Chapter 3 ( Meeting her)

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The day started like any other with the sun coming up to remind us of the new day that we are given a new beginning , a new start to start over if you must or to save what you could lose ,or a day to see what you might have in the future and a birthday to someone that might not want it, but Morgan took it as it came, she felt alone ,but the hope that maybe her wolf would come today was still in her mind . The knock on her door made her worried , it was early still so who knew what it could be so she walks closer, "Come in", Morgan says and the door opens with a cake and a smiling face behind it.  It was Dina bringing her a cake, how thoughtful of her to remember. "O Dina you shouldn't have," . "Well I did ,no birthday is one without cake and so I baked you one seeing we are friends as well so what do you say?" ,Dina says laughing kissing Morgan on the head and putting down the nice looking cake. "Thank you Dina it looks so good, shall we then taste it too?" ,Morgan says and the two smile while sitting down. "Why is it that we always eat alone ? ,Dina, where is father and when can I see Liam?" ,Morgan ask not really in the mood for celebrating or eating cake alone again just like every year. Dina looks a bit sad as she cuts a piece of cake for Morgan knowing the hell she is in . "O love do not look so down , let us eat this cake I made for you and be jolly, you will see Liam again soon and who knows maybe your father will let you out today again" ,Dina says in hopes that Morgan will try at least to enjoy this . "Fine lets hope then and give me more cake please , it looks delicious, Thank you for doing this", Morgan smiles while taking a bite of the chocolate cake and it's very nice indeed that is why Dina is the main cook , she knows her stuff. "Only for you", Dina says watching Morgan enjoy this bit of plesuere.  Edward the Vampire King (Pov)  I do not like to be summoned by this Rogue Alpha King and today he better tell me why my people still suffers from his inability to keep his wolfs in line. I thought we had some understanding or a alliance if one could call it that ,but if he keeps attacking I will not stand down, not again,he thinks to himself. So Edward readyed himself for a visit to see the Rogue King again and give him a chance to explain himself and make work to fix this and to see if the rumors about his son was true, if this Liam boy was now a monster. Edward was never scared off the werewolf's but being a King he had to try and keep the peace first and if not they will soon come to know of the powers vampires possesses and it will not be pretty at all. For some reason Edward wanted to dress up nicely today mainly to impress all that sees him hopefully, but still it was not like him to do so and still he did.  Morgan was sitting in her room once again reading her book when there once again was a knock on her door, only father could come ."May I enter Morgan"?. her father asks and she jumps up glad to see him so she opens the door and indeed it is her father standing with a new book it seems, something he always brought her. "Yes father you may come in , I have cake that Dina baked and it is quite nice , would you like a piece seeing it is my birthday"?. Morgan ask and she sees a bit of a smile but then it was gone again. "Thank you daughter but not today , to much to do, but I brought you another book, and happy birthday and well I thought you might want to walk in the garden a bit today seeing I will be busy". He says and she doesn't even care that he doesn't want cake she is so excited to see the garden again that she smiles happily. "Thank you father I would love to", Morgan say and so her father leave after handing her the new book and so the warlock working for her father stands to wait for her to take her outside. This was indeed the best day ever for Morgan, she had cake and a new book and a small smile from her father and she was 19 today turning into a very beautiful woman whose beauty would cause war's indeed, her blond hair was longer now and her eyes more open and alive ,but her skin was still pale , it still looked like porcelain so she made her way to the gardens and once she saw it again she was so happy all the flowers almost made this place look real, it was like this garden did not belong in such a cold place but still it was her piece of heaven and she loved it. As she stood there looking enjoying the sun on her skin Liam came walking to her smiling and as soon as she saw him she ran to him hugging him with so much love. "Liam how are you brother, I have missed you but Dina said you were sick", Morgan says out of breath. "Yes my lovely sister I am glad to see you too and do not worry I am fine now, the witch helped me and I have not felt this good in years, so happy birthday Morgan", Liam says while giving her a single sunflower which was one of her favorites  since she was little. "O it is pretty thank you, so will you sit awhile with me?". "I wish I could sister but duty calls and I need to go but tonight perhaps we could have dinner together?". "That sounds nice yes". "Good then tonight it is, enjoy the sun" , Liam says while walking away again leaving Morgan feeling so blessed in this moment..  The Vampire King arrived at the Rogue Alpha King's compound home as he called it himself and even though Edward felt irritated something felt off to him, something was happening and he felt this urge to go near and so they do making their way to the entrance and the nearer they came the more he felt it , a bond, a connection, the wind blew past the vampires and only Edward was so taken by the lovely intoxicating smell ,so he strayed from the rest and walked until he saw what looked like some garden and as he came closer he thought he saw the sun and she was an angel also it seems, her beauty overwhelmed him, this was what he smelled, his long awaited true mate, but wait … she is a wolf, so he walked closer staring at this vision he did not think he would ever find.He found it weird that she did not sence him, she is a werewolf after all he could tell by her distinct smell only werewolfs carry , mabey her wolf is still dormant he thought so he walked closer to her and that is when she felt a precense and she saw the most handsome man ever standing infront of her and then he kneels taking her soft porcelain hand in his strong yet cold hand. "All the world I have travelled and nowhere have I ever seen such beauty and grace before, you may not feel it yet, but you malady are my true mate and I your love slave for eternity and beyond if you should want it, marry me and let me love you always", Edward pleads almost to a stunned Morgan. She miles to the man with the cold hands and dark eyes. "Sir ...but I do not even know you", Morgan shyly say and he smiles back . "My name is Edward I am the Vampire King ". She looks a bit shocked but now it make sense the cold hands, the pale face and the dark almost red eyes and a faint smell ."Well I am Morgan daughter to the Alpha of the rogues and ...", but just as Morgan want to say more her father storms into the garden , not happy to see what was happening before him, her father was outraged, she was still a child in his eyes even though the vampire was to in a way.  Her father came closer wanting to take her away ,but Edward stood from the ground, his eyes now turning to red like glowing fire. "Step away from my mate Rogue King or so help me I will take her by force !!! ". The vampire King Edward says to a angry Alpha and a now  scared Morgan."No she is my daughter and she is to young, you can't take her away she is to young", The old Alpha says and that is when Edward see how scared Morgan looks, her happy smile is gone now only replaced by fear, this makes him mad and sad, if only her father would let them be but he retreat from her even though it kills him, she belongs with him now . "Fine Rogue King but as soon as she turns 21 years I will come for her and if you refuse me I will wage a war and kill all of your kind old man, she is my true mate and she better be ready", This is when Morgan felt  scared so she ran into the building ,but her father would not let me go after her ,all his men and this warlock stood before me , me and my men hissed at them but I decided to stand down for now, but seeing her hurt and afraid was not good, so now I only pray she will give me a chance again, so I look to the Alpha King and decide to go to his office and ask him about the problems and he told me he needed me to help fight the so called war against his rival, the true Alpha King and so I told him if he keeps his word about Morgan and my people then I will help, so I left but my heart stayed behind only to return again soon hoping to see her again if only a glimpse...
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