Chapter 15 (Planes made)

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Blissful is what Morgan felt on her pregnancy journey and all in the Kingdome knew how difficult a pregnant woman could be and still they loved morgan , she was getting bigger now coming closer to her due date seeing werewolf's only carry for six months, not like humans that carry for nine months and that was something Morgan was gratull for, her body was changing and she was feeling ugly like most mothers do but Edward was a sweetheart he took her into town spoiling her rotten and she loved it. Morgan was to see the clan elder doctor today to see the s*x of the baby, but somehow Morgan had a feeling it will be a girl but did not want to say anything, Star was also in seventh heaven about their pup and Edward was giving order for a new baby room to be decorated to lighten his pregnant Queen's heart and mind.  "Are you ready to go see our baby my Queen?", Edward came in asking while Morgan was getting dressed and her big tummy was on display. "Yes I am love , come lets go". So the two go to the doctor and once there Morgan was helped onto a bed where the doctor placed some cold gel on her tummy , then the ultra sound and in seconds a sound came to light , it sounded like a train coming into the station and this made the doctor smile and soon on the screen appeared the picture of a healthy baby . "So let's see if we can see the s*x". the doctor say and Morgan inhales sharply while Edward looks pale. Then the doctor points to the screen and look to the two new parents. "It's a girl your majesties, and she is almost ready to come into this world".This makes Morgan cry and Edward smiles holding his mate in a sweet embrace. "Thank you doctor",Edward thanks the doctor so she leaves them to share this moment alone.  Morgan was happy about the news of them having a girl but most important the baby was growing and she was healthy, that was all that really mattered, "So what will we name her , seeing it's going to be a girl?" Edward ask happily. Morgan smile and think of all the names she liked but there were a lot to choose of. "I don't yet know,and you what names do you like?", But then Star answers Morgan. "Why not name her after Edwards sister the one that he loved so much".Star say helping Morgan and come to think of it it was a great idea to think of. "Thank you Star you are great, I think he would love it", Morgan say back to her wolf and all the while Edward smile knowing Morgan was mentally speaking to her wolf and he was not wrong because she was. "I have an idea edward and I think you would love it". Morgan say as they make their way out to go home again. "O well tell me then, don't keep me in suspense", Edward say sneaking his arm around Morgan but she did not mind while being pregnant she loved her mate's touch. :Ok well Star gave me this idea, she said we should name our daughter after your sister Edward, in this way we will honour her memory ". Morgan say and Edward seems dumbstruck but then he smiles."You would really do that love?". "Yes I would , I know what they meant to you and I know loosing her and your mother was bad and in doing this we will only remind ourselves what family means to us and that we will always fight to protect her no matter the cost, she will be special Edward, I just know this, so she needs a special name that has meaning to you and to our people".  Edward was never more proud to stand beside Morgan as his mate , he knew the moon goddess chose Morgan to be his for a good reason and for that he will always owe her .He smiles as they arrive home opening the door for her to go in. "Thank you Morgan I would love it and I know my sister would have to". He says and so the two hug ,but then Markus and Dina comes to the door to greet them and so Edward smiles proudly."It's a girl".Edward anounses and both their friends smile. "I do not mean to be a party pooper ...,but I really feel tired so I really think of lying down a bit and I want to feel better by tonight  Queen Mia Is coming to have dinner with us so I want to be rested" ,Morgan say and Edward agrees letting her go while Markus takes him to the office for a drink as friends do. "Morgan I am so happy for you, a little girl, that is just wonderful child", she says while helping Morgan on the bed. "Yes it is Dina, I am so happy just tired". "Ok now rest I will wake you in about two hours so you can freshen up before your guest comes for dinner ok?" ,Dina says covering Morgan with a blanket and leaving her to rest. Soon Morgan drifts to sleep and so in her dreams the moon goddess decides to visit her, needing to talk to her . It's like I am walking in this big garden and somehow it looks familiar to