Life and Death

1471 Words
**Third Person (POV)** [Kaarmanet, The Lospien Ocean] Cahaya was ready to let go when her protector kept repeating "Hold on my dear! It isn’t your time yet!" As her Protector's soul let go of her hold, jerking Cahaya's body on the bed of the ocean, the black box of ashes that touched her body just as it jerked glowed a teal hue as if it was signaling someone; which it was! The owner might just be able to sense it and come… Vann was sitting by the academy, fulfilling his duties when he felt a sudden pang in his heart which shocked him to the bones. "Haven’t I been dead for years with no body? How can I feel pain in my heart?" He thought as he felt an undeniable force call for him desperately. He looked around to see if he could see or hear who had called for him but there was.... no one, only the empty buildings of every department waiting to be filled with students once the year began. As the call came out even more desperate and the pain intensified, he decided to reach for the source. Vann concentrated on the source of the call and willed to port himself there as his spirit glowed tale hue, being a spirit certainly had its perks. When he opened his eyes, to his utter surprise, he found himself standing on the Lospien, the magical ocean that had his ashes resting on its bed. Vann had searched high and low to try and reach his ashes so he could resurrect and have his body again, to no avail. Yet here he stood looking at the ocean as the soft teal glow came from the ocean bed matching his own spirit’s glow. This could only mean one thing and one thing alone.... she needed him; the love of his life needed to be saved. Without a body though, he could do close to nothing.... but his ashes could but... if he did that, though he would never be able to revive! " It doesn't matter, my love! Even if I cannot spend a life with you, you will still live! That’s all that matters! It doesn't matter if I never met you, I still love you with all of my heart and all of my being!" He whispered softly to the waters as he prepared to do what he must with a smile. He channeled all his power to his ashes, intensifying the energy hoping it would do the deed. The glowing box, on the ocean bed, burst open, forming a cocoon around Cahaya, turning itself into an underwater bubble keeping the air in and water out so she could breathe. Just as Vann's ashes were forming the bubble for her, a gorgeous majestic pink sea serpent wrapped itself around Cahaya's body. At a glance, one would think the serpent was trying to strangle Cahaya, but in reality, the mighty water creature only increased its pressure around her chest and as the pressure increased, she coughed the water out. The serpent kept the pressure alternating between increasing and relaxing, so as not to break Cahaya’s ribs and hurt her furthermore in the process. Unknown to everyone, with the alternating pressure, not only was the water in her lungs being coughed out but also was the ice dagger slowly being pushed out of her heart and her body. Once Cahaya coughed all the water out, she wheezed trying to breathe. Inhaling greedily for air, filling her lungs to ease the burn in her chest from the lack of it. Seeing her trying to breathe again, the sea serpent unwrapped itself and nuzzled its head against Cahaya's face trying to comfort her, while Cahaya fell unconscious. Vann, standing at the shore, focused all the remaining energy in his ashes to bring his love to the shore so he could save her from falling. Even though that would mean they could both be together in the spirit world, yet he wanted the love of his life to enjoy her life to the fullest; seek any and every adventure, pursue her dreams and live a happy full life! But little did he know he would need to only sacrifice an ounce of magical energy from his ashes. Oblivious, Vann focused and prayed to the Gods to help him save his love. "Oh Gods, please, please, just let me save her! Even though I have to stay a spirit until my time comes to pass on, just let me save her! Gods please, for all my life I have never asked you for anything. Just help me save her! She needs to live, for her and me, her life lived for the both of us! Dear gods, please bless her, save her!" Tears rolled down his cheeks as he looked at the sky helplessly. The sea serpent bowed its head to Cahaya before wrapping its tail around her waist and letting out a mild sonic wave, waking Cahaya from her unconsciousness. Cahaya opened her eyes with a start and gasped, holding her hands up to her chest, she looked around to see where she was, but all she could see was an elliptical cylinder with black and grey walls. She followed the majestic pink tail-like structure only to look up at the sea serpent confused yet amazed. "Who are you?" She asked with a frown but her brown doe-like eyes, which softly glowed in purple hues, displayed a mixture of shock and admiration. "You are beautiful!" "Thank you, Princess! But there's no time!" Cahaya heard a mesmerizing voice, but before she could respond or register what was happening, the sea serpent hit the walls of the cocoon with full force to burst the bubble Vann made for her; with its tail still wrapped around her waist. The serpent burst the bubble with so much force that the waters of the magical ocean splashed everywhere like a massive underwater explosion, while it was in the air for a fraction of a moment with Cahaya still wrapped by its tail. The sea serpent gracefully flicked its tail, making Cahaya jump and land on its back and dove straight into the waters. As Vann stood there praying and willing the energy in his ashes to save his love, he was met with an explosive shower of water momentarily blinding him to his surroundings. Vann was heartbroken when he realized it was not just an ocean water shower but his ashes showered on him mixed with the magical water. "Noooooooooo!!!!" He yelled into the skies as he broke down into tears. "I have to save her! This can’t be!" The always optimistic and naughty Vann broke into tears for the first time that night. He hadn't even cried the day he was killed and became a guiding spirit at the academy, but today he felt like a failure, incapable even, of not being able to save his love! Not even realizing that the magical water of the Lospien didn't pass through his spirited being like it was supposed to, with spirits, they actually drenched him! He stumbled down to his knees on the blue sand. Trees around him felt his heartache and drooped down, creeper whines, that sensed his pain through his original elemental nature magic, crawled towards him to offer what little comfort they could. The sea serpent underwater gracefully glided through the water and, as it found a safe passage, jumped out of the Lospien waters with Cahaya on its back and twirled in the air before gliding back to the water surface so Cahaya was above water from waist up. As it gracefully took Cahaya to the shore, the Princess looked around her in awe. The sky was a beautiful blue and the water around a sea-green that glistened glowing with a prism of colors, which actually reminded her of northern lights back on Earth, only on water instead of on the sky. She realized the temperature around her wasn't as hot, the air itself felt different, but more importantly, she felt peaceful in her heart, something she never felt before today, like she belonged. She felt a different surge in her body get stronger and her hair glowed a soft purple hue. Unknown to prying eyes though, many creatures around the Lospien who could see the purple hue recognized the arrival and celebrated with hoots, chirps, whines, roars, growls, and screeches. Rejoice filled the part through which the serpent carried Cahaya and the usually gloomy and quiet forest around the magical ocean bustled with activity. Once she reached the shore, Cahaya got down from the Sea serpent and turned around to look at the magnificent creature that saved her life! "Thank you for saving my life!" Cahaya said with utmost gratitude. "But… who are you?"
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