Chapter 12 (Home)

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The word 'Home', means place of peace , a place where you can be yourself were your loved once are. But it  never had a real meaning up until now for Morgan, it was always a word used in story's but never in Morgan's world till now, now that she is free , and being with her mate the Vampire King , Home is now where he is, were she has a big old library to call her own and a place were nor her father or her brother could ever hurt her again , her place of peace . A place they wanted to go back to ,and as Morgan and Edward said their goodbyes to the Alpha King and Queen leaving a special place behind they were both happy to go home to the Vampire's castle and it was true what they used to say, 'your home is where your heart is'. It will never be easy saying goodbye to friends, but knowing they will visit again soon gave them hope and something to look forward to , new friendships were formed and bond's were carved out to be enjoyed for a long time to come. This made the moon goddess smile at her children knowing they are on the path to fulfill their Destini's and that she did the right thing to restore peace once again, but she knew this peace will soon be disturbed by evil again ,  how can one live if one has not yet learned the meaning of live and so this too will come to test them and she only hoped they will prosper.  "Are you happy that we are going home my love?" ,Edward ask Morgan who seems a bit sad. "Yes very much so ,but I will miss them, they were so nice to us and I think I have a new found friendship in Mia, she is a tue Queen Alex and the rest of the werewolfs are lucky to have her".Morgan says with a happy smile .Edward knew what she meant and even he did not think he would become good friends with a werewolf King but it seems one must never say never. "I agree they are true leaders but you know we are also and I think as soon as we arrive home we should introduce you to the clan, to my people and then I can claim you as Queen, it is long overdue, you are a Queen to and all should know this". Edward anounses and Morgan smiles, this means so much to her because this means he wants her to rule at his side and now she can. "O I would love that, to meet them all Edward , but don't you think they would mind, I am not a vampire you know, I am a wolf. "Yes but you are a true Queen and they will be stupid to not accept you Morgan", Star quickly say in my brain also purring from being so close to Edward, and I know she wants to be with him to . "They will love you as I do and the once that doesn't I will deal with ", he says but she frowns. "What do you mean deal with?". "I mean, I will try change their mind and tell them how great you are , do not worry my Queen they will like you , you worry to much". "Fine but let me talk to then to ok, so I can tell them my side as well so they can see I want to be their Queen". Edward then takes her hand in his loving his mate even more now knowing she wants his people to like her and accept her. "You see you are already a true leader and Queen , you always think of others and only that alone will make them see you as their Queen and my wonderful mate"."Thank you Edward, it means a lot, I really want this you know even though I was scared in the beginning, but now I know you are kind and that you would always keep me save". He pulls her to him hugging her in a warm embrace. "I will you are right, no one will ever harm you again, that i promise", now look we are home my love", Edward say and she almost jump from her seat seeing Dina standing waiting to greet them. The car comes to a stand still and they open the door and being so happy Morgan jumps into Dina's arms. "O Dina it's so good to see you, are you well?". Dina smiles happily. "Yes my Queen I am , welcome home". "O good and yes it is indeed good to be home Dina, come I have much to tell you, Edward I shall see you later if that is fine?",Morgan say and ask and he only smile at her instant cute face that he will do anything for. "Yes of course my love I have some arrangements to get to , I will see you later", he says and she comes to him kissing him on the lips and he is happy to return the affection she now shows to all the rest. In her room Morgan tells Dina all about their visit and about the Alpha King and Queen , but the part she really wanted to talk about was their passionate encounter in the hot tub and Dina was so red in the face from blushing she almost passed out. "That sure sounds like you had a great time and well I think Queen Mia is correct, I think it is time you mark him and he you seeing he is clearly wanting to announce you as his mate and Queen tonight ", Dina say helping Morgan into another dress seeing her blush. "I think tonight will be the night after he claims me Dina, I think I am ready to become his completely" ,Morgan admits and the old woman smiles taking the hair brush to brush Morgans beautiful long blond hair.  