Here I come

1732 Words
**Cahaya (POV)** [Kaarmanet, The Lospien Ocean] As I neared the river, I felt like I saw a flash of bright light with purple hues, but I'm pretty sure I imagined it as I felt the impact of freezing water hit me harshly and I felt like my blood itself was frozen due to the cold. I tried to make my arms and legs move to save myself but it was like my body wasn't listening to me! I closed my eyes as I got ready to embrace my fate! As I closed my eyes, the first thing that came to me wasn't a memory like they say happens when you are about to die, but the same dream that's haunted me ever since I can remember. I saw a handsome man looking down at me with so much love, I tried to reach him but my hands couldn't. I felt tiny, almost like... "My Princess!" Huh! That's a first, usually, in my dream, I could never clearly hear anything but just see that they were talking. "My dearest Cahaya! You don’t know how happy you make me, my dear! You are the first Princess born in the Frosliure Kingdom in 300 years!" Is he talking to me? But how? I'm not a princess, at least not that I know of! But my parents aren't my biological parents, so who knows? The Frosliure Kingdom... I don’t think I've heard of any such country either. "Sister!" Said a young boy as he looked at me. He looked like he was about 6 years old himself. "Can I hold her dad, please!" He pulled a puppy face that was way too adorable. "Ok, Rebh! But be very careful!" The boy, I guess his name is Rebh, squealed as he took me in his small arms from his father. "Oh, I already love you so much Cahaya! Oh yeah, I forgot to introduce myself! I'm your big brother Rebh! And you are my Chocopie!" He said, kissing my tiny cheek as I heard myself give him a baby giggle. Oh, so this is my real family! So much for thinking it was a dream not a memory. "Don't tell Cahan, but I love you more than him! " He giggled, whispering to me. Now, who the hell is Cahan? "Even my dragon loves you so much! He says we'll protect you from everything like a good big brother! And I promise you will be the first to ride him when I first transform!" Dragon? Transform? Are you kidding me? The little me only cooed though. "Rebh, give her back to the Queen!" His father, or should I say our father, said sternly. Queen? Rebh pouted but obliged nonetheless. "Is all your love reserved for your sister or do you have some spare for your brother too?" Father asked my pouting big brother, smiling at him. "I do have some spare for him too!" Squealed my brother as I was taken back by father, who only laughed at the remark but the excitement in his blue eyes was unmistakable. "Hi, Cahan! I'm your big brother!" Rebh told another baby in a crib. "The twins are beautiful, your highness!" Said a man with red hair, he smiled but it felt scary! I guess the little me felt the same way as I started crying almost immediately and so did the other baby... I guess my twin? Did he just address father as your highness? I guess if I'm the Princess of a Kingdom it only makes sense that my parents are King and Queen. I saw my father trying to calm me down, as his blue eyes, which looked just like my brother's, look at me with so much love. He held me to his broad shoulders mumbling sweet nothings as I quieted down and drifted off to sleep. I woke up crying. I guess I was hungry. When I heard a woman's voice talking to my twin brother, "You deserve the power and the throne my dear! Only you, no one else! I'll make sure of that, don't you worry!" She cooed! But then I heard it, the voice in my head that I've heard ever since I can remember, “Don’t worry my dear, I'll keep you safe from them! Don't you worry! But remember not to cry, my dear!" And as it has always been, even the baby me felt at ease and cooed at her. As the other woman who was talking to my twin walked up to me, I smiled as she picked me up. "You have to go; you are a danger to everything I planned! And I won't let you spoil all my work!" The woman said with absolutely no remorse. She dropped me back in the crib and lifted her hands and, just like that, an ice dagger formed in her hands (Magic? Really?), the woman closed her eyes and prayed (I guess), "Forgive me, oh god, because I do what I must!" With that, she brought down the ice dagger down on me. I was scared and wanted to cry, but then I remembered the voice, she asked me not to cry, so I didn't! Wow! Even the baby me was smart! And right as she brought the dagger down, I saw her eyes...they're like mine?? Doe-like big chocolate brown eyes and yellow dots right in the center of her irises! I can never forget those eyes because every night I wake up sweating and shivering right when I look at those eyes! Now I know why, she was going to kill me! "It's done!" The woman said as she turned around. I could feel the dagger disappearing into my heart as I felt like I was freezing. I could only hear the low voices of men far away from me but they were all muffled! "Hold on my dear, just a little while and I'll take the pain away!" Said the voice as she stood in front of me. And for the first time, I had a face to the voice. She was a beautiful and tall lady. Well, I am a baby, so everything's tall and big for me, I guess. She had long platinum blond hair like...Rebh my big bro? Her teal-colored eyes held love and sorrow. Her strong jawline and her elegant body language made her look like a queen! And yet her presence felt warm and comforting, just like I felt in father's arms! I doubt I understood all this when it was actually happening, but I guess now I do! "Cahan, why are you crying, brother?" Came my big bro's voice. "What's he doing here?" Called the queen-like lady, "He shouldn't be here! My boy!" She cried as she hid in the darkness. I was so consumed with everything that I didn't hear my twin crying his lungs out. Rebh ran inside and shrieked when he saw me. "CHOCOPIE!!" He rushed to my crib and his ice-blue eyes teared up! "Chocopie!" And then I heard a roar as I saw him turning into a biggg dragon. I know I'm tiny but it was big, his dragon head almost touched the ceiling, big! He roared again and then I heard a shriek from yet another woman. Loud much! "YOUR HIGHNESS THE PRINCESS!" And she ran, still yelling. I felt my eyes growing heavy but I heard a deep growling voice in my head, "I'll make whoever did this to you pay Chocopie!" This voice was similar to Rebh's but deeper and it echoed like it hit the walls before it reached me. But didn’t my big bro turn into a dragon, like right now? How am I hearing him? "I promise you Chocopie, I'll make them pay!" That's when I heard people running into the room. I heard father's voice boom "How could you do this to your stepsister?" Stepsister? I didn't know that! How would I, anyway? "It's time my dear!" I heard the queen-like lady whisper before I saw a bright light in front of my eyes before my eyes closed. I opened my eyes, or I guess something like that, because I didn't feel like I was in a body... weird! I saw the same lady look at me, as I yet again heard people around me talk. "My Queen, how will we keep her safe? Her body is still in the palace! How are we to keep a soul safe until it's time? And how do we know when it's time?" A young man bombarded questions like it was a quiz show. His face was in the dark and all I could make out was a silhouette. The lady laughed as she replied, "So many questions in one go? Relax dear, we need to do our job and when the time's right the gods will do what must be done!" "But my Queen, how do we take care of an infant’s soul? " Whined the man. "Queen? You know I'm not the Queen anymore!" The lady scoffed. Queen? Was she the Queen? But not anymore? How's that possible? "My dear, I'm doing what I must! But remember, never feel guilty about what I'm about to do now! Just remember I played my part and you must do the same when the time comes!" She said, looking directly at me... well, the floating me or my soul, I guess. "But my Queen, you will die if you turn your body into a vessel for the princess!" Said the young man, panicked. The Queen, or should I say the former Queen, only laughed and said "Oh dear! I've been dead for 2 years in the eyes of the kingdom and my family! Even so, I'm only losing my body because my soul will protect the Princess until it's time for her to return!" Oh, dear lord! She is going to die to keep me safe and give my soul a body! And I'm not even her daughter! She just smiled as she took my soul into her arms. "Now, now little dove! Don't you worry, I'll always protect you for as long as I can!" All I saw after that was light, as I felt myself surrounded by freezing water yet again and I hit something soft. I could feel my life leave my body and I embraced it...Death here I come!
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