "Why  did she upset you, I thought Dina was like a mother and sister and friend to you Morgan, but if she is not nice then I will have a talk with her". Quickly Morgan stops him, "Heavens no Edward Dina did nothing wrong". Morgan shyly say,but she sees him getting worked up. "I only meant to say if Dina gave them to me then I don't get the pleasure of kissing you to say thank you, that's all I meant". He looks to her extending his arm to place his hand on her cheek to caress her and so she leans into his cold yet warm loving hand. "O Morgan may I kiss you now then so you may thank me then?" ,he whispers coming closer to her lips and the tension between them just grows wanting to burst. So she smiles indicating she also want him,and then he kisses her , he fights her lips for entrance and she allows him and soon their kiss becomes very passionate and driven, he takes her into his arms and her hands roam his chest and strong arms and then she touches his scare and this makes him retreat from her wiping his mouth and she feels stupid now for doing that. "I'm sorry love , it's not you it's just that my scar is a story for another day,I did not mean to...",  she smiles at him taking his hand in hers,"it's fine Edward I understand, I was just so into the kiss I wanted to feel you, I mean touch you sorry, I am new to all this, still learning". he then takes her into his arms and as she lies her head on his shoulder he kisses her ear. "I know my love, and just so you know every time we kiss it's so hard to keep myself from making love to you, marking you Morgan, but I will wait, forever if I have to", he says and lucky for her time passed and they arrived at the castle.  The door is opened and the palace she sees infront of her is magnificent almost like the Vampire King's just a bit more modern.That is when she sees the most beautiful woman and man stepping out arm in arm and so that is when Edward takes her in his arm as well and then they bothe bow. "Please do not bow to us, you are royalty too and our friends", The woman say and her mate and Edward smile at each other, but I stand in complete astonishment at her kindness and the love I can see radiate of them. "Thank you Queen Mia, and may I say you are just as beautiful as last time I saw you but I am afraid another beauty has my cold heart in her hands now", Edward say and the Queen smile at his jokes. "Then I shall not hold it against you Vampire King, and be warned she is my sister from the moon and if you hurt her you will deal with me ok", so come in and let us introduce ourselves", The Queen say and Edward simply laugh as we step inside . It is very grand indeed and one can see this Queen knew what she wanted in her home. "It is good to see you Edward" ,King Alex say reaching out his hand to Edward, Edward shakes it. "And you King Alex, this is my mate Queen Morgan of the Vampire Kingdom". Edward say proud and they bothe greet Morgan, "Good then it is our turn, I am Queen Mia and this is my mate and King of the werewolfs Alex of the Silvermoon pack, welcome to our home". Queen Mia say and at last they can sit . As they sit a waiter pours them some fresh juice and it is delightful to say the least. "So Morgan have you been marked?" ,Mia ask out of the blue and both men almost choked on the juice but Morgan only smile feeling a blush creep on her cheeks. "Uhm no Queen not yet, but soon". At this King Alex looks to his mate and then to a acward looking Edward. "Come Edward lets leave the ladys to talk, I want to show you something in my study". Edward  quickly agrees, kissing Morgan and then they were out the door like thunder was chasing them. "It seems men don't like talking about this, and please call me Mia,I want us to be friends Morgan,not so formal". Morgan humbly agrees."Ok then Mia, but it only feels weird calling you on your name, seeing we just now met, and well before the men return I need to get something off my chest too if I may Mia?" Morgan say nervously but Mia being a gentle soul takes Morgans hand in hers telling her to continue. "I need to apologize for what Liam and my father did to you and your mate Mia, they were so wrong to do that and I will never forgive them for hurting you and using you and taking you from your mate". Morgan say as tears run down her face now just thinking about it. "O no Morgan do not cry it's not your fault and certainly not your place to apologize, I trusted Liam too, cared for him as well once long ago and he was the one that betrayed me not you, but thank you it means so much to me and I just also want to say I am sorry for what they have done to you Morgan, if only I knew back then, Edward was broken when he came to Alex the first time in need of help to get you out of there, he longed for you and when he helped Alex he helped me too and for that I will always be thankful to him ". "Thank you Mia", Morgan say and then the two woman, Queens hugged each other like old friends would. "Now tell me why do you call me sister then Mia? , not that I mind but I have not been called that in a while since Liam". Mia smiles a bit sad," I get it and even I am sad it had to be like this but they were trying to kill us even you and we must move on from it now, no matter how difficult some days might be, you know Morgan Liam was my friend or so I thought and I almost left Alex for him , they put me under a spell too, but thank the moon goddess it did not work, and now I am free as are you for that only we should be happy at least", "Yes I agree , and I believe someday I too will understand as you, but now I just want to concentrate on me and Edward and what I dreamed about". Morgan say. "So did you have a dream of the moon goddess to "?. Mia ask a bit worried. "Yes and she said that I am her daughter and that my wolf is special and that you and me are sisters and also that I will bring us together". This only made more sense now to Queen Mia, she almost had the same dream the other day and a few others from the moon goddess. "I see so this means we are indeed her children Morgan for she had blessed you to as she did me and look where you are today, you are here and as we speak our mates are signing a treaty and alliance so her words were true indeed, now you have to form the bond and mate with Edward "."Yes I know this but I don't know if I am ready , I want to but...". Mia smiles at her innocent new friend. "O believe me you do not need to be afraid Morgan he looks like a gentleman and we can see he loves you as you love him , just let it happen and you will unlock so much wonder like me and Alex did". "I believe you Mia and I promise to try ". So after this deep combersation the two Queens went to join their mates and after they had a nice long dinner getting to know each other a bit better and this was good because not only did the two Kings seal a strong Alliance between werewolf and vampires the two Queens sealed their own bond of sisterhood that will last forever not even knowing this was the moon goddesses plan all along for their futures will be a sheard one indeed.
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