Chapter 14 (Good news)

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 All seemed good at the vampire castle these days after Edward and Morgan sealed their claim and marking each other , then Morgan moved into the Royal bedroom where she would be with Edward her mate and King . The new room was much bigger and over the last two weeks Edward has given word to all that this is now Morgan's castle home and whatever she wanted goes and what she did not want also goes and it was like a couple moving into a new home for them. Morgan had some of the curtains changed to lighter ones saying the castle was a bit to dark ,but aside from that she was happy and she also began to clean up all the gardens and started a online course to finish schooling too ,that was what made her happy, Edward loved seeing Morgan happy and Mia also send word that she was indeed pregnant , "O Morgan are you ok dear, why do you cry?" Dina ask worried as she puts down the garden hose looking to Morgan with a letter in her hand, a letter is very old school , so this meant it was news shared the traditional way. "I don't know Dina I just read this nice letter from Mia and felt like crying , can we stop this gardening awhile I need to have something to eat its like I have not eaten in a while", Morgan say taking of her garden cloves walking inside with Dina on her tail. In the kitchen Morgan walks to the table getting an apple ,but Dina goes to get some juice and two glasses. "Why did you cry Morgan, and don't tell me no lies girl". Morgan puts the apple down, O Dina you are my friend right?". "Yes my queen you know I am why ask me even?".  Before answering morgan walks to the fridge getting some pickles in a jar , opening it to eat it."Good then tell me why on earth do I feel like crying? ,Star tells me its hormones but I think not, and it feels like I am ever hungry nowadays too". Morgan say and Dina smile handing her the juice having some as well. "My dear when last did you have your period come?" , Dina ask and Morgan thinks a bit and it seems she is a bit lost. "I think last month and a was suppose to have it already, o my word Dina it has not come yet, it is late!", Morgan say putting the stuff she was eating away looking all pale now."Then I will send a girl to town to go by a test Morgan , I think my Queen you might be pregnant to". This alone made Morgan feel like throwing up and so she ran to the bathroom emptying all she ate.  A baby , what will Edward say, Morgan then came out and Dina handed her a glass of cold ice water and showed her to go rest on the bi armchair. "Are you feeling better now dear?". "Yes much, thank you , is the test here yet?". The old woman then hands her the test and Morgan takes it with shaking hands and Star is pouncing inside my head as if she already knows and so I closed the mindlink to Edward knowing he would be very worried and would most propobily come looking for me but I wanted privacy, so I needed to hurry up. I went to the bathroom and closed the door.  Edward (Pov)  I was in my office busy looking at some planes to build a new school on the territory when suddenly I felt a shiver in my spine and when I wanted to mindlink my lovey Morgan I could not get through ,it was like she blocked me so I looked to Markus and he instinctively knew something was wrong, so I sweeped to our room but nothing then the kitchen and as I opened the door Dina stood there as if guarding the door . "Morgan are you in here?" I shouted and just then the bathroom door opened and seeing her lovely face she had tears running down her face with a big smile almost going around her head, this confused me totally."What the hell Morgan, is something wrong?" , She then look to Dina which all of a sudden looks extremely happy and me well I am still standing waiting for an answer and then Dina walks out taking Markus with her closing the  door. "Love talk please,why did you close the link, are you ok, I am stressing over here please say something", I say and she comes to me hugging me without a word and because I love her so I hug her back and then she looks into my eyes kissing me and I kiss her back, "We love you Edward, and we want you always", Morgan finally say,but he is still puzzled. "I know my love and...", but then it dawn on him what did she mean by them?."Love what do you mean by We?". she shyly smile softly touching his cold scared face she truly love so much. "By we I mean I and our baby Edward". Morgan say touching her still flat tummy. Edward almost shout out how happy he is ,but he lifts her in his arms embracing her in his arms. "Are you serious Morgan are you pregnant?". "Yes my love I am, are you happy as I am?". He looks to her smiling, now he can see she was really glowing just like he had thought she was since a week ago. "Yes very happy indeed my love , you are giving life to my child and for that I love you even more'. "O Edward I am so happy to hear this". Morgan say and before the two could again make love Star was out and so she and Edward decided to go for a run in the forest to celebrate their good news. "Star you are a magnificent creature to me and now we will have pups too", Edward say as he caresses Stars Fur while the two watch the moon and in her mind Star thanked the moon goddess for their blessing but then Morgan shifted back to her human form looking to her mate . "Edward , do you think our child will be normal or a you know, a hybrid prince or princess?" ,Morgan whispers, for who knows, the woods might have ears. Then he mindlinks her. "I do not know my love ,but if so he or she would be kept save and we will teach them how to use it and control it . This thought alone made Edward worried, if their baby is a hybrid it meant big things were to come it has been a long time since there was a wolf and vampire hybrid, something that they never really thought of till now and something they needed to take into account if it should be so , Hybrids had more power and was not easy creatures and so their journey began ,but little did these two new parents know what gift Morgan carried in her tummy , but soon they would know . In the meantime the warlock described himself as a tree following the pair every night as the came to visit the moon not knowing of him lurking in the dark and tonight he heard about Morgan being pregnant , luckily not about the child being a hybrid mabey, but still he knew and that is when he knew  what he wanted to do , a sacrifice of pure love, a baby to bring his own son back from the dead. But as he stood there making planes the moon goddess also looked over them blessing them and that is when she saw the warlock making planes in his head for her wolf daughter , so she knew she had to warn Morgan and soon , this baby will be  the future and no harm must come to it.
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