Chapter 4 ( Two Alpha Kings at war )

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About one or so years later the New Luna Mia of the Silver moon pack was kidnaped by the Rogue alpha and his son Liam , this made the Vampire king wonder why he ever said yes in helping the Roue Alpha , he was not a nice man and an even more evil wolf, he turned his own son into a monster hybrid only for his own gain and used good people for evil but the Vampire King did not like helping him anymore so he started to retreat even though he knew this would not be good if he wanted his mate without troubles between them and if it will then he would simply face it head on because he grew sad without Morgan near him and hat is why the Vampire King decided to send a scout vampire to warn Alpha King Alex about the Rogue Alpha and what he was doing, he had enough of this rogue and his empty lies, and he wanted his mate Morgan seeing the Rogue Alpha keeps her locked away still and won't let Edward se her at least now and again, and this alone made Edward mad as hell.  The scout went to the Royal Silvermoon pack wanting to ask the Alpha King to speak to his king so the two could meet and have a long talk. It would be a meeting between werewolves and vampires that has not happened in many years. But Edward knew something and King Alex would listen one king to another .After the scout messenger talked to the Alpha King he agreed to see the vampire king and granted him access to cross into his territory .  The scout returned telling Edward that the Alpha King Alex would see him , so Edward took two of his own warrior vampires to go visit this Alpha , hoping he would not be as power hungry as the Rogue , some did say that Alex was a true Alpha King , he cared about his pack and his people. At the castle they walked in and saw Alex and out of respect the kings Bothe bowed and so Alex shook Edwards hand . "Welcome to the Royal Silvermoon pack , I am Alex The true Alpha King of all wolfs and you can feel assured you will not be harmed today, unless you want to fight us, which I doubt seeing you are only three, so what brings you to us"?. Alex says to Edward smirking at the wits of this Alpha." Thank you Alpha King for this warm welcome , it has been long since we really smelled your kind , so close to say the least, and no we do not come to fight you , not now ,  but we have news not trouble" ,Edward say."Fine... so did you come to mock me sir ?", Alex ask back. The vampire smiles at Alex. "Believe me Alpha it's not what I intend to do but all jokes aside I have news on your Queen", Edward say and almost immediately Alex's face turn pale  and the worry is back in his eyes for his taken mate. "So speak then man do not keep me from knowing about my mate!!", The angry Alex now say grabbing Edward by his neck holding him almost in the air, the other two vampires hiss at Alex and his Beta and gamma stands next to help if needed but Edward shows his men to stand down knowing how this Alpha feels."I assure you Alpha I mean her no harm , I come in peace to help you", Edward say softly and that is when Alex relax and lets him go backing up to let him explain .  "Thank you Alpha, now you see your Queen, Luna has been taken by the Rogue Alpha and seeing we are in the same boat I think we can work together in this rescue" ,The vampire say all to calm so Alex let him speak more. "I know who the fool was and is that took my mate "."But how do you know and why do you want to help me?" ,Alex ask. "Well Alex you see this Rogue asked me long ago to help him kill you and in return he would leave my people alone ,but then one day when I went to see him I met my mate and it happens to be his daughter Morgan ,but when I wanted to talk to her he almost beheaded me, not that it would be easy for him but still he kept her from me, he keeps her locked up in a room and even though he said I could have her when she turns 21 he still won't let me even talk to her not once and well now I am ready to go get my mate , he is still killing my people and he even turned Liam his son into some hybrid and well he has your mate now too captive for his sick games". Edward explain and with all this Alex understand all too well . "Fine I believe you and I must thank you for being anuest with me Edward not many have been , let's make a plan and get our mates from that scum", Alex say and with this the two Kings start making planes to end this so called king of the rogues and take him from two sides , save their mates and be done with it.  Soon they were done and the Vampire's king walked out but then an older woman stops him. "The Vampire King I presume?", she says smiling walking closer to a frowning him. "Yes and you are?", "O I am elder Grey the Alpha is my grandson, but before you go I would just like to tell you something", "Sure by all means elder Grey", Edward say. "No need to be scared King, it's a good message I bring you,... Your Mate, she is very special and will be the one to bring two worlds together  again, keep her safe, she is precious to the moon goddess and will be to you to, she will be afraid of you at first but show her the light King", She says smiling then simply walks away  again. Edward soon return home to inform his own elders and his clan of the news and they are all standing beside him wanting to help and form a real alliance with the real Alpha King . Morgan (Pov)  Time flies in this compound and with little to do I tend to try do some other stuff but nowadays Liam comes to visit more and for some reason father not as much, but I have come to deal with it , Dina only tells me about what is going on and yesterday I heard yelling from some woman but still nothing more, every day I think and dream about Edward and wonder why he has not come again or tried to see me again , it saddens me ,but Dina says father told him to stay away, it seems strange not being close to him , he was so captivating that day like he stepped out of my dreams and even though I could not feel the bond I knew somehow who he was to me and it made me happy ,father said we could ask the witch to break the bond so I won't need to have a vampire for a mate and I told him no and since then it is like father hates me now, how can I break a mate bond ?.  Im near 21 years old now and still no sign of my wolf nor my father , the other day I saw him ,but he looked like he was under a spell himself, he looked evil and shouted at me for nothing he wanted to slap me again only asking about the Vampire King but his witch stopped him with her woman ways deceiving him taking his arm leading him away from me , he was not the father I knew anymore so I went to my room but this warlock whose name I still do not know follows me and it seems like he can unclothe me with his eyes which gives me the greeps some days . "You may leave I know my way to my room", I say a bit irritated. "Yes but I like walking with you Morgan it pleases me", he says luckily Dina sees him and he quickly disappears and I am so happy , then suddenly Dina takes my hand walking to fast to my room."What's wrong Dina?", I ask . "Come to your room now, we are under attack'. she says and for the second time in my live I feel afraid again...
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