Chapter 11 (Hot tub)

1146 Words
The moon was at its fullest peak tonight and even the air was light and fresh, it was the perfect night for a stroll in the gorgeous garden's of the Silvermoon pack,this is why they called it Silvermoon pack because the moon seemed silver more here then at home, but still it's so peaceful and Queen Mia did say that I should go and take a moonlight dip in the natural hot tub , according to her is was most delightful on a full moon, and I think I will take her up on her offer to go see what it's about seeing Edward and Alex might still be busy,and I have time on my hands. So then Morgan goes looking and it seemed a bit dark ut one could see the bubbling of the water and the hotness could be felt on my skin so I walk closer and just as I came near this big bold musheled figure comes around the corner and in all his nakedness I get such a fright I swiftly swing around closing my eyes but by the goddess I think I saw a godlike man, perfectly build shining in the moonlight and that sent, o no its Edward? alone naked at the hot tub. "What the hell Morgan, I almost had a heart attack and you can open your eyes now I have pants on again", Edward say and so I turn around ,luckily it was dark so he could not see my blush. "I am so sorry Edward I thought I was here alone and you were still with Alex in the office". "Ya well I thought you went to bed already so I came out , Alex told me this was a nice spot to relax and well the rest you now and saw", He says looking so cute and so I just laugh at our child like behavior.  "Naked Edward really?", Morgan smirks and he shakes his head. "Off all I just said you only think of my naked body my love, I must say I am flattered ". "O please don't think to much of it , so are you going in or standing outside? , Morgan say wanting so much to be with Edward seeing it really is beautiful out here just like Mia had told her."I will if you would join me, it does look nice and warm and I much rather share it with you then be alone if you want to that is", Edward say still looking like a greek god standing there making my insides boil and Star is puring even in my brain wanting also to be near her mate. "Ok but you go in first",and close your eyes, no peaching", Morgan say and so Edward steps in making all these sweet sounds stating that the water must be nice, so he then closes his eyes and I take of my clothes only getting in in my underwear but the lust is hanging thick in the air so once I am in the water overwhelms my body and it is so nice . "Ok you can look now". he opens his eyes smiling , o man his hair is already wet hanging on his sexy broad shoulders making him undeniably handsome . 'So do you like it?". "Yes it's nice , and you"?. "Yes now that I get to share it with you too". he says coming closer and his eyes go a bit darker.Not even this hot boiling water can beat the heat these two make and feel towards each other .  "If you were not mine I surely would have taken you for myself", Edward say standing closer to her loving her skin in the hot water and her hair falling to perfection on her body, the steam is clouding the rest of the tub and it seems they are the only two left in this world. "And I think I would have let you Edward, I would have let you take me in a heartbeat", she admits to him, he never wanted so badly to kiss her as now, then he reached out touching her bare shoulder, her skin soft as silk in his hand, then he move in slowly like he is afraid of hurting her. "Kiss me Edward", she says breathing heavy from the exactment and so he does he takes her in his loving strong arms pushing her hair behind her ear and then kisses her . It's like a dancing of the tango , passionate like a fire that wants to burn everything , this is when he slides his other hand down her silky back touching her like he has never touched her before and she lets him enjoying his tenderness, at her neck he sniffs her sweet sent grazing her skin with his now extended canines not wanting to mark her yet but the lust is ever growing now and soon she can feel the want he has and she realise she is also feeling this but she does not want to become a woman in a hot tub, no it must be romantic and special, not just because of lust or the bond."Are you ok Morgan, am I moving to fast for you love, tell me to stop and I will". he says out of the blue.Soon their tongues were at it again not wanting to stop,she made it clear she wanted him as he did her,then she moved away getting some air, their eyes met as they parted , he wanted her too and the moonlight was not helping. "I think we should stop , I want to don't get me wrong it's just , not here in the tub, it must be special". "ok we will wait then but at least let me kiss you more for now and let me hold you ".She desperately wanted to keep kissing him so she went back into his arms and kissed him again his hands were sneaking all over her body landing his hand  on her hips pulling her closer as she could feel his erection,bulging only for her, this was enough to make her weak to the knees. "Edward", she says and he smiles a bit sad. "Sorry love it's just what you do to me". "well then I suppose we should go in and call it a night, tomorrow we go home and then we can talk about this", she says and he agrees while getting out to get them both a towel to dry with. "In the palace everything seemed rather quiet so he walked her to her room and said goodnight  this must be the most difficult part to them both knowing they needed each other but not here, no only in their own home will they seal the bond of love becoming one .
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