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**Cahaya (POV)** **[Kaarmanet, Lospien]**   " But who are you?" I asked this beautiful majestic creature in front of me. It was an absolutely beautiful serpent-like creature, a majestic pink skin that shone as the water around us reflected light, but its fins were a gorgeous pale pink, in contrast with its bright body, that sparkled like glitter was sprinkled all over the fins adding to its beauty. I watched in awe, completely lost in its beauty when I heard a voice.   "My name is Tani, Princess!" this wasn't the voice I used to hear before, this was a sweet feminine voice that sounded younger yet wiser. I looked around myself, taking a 360-degree turn, trying to find the source but found nothing. I looked back up to the creature confused, that was when I heard the same voice laugh. I would have thought my hallucinations are back with more vigor for I didn't take my meds, had I not seen the creature throw its huge yet beautiful head back as if laughing and that's when I realized I heard her speak when we were underwater as well.   "That was you?" I asked trying to confirm my suspicion, though I was sure of the response.   "Yes, Princess! You have a lot to discover about yourself, I guess!" She replied, her head moved to the side looking at me amused.   "Tani, what are you? And How can I hear you but don’t see your mouth moving?" I asked trying to understand what was going on.   "I am a sea serpent, Princess. And to answer your next question, you have the power to hear and understand us, among a lot of other magical powers of course!" She responded so earnestly that left me even more perplexed. "Magic? Oh god, I must be hallucinating again or maybe this is another dream? We don't have magic on Earth! It's just fairy tales and myths people tell their kids!" I mused out loud.   "Earth?" Tani asked incredulously suddenly, “Earth is one of the elements, of course, it has magic Princess! How do you think earth mages use their magic?” I looked at her confused. Okay, this was getting way out of hand! Either I’m hallucinating or I’m in some kind of limbo, I read about in books waiting for death! But my frustration was getting to me. "EARTH! You know the planet we live on?" I rebuked, getting more and more frustrated, what the hell is happening to my mind! “Oh god, this must be a limbo while I wait to die completely or pass on to the afterlife as people say!” I said exasperation evident in my voice. “Why the hell am I even saying it out loud! Not like anyone is listening or comprehending!” My frustration was getting to me.   "I am listening and comprehending! I might be a sea-serpent, a mere creature, as people like to say; but I can assure you we are just as intelligent or even maybe more than them! And no Princess, we live on Kaarmanet, the world of magic! Neither are you hallucinating nor dreaming, this is real! I promise!" Tani looked like she was definitely offended and I felt guilty and rebuking at someone who just saved my life. Wait… that’s it! She saved my life! This can’t be a limbo or afterlife, I wouldn’t have to breathe in limbo or afterlife… right? But first things first, “I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to offend you. It’s just rather overwhelming and a very long day!” I apologized to her and saw her serpent head softening as she bent down to nuzzle me. I felt comforted by this simple action, though I was still trying to understand exactly what was happening with me and around me.   Saying I was lost would the understatement of the millennium, I wasn't on Earth (as in the planet, not the element of course)! I was on Kaarmanet, I've never even heard of this planet! Am I even in the same universe? And how the hell did I even get here? I clearly remember falling off the bridge into the river! I was on Earth then, how did I travel to a different world...or...planet...or universe.... or whatever this is! So many questions swirled around my head but no answers whatsoever! I didn't realize how long I stood there gaping at what I heard, but Tani's loud hiss and a loud growl got me out of my trance. I looked at Tani who was hissing to the sky and I followed her gaze to see a humongous ice blue Dragon yet it looked...familiar! Wait, I know where I saw this dragon! He's the same as I saw in my dream.... or memory, I guess! He's the same just grown-up... if I thought he was huge back then, now he is easily the largest creature I've ever seen, yet so beautiful. The ice blue scales of the dragon changed from pale white to icy blue as the light reflected off, had he not been flying in the sky I’d have thought it was a big mass of ice shaped like a dragon. The wings so beautiful and large like thin membranes of ice flapping to fly, I’m pretty sure had he been closer I could have seen my reflection. So much so, if it would have been earlier in the day, he’d be invisible in the skies. I would have sat down mesmerized by the beauty of the dragon in any other situation, now, however…   I saw Tani get ready to attack and heard her say, "Princess, get back! I'll protect you don't worry!" She pushed me behind her with her tail in a protective stance.   