
2569 Words
**Cahaya (POV)** [Kaarmanet, Lospien]   “My love, how?” He said in an almost whisper. He looked breathtakingly handsome: green eyes, brown hair long enough for the breeze to caress his locks and his body…. Looked like it carved out of stone even through the cotton white shirt and leather pants his muscles looked defined, shoulders broad like he could lift a mountain, not to mention he was tall (like really tall, almost a foot over me, and I was 5 feet and 7 inches!); his chiseled face looked at me confused yet his eyes held an emotion I couldn’t fathom. The way he looked at me… I shuddered in delight. As I drank in this guy, Vann, my brother had communicated, I couldn’t help the smile that crept in on my face. But I’m me, can’t help my remarks, I guess. “Love? Dazed much?” I smirked. “Can’t help your beauty I guess!” He chuckled. Oooo, I liked him, just as quirky as me and gorgeous! Wait I was attracted to this stranger like, crazy! What’s wrong with me? “VANN!” Came a roar from my left. I turned to see, a very naked guy about the same age as Vann. From the corner of my eye, I noticed the dragon was nowhere to be found, so my brother decided to… s**t! Oops! I covered my eyes.   “I think I’ve been scarred for life!” I shrieked and turned to the other side only to see Tani, who was wrapped around me, to warm me up, with her head hovering above my right shoulder, ogling at my naked brother with her forked tongue out and literally drooling.   “Seriously Tani? You were just attacking him moments ago!” I looked at her incredulously. “Sorry Princess, the man is….” She hissed in delight and I cut her off. “Don’t even think of completing that statement girl!” I shrieked. “I’ve been scared enough!” “Rebh, you’d want to cover yourself, man! You’re scaring my girl here!” Vann said, his teasing tone unmistakable. “She’s NOT YOUR girl Vann!” My brother roared. “Well… that’s debatable!” Vann deadpanned. I heard something ruffling. “There you go, much better! It’s safe to turn, my Love.” He continued clicking his tongue. “Not for you!” Rebh roared yet again. “And she’s NOT YOUR LOVE!” I could literally feel the ground shivering. “Again Rebh, it’s debatable!” Vann was literally unfazed by the mini earthquake my brother caused or his tone, I’m impressed! But when I fully turn to look at the scene in front of me, I couldn’t hold my laughter. “HAHAHAHAHAHA…. oh my god, big bro! You look…. adorable!” I laughed until my jaws and stomach hurt. There my big brother was, the mighty dragon, standing his waist wrapped around in wines with lush green leaves and flowers around his crotch like a skirt, also a headband of flowers. I saw Vann biting his lips to hold his laughter. “Chocopie, what are you…” Rebh stopped mid-sentence looking down to his new skirt, and glared at his friend. “You might want to look at your new look before you yell at me again!” Vann said smirking, hands held high as if in defense. Oh, big bro is so not gonna like this! Big bro walked to the waters to look at his reflection and roared, “VANN!” “Oh, you are absolutely welcome Rebh, for your new look that is!” Vann still smirked.  “Thank you? I’d rip your throat out right now!” Big bro roared. But immediately he turned gloomy and guilty. I could even see Vann’s eyes sadden a little.   “If you could?” He said gloomily. “Vann… I… I… I didn’t mean to…” I saw my long-lost big bro stutter. What exactly was happening here? “Relax Rebh, even I forget I’m just a spirit sometimes!” Vann said dismissively. “SPIRIT???” I yelled shocking everyone, I, on the other hand, felt pain in my heart as a gloomy feeling took over me, for a reason unknown to me.   “I knew it! I smelt death from him” Hissed Tani. “What do you mean you smelt death?” I asked turning to her.   “Ummm… Chocopie, who are you talking to?” Big bro asked confusion all over his face. “Yeah, I was asking the same thing, before I got distracted.” Vann agreed confused. “To Tani of course!” I said, what’s wrong with these people? She’s right here after all. “You said that before too, but who’s Tani?” Rebh now asked with concern, a frown forming on his face. Does he think I’m losing it? “SHE is Tani!” I said pointing towards the sea-serpent, exasperated. “You mean the sea-serpent coiled around you, my love?” Vann asked mimicking the expression on my brother. “YES!” I almost yelled at these two men in front of me. Their expression showed they either didn’t believe me one bit or I was gone crazy. I sighed loudly and turned towards Tani. My face showed exactly what I wanted to ask, “What’s happening?” Tani seemed to understand what I meant as she simply rubbed her forehead against mine comfortingly. “They cannot communicate with magical creatures like me, as you do Princess! It’s your special power!” Tani explained. “But they don’t believe me! They think I’ve gone crazy!” I said tears threatening to drop. “You are smart Princess; you can think of a way to show them too!” Tani said in an understanding tone. As tears stained my cheeks, I turned to look at the two men who still stood there looking just as confused as before. Somehow, the two men I just met made me feel as if they’re extremely important to me. I could still understand the feeling towards Rebh, he was after all my big brother (as per my near-death memory lane experience) but his friend, Vann, I didn’t understand why him not believing me made me feel sad, betrayed even. Though I had too many questions, as to how I was raised in an entirely different world and why; I first had to prove my abilities to them.   