Chapter 19 (The hunted)

1109 Words
Time is ongoing it doesn't stand still for one moment is goes on and on and as it does not one clue comes as to where the warlock could be , days seemed to feel like weeks and still no sign of the evil that was still in their minds like it all happened yesterday. Morgan was also getting close to deliver her pup and Edward was out searching for the warlock but as he and Ilana came into the castle Ilana froze in her steps looking and then taking Markus hands in hers that is when he sees the vision she sees and Edward just stand worried as to what is happening now. "What is wrong Ilana, Markus, damit man tell me!", Edward say getting worked up. That is when Markus looks to Ilana as if telling her through their mindlink that she must tell Edward what she just saw. Ilana then looks to Edward. "My king I just had a vision and it tells me that Queen Morgan is near giving birth but she is not save here, the moon goddess wants her to go stay at the Alpha King and Queens castle till we find this warlock, it is better this way", Ilana sipill it to him and he is not happy about this , "why does she talk to you in a vision?", Edward ask and that is when Markus steps up to his friend. "Edward Ilana is ...", He says but cant get it out. "What damit , what is Ilana?". Edward say looking to her again and she smiles. "My king I am Ilana the white witch guardian to your daughter that will soon come into this world, I am her protector her mear shadow, her warrior and I will be her Godmother". Edward stands shocked at her revealing this to him. "What , how and how do you know all this?". "I saw it in a dream and was visited by the goddess herself one day when I still lived in the woods but now it became clear as she is almost coming and I must prepare to take up my duty, so just now as I stepped into your castle I felt her , we have a eternal bond my King , one that can't be broken or forsaken, and if she goes so must I until you find the evil that wants her". Ilana say and again the two men looks taken back. "So Morgan must leave and you must go with her?". "Yes I must, only this way you will find the warlock and she and the Queen will be save, and then we will return home again". Markus then takes Ilana by the hand kissing her head as Edward walks up to go see his mate and give her this new news. "You need to go with her don't you my love", Markus say and Ilana smile. "Yes she is my destiny as are you Markus ,but for now we need to keep that pup save from any evil so you can do your duty as will I". He looks a bit sad but agrees holding his mate too "Fine , love as you wish ". In their room Morgan was having a nap and as soon as she felt and smelt Edward she stood up but he looked somber and sad and tired too. "Love come rest a bit with me, you have looked everywhere for that man, come you need rest". "No Morgan my love we need to talk first", "Ok fine what's wrong  talk to me then". Morgan say feeling worried. "As we came in Ilana had a vision, it seems she gets them from time to time but anyway her vision was from the moon goddess, and she needs you and our baby to be save and they want you to go live with the Alpha King and Queen Mia , only till the baby is born, and Ilana will go with you to also protect you", he says and Morgan frown but in the meantime Edward asked through mindlink that Ilana also comes to speak to Morgan to tell her the rest. "What why I am safe here with you and why must Ilana protect me love?". Morgan say standing now feeling a bit overwhelmed by this news. But then there is a knock on the door and Morgan opens it to find Ilana standing there. "Ilana can we help me and the King are busy talking you can come back later". but then Edward stops her. "my love Ilana  MUST TELL YOU SOMETHING TO!!, Edward say hard and loudaking Morgan shiver. "Fine come in then Ilana". "My Queen I don't mean to anger you but it's true the moon goddess gave me a vision and she wants and needs you to be save so we must go". "Fine but why you too I can look after myself you know". "Yes My Queen I do know but I am more there for you pup then you even though I would protect you as well", "Why My Pup?" ,Morgan frowns not understanding. "You see I am a white witch my Queen and I am also your daughters guardian , her protector,you see she will be a Hybrid Queen someday and I am chosen by the moon goddess to train her , to protect her and guide her as are you, but she is my destiny and my true Queen" .This alone makes Morgan sit down . "So you are her guardian, a white witch, that means my daughter will be very powerful indeed and that is why you are here, not really for me but for her",now I understand", Morgan finally say and Ilana walks to Morgan taking her hands. "I will give my life for her my Queen and guide her as best as I can following your great example too "."Thank you Ilana this is a lot but it gives me peace to know she has you too now come we must pack, and we must call the Alpha Queen Mia first". ", "no worries I have already and King Edward also called King Alex and they agreed to it". "O ok then good, let's get packing then". Morgan says while heart and wolf is not happy , to be away from Edward but it was to keep their pup save so surly that must make this worth it. As Morgan and Ilana packed for their journey Markus and his King was already busy to make more planes for their hunt , and soon the warlock would once again be the hunted.
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