Some Answers, More Questions & Escape

2412 Words
**Rebh (POV)** I was just as confused with all this as were Chocopie and Vann. Chocopie has the power to communicate with the mystical creatures! She remembers what happened 18 years ago! It was surreal to believe! “She’s special!” My dragon quickly chimed. “You’re speaking to me?” I asked still uncertain. “You’ve never responded to me after that day!” “I am now, aren’t I?” He deadpanned. The first he spoke was the day we transformed and then that day 8 years ago but after that day nothing! However hard I tried he just wouldn’t. We could still transform and use his enhanced abilities but just couldn’t communicate. My readings told me that it was rare not to be able to communicate with your other part yet in my case it did happen. I was lost musing everything, my dragon started communicating to me, Cahaya was awake, her powers, she remembers everything from 18 years ago and her claim to be on another planet (whatever that means)! “Another world… that’s what she means!” My dragon quickly added “Oh!” I exclaimed. Chocopie and Vann turned to look at me while we waited for the sea-serpent to return. Their questioning looks made me realize I said that out loud. I rubbed the back of my neck nervously and explained, “My dragon just explained, planet means another world!” I looked at my baby sis for confirmation. “Yeah, we can say that I guess! Now that I think about it; I do remember something about my soul being protected and another lady speaking to someone about giving her body to me until it was time!” She added with a frown. “Now what’s that supposed to mean?” Vann sighed heavily. “I don’t know! I was 2 days old remember!” She exasperated “What lady now?” I asked tentatively. “I don’t think I know her name, no one called her with her name but…” She stopped mid-explanation.  “But what Chocopie?” I probed. “But I do recognize her voice.” She looked down like she was embarrassed rubbing the back of her neck. “I have always heard that voice since I can remember. When I was 5 I told my parents, the people who raised me, and they took me to a doctor!” “She means healer!” My dragon explained yet again. “You mean healer? My dragon says so.” I offered and continued. “But why did you need a healer where you hurt?” “No, not that kind of Do… I mean healer! It was a psychiatrist Ummm… like a mind healer. Someone who deals with mentally ill people, simply put crazy people.” She explained. “That’s atrocious!” Vann said angrily as they offended him. “Well, I guess they were just trying to help! They had no idea if any of this either! They found me left at their doorstep and clearly had no idea I was from a different world!” She added in their defense. They did raise her so makes sense she’d want to. “Anyway, I digress! All the while I only heard the voice never saw her but when I was reliving my memories, I saw her, as in back from when I a newborn. She looked regal, like a queen, was tall but that’s debatable I was so tiny I felt everyone was huge” She chuckled and so did we. “She had platinum blond hair, like yours!” She pointed to me, “And had beautiful tale-color eyes.” That sounds very familiar to me… tale eyes and platinum blond hair… mother! But that’s not possible, she’d died two years before Cahaya was even born! “How’s that possible?” I whispered looking at the waters. “There was another man I didn’t get to see him properly but he called this lady My Queen and she said she hasn’t been one in two years! I don’t even know what that means!” She rambled. That got my attention and snapped to look at her, “What did you say?” I asked to confirm if I heard right. **Cahaya (POV)** “What did you say?” Big bro snapped his head to me so fast I almost waited to hear his bone crack. I opened my mouth to repeat when the sound of ruffling water waves got our attention and all of us turned towards the ocean to see Tani plunge out of the water and moved towards us. I noticed she was clutching something with her tail that looked familiar. As she neared, she bowed her head while her body was coiled, did I mention she was huge? Well, she was! Only half her body was well over a foot taller than Vann!  