Wait, what? No, no, no, noooooooo!   I was so worried about what would happen to the dragon that I raised my hands only thinking of stopping Tani's attack, and what I saw had my eyes out of the sockets. The water from the ocean ahead rose to form something like a shield, neutralizing the attack with a huge s***h. I looked around me to see who did it but found no one, huh? Weird! But my confusion was cut short as the dragon dove to attack Tani! Oh no! I did the only thing that came to mind...   I rushed towards the dragon and squealed with my arms wide open, "Big brooooooo!"   **Rebh (POV)**   I jumped off the cliff and transformed mid-air into my dragon, he was pissed and so was I. No one can harm my Chocopie! Anyone who tries must pay!   But I was more worried than angry, if I was late yet again, I'd never been able to forgive myself. I wasn't able to prevent the attack on her 18 years ago, but I'm much stronger, skilled, and trained now! I have to protect my Chocopie, no matter what! Determined, I pushed my dragon's wings harder increasing the speed, flying faster than ever.   In no time, I found myself hovering over the Lospien, the waters were glistening under the Sun, the rays changed colors every second and the Sun was setting as the Moons were getting ready to take over the sky. The magic was radiating from the ocean, making me feel my magic surge with power with the proximity. Had this been any other day, any other moment, I'd say the beauty was so mesmerizing I would just lay back and soak in this feeling. But today I was on a mission, I have to make sure my Chocopie makes it alive and well.   I scoured the waters, for even the slightest movement using my dragon's enhanced vision but found nothing. Not even suspicious people on the coast. I was agitated beyond comprehension, I tried using enhanced hearing to hear any commotion or anything that could give me the slightest clues to her. All I heard was a heart-wrenching cry.... of Vann? What the hell was he doing here? Wasn't he supposed to be at the academy? I guess, he was upset at whatever happened to us 8 years ago. I know it's sad, he was wronged just as I was and my heart hurts hearing my best friend’s pain, but I can't let anything distract me at this moment. Once Chocopie is safe I'd help him out. Even though I want to run and comfort him, I have to get my priorities straight; save Cahaya's life first and help my best friend next.   With that in my mind, I urged myself even more to find her and that's when I heard a girl's sweet voice. It sounded like she was talking to someone but only heard her voice.   "EARTH! You know the planet we live on? Oh god, this must be a limbo while I wait to die completely or pass on to after-life as people say! Why the hell am I even saying it out loud! Not like anyone is listening or comprehending!"  she said, sounding distressed, pissed even. Something stirs in me at the sound of her voice and my dragon despite my protests turned that way. And that's when I saw her, standing on the shore drenched in the same blue gown she was in this morning and looking distressed in front of a majestic sea-serpent. I must admit this sea-serpent was a beautiful creature, but my Chocopie was distressed and that was because of her. Just as neared enough to protect my Chocopie, the serpent bent down her towards Chocopie; I growled at the sea-serpent warning her to step away but she hissed back as she turned to face me, getting ready to attack me while pushing Chocopie behind her. She was definitely trying to harm her! I prepared myself to counter its attack. Just as I attacked the serpent to save my baby sister, I saw a water shield form in front of me neutralizing both of our attacks. Who did that? I looked around but saw no one! Chocopie might have magic but we don’t know yet since she was in a coma for 18years; and why in chaos would she want to protect a serpent that’s holding her! Maybe she did it instinctively to protect me from the serpent’s attack? But she was only 2 days old when she saw me last, she has been in a coma since then! Too many questions and no answers! But I need to get my baby sister, my Chocopie out of there! Thinking this, I dove to attack this sea-serpent and keep my Chocopie safe, she squealed while rushing to me, her arms wide open and wide smile. "Big brooooooooooo!"   "Chocopie!" I thought. I chuckled in my head at her enthusiasm, a question still lingered though, how did she know it was me? How does she even know I exist? But before I could ponder further, she gave me another shock. "I'm fine and Tani here saved me! Please don't attack her!" she pleaded to point to the serpent.   **Vann (POV)** When I felt the pull that felt like someone called for me, I was honestly clueless as to why would feel that way, I was even more shocked at the pang near my heart. But I was glad I followed the pull instead of ignoring it. And yet now I feel like the biggest failure that I was, I had one chance to do something that made a difference after all these years in the academy teaching students that never felt like it mounted to anything, yet I failed! Again! I failed again! I was frustrated and broken by this!   "Noooooooooo!!!! I have to save her!" I let out all the pain in my heart, broke into tears. I'd been optimistic all the time, I didn't care how bad the situation was, I always had hoped it'd turn out well in the end, but today I felt the same way I felt 8 years ago. That day I walked into the trap; I was rendered helpless, but today was completely my failure. Every mage dreams of being gifted to get a Soule-mate! If you think every mage in the world gets a mate, then you're highly mistaken! Only the worthy and chosen are gifted with a mate by the Gods. Mages gifted with mates are considered powerful as they can channel their mate's magic and visa-versa, making them more powerful than the rest, as depleting magical energy doesn’t remain a concern anymore. Which is why Mages always protect their mates, sounds selfish, I know, but that's not why I feel so broken today. I don't care about the power or anything else, I feel so broken because I love her! Always have and always will! You may ask me how can I love someone I don't know? True, I don't know who she is, or what she looks like but I fell in love the very first time I sensed her, 8 years ago. I remember that day like it was yesterday, the day I found her.... the day I failed for the first time... the day I lost everything, including my life! Today I got another chance but I failed again!   I was pulled out of my self-deprecating thoughts by a loud growling screech. I recognized it instantly, I could never miss it. Rebh! What was he doing here? And then I heard a loud hiss… I got up from where I was to run to where the growl and hiss came from. As I neared the beachside where the sounds were coming from and then I felt it… the pull! But how? I’d worry about it later; she was there, that’s all that mattered! I ran and realized transportation would be faster. I focused on the source of the pull and transported to the location and the sight that greeted me was… unexpected! I saw Rebh’s dragon getting ready to attack from my right in the sky hovering over the Lospien waters. "Big brooooooooooo!" A girl in her melodious voice squealed from my left. My heart leaped at hearing her, the pull stronger now that she was closer. It was her! She’s alive! I couldn’t help the wide smile that crept on my face. Wait, did she call Rebh’s dragon big bro? Does that mean…. "I'm fine and Tani here saved me! Please don't attack her!" she pleaded with her brother. But how does she plan on convincing the beast? “Tani, that’s my brother you can’t attack him!” She said sternly as turned to the sea serpent. It actually bowed its head while my beautiful mate smiled. Oh, she looked so beautiful… no wait beautiful isn’t the right word she looked more than that she looked gorgeous! Just then that sea serpent moved and wrapped itself around my Mate’s shivering body! “Nooo!” I yelled as I ran towards her. Everyone turned in my direction, she looked confused and… scared; the serpent hissed angrily and Rebh’s dragon growled at the serpent! I could see the serpent ready to attack me but I didn’t care I was already dead what more could I lose. However, I won’t let any harm befall my love!   “No, Tani stop! Big Bro says the guy is his friend!” She ordered the serpent, as it rested its head on her shoulder. Now it was my turn to stop and look absolutely confused.  “Vann! Right?” She asked me. I nodded still my mouth agape. She giggled, “Big bro, just called you that!” “My love, how?” I asked.
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