Chapter 2 ( Trouble in the West)

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 Nothing could be kept out of reach and so the new Rogue Alpha made big waves attacking a vampire clan in the west and that is the reason that the vampire lord went to see the Vampire King himself. The Rogue King was said to be dangerous and it was also said that the new werewolf King had taken over from his father , so the world was changing once again and so Edward sent spies to the west as he promised to see what this so called Rogue King looked like and what he was up to, which turned out to be bad and on call the vampire King saw this Rogue King and they talked and the Rogue King told Edward what his old pack did to him even though he told the wrong side to the story ,but Edward believed him and that is the day the Vampire King would always regret because he did not know what a manipulator the Rogue King was and so the Rogue King offered an alliance against his own kind in place of his own people . "So Vampire King if I leave your people at peace will you then help me in my mision?" ,the Rogue King ask as Edward clare at him not liking the smell on him , the smell of death and so the vampire King agrees shaking the old wolfs hand. "Yes wolf I do , and you better keep your word this time", Edward says and in seconds he is gone only to be back home to meet with his clan elders and other Lords to tell them the good news, some were happy but others were not , the one Lord said he heard a rumor.  "My king if I may, we heard this Rogue King is going to turn his own son into a hybrid and try take over the wolf king and now we tend to help him?" ,the lord of the south says rather worried ,but Edward swiftly goes to him in inhuman speed. "Yes Lord, rumers and it is none of my or your business what he does at this point, he has company with witches and I do not wish to fight him... I would rather stand down and let him deal with his own war, it has nothing to do with us at this point, so trust me ok". Edward say and the Lord back down again and soon after the meeting was done and Edward wanted to go to his room to just reflect on today .  Rogue King (Pov)  The i***t, he will soon learn not to take me as a fool , I will show him after being done with this Alpha King that I care not for his people only for myself and my son and daughter, nothing more, at least I know he will be no more a problem to me." Get my son and take him to the dark room to the witch", the Rogue King says and the man walks out to go get Liam, for today he will change his son into something better a hybrid, wolf and warlock , stronger, faster and bigger and then he only needs the black book and the diamond along with the pretty Mia then he could rule this world as he was supposed to rule it .  "My King they are ready for you and your son is not happy he keeps shouting , fighting the witch", the warrior says to the Rogue King and that is when he hurry's himself to them only to see his one and only son being very difficult indeed. "Son if you do not calm yourself I will kill your sister and feed her to the witches' monsters or sell her to the vampire King, so choose now, if you choose wisely you can become a god and your sister stays alive , so what will it be?" ,he asks and Liam stops ...looking to his father with tears streaming down his face knowing what he must do to save Morgan. "Fine do it, do as you please, but know this father I will never forgive you for this"!!. Liam shouts and that is when the witch continue with her work on him turning him into a monster ,a hybrid that will one day be just like his father only to protect those he love.After this day Liam was never the same again . Morgan (Pov)  I have not seen father or brother for a few days now and something told me father was out again doing whatever he does to have this world at his feet and Liam I have no clue about either , it was like evil was always on the other side of my door waiting for me, but I kept praying to the moon goddess to send my wolf to me ,but she still did not answer me so I will keep on praying ,for it brings me peace after all and so I take a book from the shelf and decide to read a bit but then I hear the cries and sounds of a man shouting , pleading, who can that be?, I throw my book to the floor running to my door to try hear more ,but the sounds dim away and suddenly after the sounds went dead my whole body feels like it's burning and so I run to my window opening it to let the cold air in and it helped, who was that, and why was he shouting?, Why did I just feel that, mabey that witch did it to me for being nosy again, I just pray it is not Liam, but no ,father won't hurt him would he?.  Nothing in this cave was ever just ,so I waited for my handmaiden to bring my lunch hoping she could tell me what was happening , she would some days read to me and when I was good father would let me walk in the gardens he specially made for me and it was pretty, but I never had the pleasure to enjoy it alone there was always some guards or fathers friend the warlock that gave me chills to keep me from running or from getting seen by the outside world ,it was my piece of heaven this garden and I loved it dearly. Soon the knock came and it was Dina, on time and never disappointing with the meal she brought me. "Morgan how are you this morning?", she ask and I take the try from her eager to hear what she might know. "Good, now tell me what happend , I heard sounds and shouting and how is Liam ?, can I see him again?" , Morgan let loose and Dina smiles. "Slow down love you might pop my ears from all the fast talking and questions, Liam, he , well he is fine he was sick so your father asked the witch to help him ,but he is much better now and no ,you may see him in a few days and your father will see you tomorrow ok, now eat up", Dina says to a frowning Morgan worried about Liam and what was wrong with him. "So father is still sleeping with that witch I take it?". "Yes but it is not our business Morgan and I suggest we rather read and you eat then talk about your fathers love live". Dina says taking the book that layed on the floor walking to the big window to sit and read for Morgan while she devours her meal, baked fish with salad and a piece of apple pie . "Ok fine ,read woman I will wait till tomorrow then", Morgan says finishing up". Yes and your 19th birthday", "Great wonder what book father will give me this year?". Morgan says and so she lies on the big chair at the window listening to Dina read to her after eating and so Morgan falls asleep ,but her dream is always the same one of love and her wolf and a man with this strange face, always standing in the dark to hide away, but there is this peaceful feeling of wanting and love when she is close to them and this makes her feel saved and wanted so dreaming like this was what she always looked forward to with the worder in her who this man is that looks to her and over her in her dreams.
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