I thought a little and it struck me, I did communicate with big bro in his dragon form. “Big bro?” I asked tentatively. “Yes, Chocopie!” He replied concerned. “I know you think I’m losing it when I claim to be talking to a sea-serpent. But…” I was cut short by my brother. “No, no, no, Chocopie! I don’t think you are losing it! I’d never think that! I just think you’re still in trauma. You were in a coma for 18 years and you almost drowned before you woke up. It’s normal to be confused…” He rambled. “Coma for 18years? What the f**k are you talking about? I was just transported here when I met with an accident on Earth! I don’t know how, but that’s what happened!” I said, my voice raised with overwhelming confusion. “What are you talking about, my love? Earth is one of the elements, how can you be transported…” Vann asked. “Vann, she is not your love! Don’t you have a mate already!” Big bro cut him off, frustrated. “Yes, and she is my mate! The one I’ve been searching for the last 8 years!” Vann said equally frustrated. “WHAT??” I and big bro said in union. “YES!” Vann yelled at us now completely frustrated. “But that’s not possible! She was in a coma that day when you found your mate!” Big bro thought out loud. “What are you talking about? 8 years ago, I was still on Earth, as in the planet, not the element, with my parents who raised me!” I voiced out. “What Earth, as in the planet, are you talking about?” Vann asked incredulously. “Chocopie, I visited you even this morning in the palace! You were here! I have no idea whatever place or planet you are talking about! It’s just not possible!” Big bro explained trying to remain calm yet frustration and confusion evident. I couldn’t take it anymore and I screamed out of frustration. “Chocopie, calm down!” My brother tried comforting me, “I really think you are confused and…” “Wait, if I’m not mistaken you have been in a coma since you were only two days old, my love. How do you know Rebh is your brother, it’s impossible to remember things at that age!” Vann raised one question that I had an answer to, I guess. “Yes, I was wondering this too!” Big bro agreed. Both looked at me hoping for an answer. “And also, how did you know what I wanted to communicate in my dragon form?” Big bro continued. “About that, I think my mind kinda resurfaced all memories of my life when I was drowning; not to mention I have been dreaming the occurrences of that night ever since I can remember, but they were blurry, however; when I fell into the water and started drowning the memory resurfaced and it was clearer. I mean as clear as a newborn can see! I remember everything!” I answered the first question and before I could move on to the next, I was interrupted. “Impossible!” Both of them huffed together. “What?” I exclaimed. “My love, I don’t mean to incriminate you. You are after all my mate but for someone to have a memory when they were just a newborn is just impossible! There has to be something stinky involved!” Vann voiced his concern trying to be polite. “I agree, something has to be going on here. We have experienced the worst first-hand how conspiracies have been executed!” Big bro chimed in. “But I’m not lying!” I exclaimed, tears running down my face. “We never said you were lying Chocopie! But it’s possible someone planted these memories through magic or hex to incriminate us!” Big bro tried to calm me down. “But how could anyone plant memories of things you said when only the two of us were there?” I tried. “That’s a good point!” Vann agreed, I mentally sighed with relief. I didn’t waste any time and revealed, “You promised me that I’d be the first one ever to ride your dragon when you transformed remember?” “Yes, I did that was the first time I held you after you were born,” Rebh said still uncertain. “But Chocopie, there was so many present when I said that. Anyone could have planted that in your head!” Vann just watched this unfold trying to decipher everything happening. I thought hard to remember a time when no one but Rebh and I were involved. The day I was attacked by that woman, yes! “Ok, so you remember the day of your first transformation? The same day I was attacked?” I asked with hope. I couldn’t understand why but proving myself to these two felt the most important part of my existence. It felt like their trust and belief in me were the most important to me. “Of course, I remember. How can I forget that day!” Rebh replied, his expression was gloomy like it depressed him to even think of that day. A lot must have happened because of that day, I presume. “After that weird lady stabbed me with a magical ice-dagger, you came running to me and Cahan…” I started but was cut short by Vann. “Weird lady, you say?” “Yes!” I sighed and continued. “She had eyes similar to mine but yellow dots right in the center of her iris and it glowed when she had the ice-dagger form in her hands and stabbed me! But what I’m getting at was big bro, you came running in asking why was Cahan crying. Then you noticed me and ran to me. A woman came in and started yelling running away and that was when you transformed into your dragon. Your dragon even promised to me that you will make whoever did this to me, pay!” I rambled so I could finish without any more interruptions and released a breath when I did. Big bro turned to look at me, his eyes widened in shock. “You heard what my dragon said? But… how?” “Well, I guess as Tani explained to me now that it's my special ability to communicate with all mystical creatures!” I offered tentatively. “Well… Rebh no one knows of your dragon’s vow other than Jay and me. And we found out almost 6 years after it happened. To add that day no one other than the three of us could be there!” Vann deduced, “Which means her memories were not planted, and by the little information she’s given I think they weren’t tampered with either.” “I agree… but there are still many questions we have no answers to! And most importantly if this ice-dagger as she claims was in her heart all along then where is it now?” Rebh mused. “Princess, I think I know where the dagger is!” Tani exclaimed, so suddenly I jumped. “You do? Where is it?” I asked still clutching my chest at the fright she gave me; she’d been so silent throughout this conversation that I almost forgot she was still here. “I’ll be back!” She threw at me while she glided back to the water hurriedly. “What was that about?” Vann asked with a frown. “She says she knows where the dagger is!” I explained. They nodded in understanding and yet confusion was everywhere… Where did I get my abilities from? Was Vann really my soulmate? How did he become a spirit? How did I get here? How did I leave from here, when I was just two days old?
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