me but I don't really know so I look down and feel better at seeing myself still pregnant so then this must be a dream ,but then I see the moon goddess, she is just as stunning as ever and this time she seems more worried so I walk to her smiling as does she. "Moon goddess you come to visit me again ? ,but why in my dreams?". "Hello Morgan, yes I had to come, it is better this way and saver, but let me look upon you , you are glowing my child, she is growing fast and she will surely be as beautiful as her mother with the will of her father, she will be loved by all and she will be very special indeed just like you and Mia are if not more so"."Thank you goddess ,but besides my unborn daughter why do you visit me again?"."I have come to warn you Morgan, evil is not far behind, it lurks everywhere and you must protect her at all costs, he will come for you... but do not worry your mate will protect you Morgan". "What? who? , what are you talking about goddess, Am I in danger?". "Yes you can be, that is why I came to warn you ". "Ok but when?" ,Morgan say holding her tummy. "I do not know , I only see what can bee not what will be , and one more thing the Queen of the Wolves will come to see you, do not keep her long send her home , her son is eager to come too , he is like his father, strong and brave, take care Morgan and know I watch over you all and Star too".Then she was gone and I was so overwhelmed I shook my head ,but then I heard Edward call my name and as I opened my eyes he sat on the bed with me looking very worried. "Love are you ok?", I look to him and feel grateful that I am ok. "Yes just a dream", I say not wanting to get him more worried about me . "Just a nightmare, nothing more, how long did I sleep?" , I say and he strokes my ace . "Almost three hours that is why I came to wake you when I found you in this state". "O I see well then I better get up Mia will arrive soon and I can't wait to see her also pregnant". "Yes looking forward to spending the evening with two very pregnant she wolfs, non the less I to am happy she will visit you love", Edward say as he leaves me to get dressed. After getting dressed Morgan was mindlinked by Dina that Queen Mia has arrived and so she went to greet her friend. "Mia welcome, you look stunning as always", Morgan say hugging her friend and Queen. "O my and you too Morgan you really look pretty to, pregnancy suits you ". "Thank you now come in , I have to hear it all , lets go have cake and some tea?". Mia smiles handing her overnight bag to Dina and so the two is of to sit in the garden which Morgan was so proud of seeing it was her favorite place ever. In the Garden a table with cakes and all things delicious were set out for these two to enjoy . "Now tell me when are you due and the s*x of this baby?" ,Mia ask wanting to know more. "One month and well we are having a girl". Mia smile brightly. "That is wonderful I hope our son and daughter will be good friends too as we are". "Yes  me too ,and when is your due time?", Mia looks a bit down looking a bit uncomfortable,  "any day now the pack doctor said so now we wait". "O my are you not afraid to travel then?". Morgan ask worried while the two eat some cake and enjoy some tea. "Not at all I know I will be save and tomorrow morning I must leave early, but as soon as both babies are here we can do this more often". "Yes that would be great but I need to tell you something Mia". "Ok go on". "Ok well, the moon goddess came to me in a dream warning me of some evil, not knowing what or when and she said I must protect my baby and well also tell you to return home early ". "O my why ?". "I do not know, but she also said our children's destiny's will be one, I think she meant they would be friends like us, but it worries me". Mia then puts her cake down. "I had the same type of dream Morgan last night ,but I did not tell Alex or he would not have let me come here, does Edward know of your dream?". "No and I do not intend to tell him now". "You need to right after I leave which I will then do tonight, we will tell Edward I was needed home and had to go". "Ok but what if we need each other?", but then Star talks in my head with her wolf. "We are sisters not just in this world but in other lifes too, we will came to one another's aid if need be, now do a blood bond as sisters so we can freely have a seperate mindlink only to each other". this was strange but they did it each cutting their hand sealing the now new bond of sisterhood.  After all this the two carried out their plan and Mia was on her way home after dinner, but just as she arrived home she went into labour with her son the New future Alpha King...
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