Chapter 13 (Back to the past)

1066 Words
The village was rather quiet today while me and my sister went to wash and hang the laundry ,but there were rustling in the forests around us and so I told my sister to take the laundry and hurry back home to tell mother about the noises I heard and stay inside so I can let the elders know , I walked closer listening very carefully to what I hear and that is when a man comes running from the fields all bloody like he was attacked by wolfs , it was scary, he screamed from pain and so more came running , this was when I realized we were under attack from them, wolfs and this man in a black cloak, I decided to run home and as I did I saw villagers lying dead everywhere and these rogue wolfs were attacking them and that is when I saw him for the first time facing me as I ran ,he was a big bold strong man , and it seemed he was a warlock as I saw him do his magic spurting fire from his hands onto the roofs of the homes, I needed to get home to protect my mother and sister ,but as I came in closer the door was open and so me also being just a boy I took a stick that layed on the porch to defend us but on the floor my mothers lifeless body already layed to still and I knew then and there she to was gone from this world ,but now I needed to find my sister . As I came into he kitchen I saw the warlock holding her and just as I try to hit him he swings around catching the stick taking it from me throwing my sister to the wall killing her instantly then I cursed him so he wounded up his magic again and hit me with it hard, I fell to the floor hard and all I can remember was seeing my home burn and my sister and mother dead ,then I past out . The next hour or so everything began to quiet down a bit as I opened one eye and I heard sounds as if something or someone was fighting this warlock and his rogue wolfs then the door opened suddenly and this grey haired man stepped in, he was pale as milk and had this smell of death to him ,but he picked me up in his arms telling me to hold on as I felt the blood on my face thicken more and my eyes felt heavy again, he laid me on my old bed and that is when I felt the live in me leaving me he looked to me . "Boy I need to transform you now or you will die like your poor mother and sister, I can save you", he said  but I did not fully understand him and then I saw his two big vampire teeth come out and his eyes turned redder so I knew what he was, so I nod to him but did not think I will make it and then darkness came again and I was gone from this human world forever. The old vampire took me to his home a castle and there I grew up strong and learned all the ways of the old vampires, how to fight and how to live again. Through the years I looked for this warlock that took my family and my live from me leaving me with a scar on my face , to even the playing field, to make him suffer like we did to kill him and have my revenge, but I never found him. I then took over from the old grey vampire as it was , he was the old vampire king and decided to become an elder making me his heir . That is how a new vampire king came to pass. The vampires loved me as they loved him , respecting me . Later I learned that this old vampire King that saved my live was very much in love with my grandmother and always vowed to protect us that is how he found me saving me. He told me how he fell in love with a human girl ,she was not his true mate so he had to give her up and luckily he found his real mate afterwards ,but this warlock killed her long before I was even born so he and my grandmother stayed friends and she asked him to keep an eye over us after she passed on and he did. The old vampire also told me about this warlock and that he was good at hiding ,but prophesy's told  that I will meet him again one day seeing the elders believe I am chosen for this path and then I can have my fun with him. I was always very ashamed of my scare because it was a reminder to me who I was , how I felt like a failure and what I  still overcame and who I was meant to be one day and when I met my mate I thought she would hate the site of me but she included me in love and loves me just as I am. This warlock is still hiding but every day the feeling of him getting closer came to be more realistic and so I wait for him in the dark, always waiting to take his mislabel live as he did my mother and sister all those years ago. When I saved Morgan I though that was him who helped the Rogue alpha but he was too young so I still wait for the day I meet my past again this time he will not harm me so easy seeing I know their ways now , how they work and I will be ready.  Some say the past will come back to haunt you and it does I used to get nightmares about him but since Morgan came to the castle I do not get them anymore, she is he light Mrs. Grey the elder wolf of the Silvermoon pack told me and now I believe it, one only need the light to shut out the dark, and for me she is my light in the darkness..
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