Edward (Pov) "Ok Markus so all is set for tonight right?" ,Edward ask his best friend. "Yes my King ,but are you ready ? , you seem very nervous which is not a good look on you, you must be fierce man". "Ya I know but she is making me want to be better , you know and I think I like myself more when I am with her, she is pure and good". "Yes and our Queen, but you have still not marked her man, so the clan is worried". "I know, I want to give her time, but I have this feeling tonight she will be mine,now go and get everything ready please". "Fine see you later loverboy". Markus say swiftly leaving in inhuman speed before Edward can scold him again for mocking him. I just hope she will let me mark her as mine and I hope she wants me as I want her. After a long wait Dina and a vampire maiden came to Morgan with a white lace ball gown and it was simply amazing, it screamed Queen and also a tiara with a pearl hanging on her forehead,"Its stunning where did you find this?" ,Morgan ask and Dina and the girl smile."It was the King's mother's dress my Queen and he wants you to wear it tonight, it is custom for wolfs to wear white is it not ? ,on their mating night?", the girl say and Morgan miles blushing at the thought of him and her making sweet love under the moon. "Then I shall wear it with pride thank you Nina", Morgan say and Nina bows smiling . and so they help Morgan into the dress and she looked like a vision in white,like the moon was indeed blessing them with a Queen tonight . Morgan looked prefect and so they made their way to the big dining hall only used for big events like this. As Morgan ascended Edward smelled her and when he laid his eyes on her he was blown away , she was his and she was everything. Soon the ritual began and so by blood they were joined , just like a wedding only vampire and werewolf style so to say. "My people tonight I have claimed my soulmate and your Queen  Morgan of the Vampire Kingdom. While saying this everyone sheared and was very happy. Then Morgan stepped forward looking to Edward and he smiles. "Thank you for welcoming me into your home and into this clan witch I already feel fond of. As your Queen I want to let you know that I will never think myself better then you, never rule you wrong and forever stand alongside my King to serve and protect you no matter the difference in what we are made of", with this all the vampires and wolfs that came with her bowed showing respect and acceptance towards their rightful Queen and then they stood up again shearing as Edward puts his arm around her kissing her tenderly on the mouth that is when Morgan whispers to him.  "I need you Edward",Morgan say and it's like this wall comes down between them. "You meen what I think you mean my love?", Morgan smile as everyone continues the blissful celebration. "Yes my love that is what I want and need ". In one swift motion Edward pick her up in his strong arms ,looking to Dina and Markus as if telling them that he and Morgan will retreat the fastivaties now to seal their mate bond and in understanding Markus nods to Edward and Dina too. Running Vampire style they are in his room in seconds and as they come in Edward lays Morgan on the bed , it's so soft and bigger then her's ,but that is the last thing on is mind as he straddles her . "are you sure you are ready my love?". "Yes I want you Edward", she says and that is his cue to kiss her and she replies with so much need. he explores her small body and making his way back to her neck he licks the marking spot knowing this is it so he loosens her dress slowly while attending to kiss her soft skin, soon her dress was of and she was only left in her under garment, his eyes turned red at the sight of his beutiful mate and she then took off his shirt loving his sent and seeing his body up close her hands could not keep from touching him to exploring him as she has dreamed of so many times since meeting him.While kissing her two canines appears and as soft as he can he bites her and the extasy she feels bring her so close to collapsing that he quickly licks the little blood awat healing the two small holes and then in moments the two holes becomes a dark moon tattoo and so she flips him on his back now holding him captive underneath her body and he loves it, her taking charge of him  so Morgan leanes in kissing him leaving his hands now roaming her body as she leans in and marks him to on the same spot and he too gets a dark moon mark , soon the two made sweet love and even it being her first time he was gentle and kissed every spot on her body loving and admiring her beauty as only he can. Soon after going at it four times already Morgan ended up in his arms and he was in heaven that is when she touched his scare again ,"Will you tell me what happened to you?". "Many moons ago I was a normal boy like many others, but then this warlock came to my village, wanting to hurt us but I stood up to him , not wanting him to take my sister but then he countered a spell, I was to slow so he hit me and my sister, she died that day and I was left for dead , that night the village was quiet and so vampires found us, me, they had to turn me or I would die, so then they took me and this is who I am today, and from that day I bare this scare", he says looking a bit down. "I am so sorry Edward, but know this , I love your scare it is why you are a great King and a wonderful mate, thank you for telling me this". As she finished he took her in his arms again making love to his mate binding them into blissfulness.
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