And Vann was around 6’7” making her nearly 14 feet in length. This majestic creature bowed to me and I felt so tiny in front of her! While I marveled at her yet again, she got down to business real fast. She pushed her tail towards me, with the ice-dagger that was stabbed with, wrapped in it. “This came out of your heart when I was trying to get water out of your lungs.” She explained. I reached out when my hand was stopped by big bro. “Don’t touch it! It may still contain its magic and harm you.” He looked at the dagger warily. “But I can!” Vann chimed in and moved towards Tani. “Didn’t you say you were a spirit?” I asked. “Yes, my love, I am hence it can’t harm me!” He explained. “But how can you touch it if you are a spirit?” I asked, obviously spirits can touch things, right? They were translucent! This hot guy did seem translucent to me though! “Well, I don’t know about spirits in your world love, but here we can touch but that’s the limit! You may feel a cold touch since it's essentially just energy and nobody for the warmth you feel when a live being touches you.” He detailed with a tight lip smile. “Oh!” I suddenly felt stupid to bring it up, it wasn’t exactly pleasant to share such a thing! “I’m sorry for saying that, I didn’t mean to…” “Relax love, I’d have explained to you sometime or other!” Vann cut my apology with a genuine smile this time, which I returned as I felt butterflies flutter in my stomach. He winked at me before reaching out to Tani who hissed. “Tani!” I said pointedly. “Sorry Princess, it’s just instinct towards the smell of death! And his death smells burnt, my kind isn’t too happy with fire!” She explained lowering her head apologetically and let Vann reach her to retrieve the dagger. “Where did you find this?” Vann asked Tani, inspecting the dagger. Tani looked at him with what seemed like confusion on her face. “She said it came out of my heart when she saved me!” I offered quickly seeing Tani wasn’t responding. “Hmm… interesting!” He said still inspecting the dagger, “It has a similar energy to that of Rebh’s dragon.” He stated. “Princess, something is wrong…” She suddenly hissed towards our right. “Some people are coming this way!” “They’re coming!” Big bro said with a low growl at the same time as Tani. “Who?” I asked totally confused. “People from Fosluire! They must be the royal warriors I can hear them!” He said looking worried. “Isn’t that our Kingdom big bro? Why are you worried?” I asked still confused, I didn’t get what was the problem. He was their crowned Prince and I the Princess; why would their arrival get him so worried. I turned to Vann who looked equally worried. “It is Chocopie! But there are a lot of things that have happened and if they see both of us with you here, they’ll just presume we tried to kill you again!” He explained rather vaguely and hurriedly looked around scanning the area. “But…” I started to ask one of my many questions but was cut short. “We’ll explain later love! For now, we need to get out of here and now!” Vann said decisively. “He’s right Chocopie! We need to move and get someplace safe for all of us!” Big bro agreed. “Vann, can you check how many are there and in what directions exactly?” Rebh quired. “I’ll look for our safe exit!” “On it! I’m keeping this dagger with me until we get more answers!” He finished in a hurry and vanished into thin air. “Wahoo!”  I exclaimed at the vanishing man… or spirit. “You definitely need to learn a lot of things, Princess!” Tani chuckled. I shrugged, I just landed here maybe hours ago! “There are about 50 of them coming from the beach on Fosluire lands towards our direction!” Vann came in out of thin air making me jump startled. “Sorry about that love, didn’t mean to scare you!” He winked chuckling. “Ok, you can try wooing my baby sister later! You do know this also brings many questions! But for now, I think the best course of action would be to go towards your Kingdom!” Big bro said in a very serious tone. “Not mine anymore!” Vann sighed. “But I guess that’d be the safest for now. How do we plan to cross the ocean though?” “We can fly now, it’s dark and can spot my dragon easily.” Big bro explained. “I can help, Princess.” Tani offered. “Tani says we can ride on her back through the waters!” I told the two men. They looked at Tani and considered the offer. “Vann, can you…” Big bro tried to ask before Vann cut him off. “Of course! If Tani here agrees to take me as well!” Vann asked looking at her for a response. Tani just nodded and motioned towards the waters. “Well, I should warn you, my love. These are magical waters and you might see me a little differently when we enter them. Do not be alarmed!” Vann carefully explained as we walked towards the ocean. “So that’s why they have the prism of colorful light shining from it?” I quired. “Yes, my love! They also help us channel our magic, and it’s also said to be the source of all magic in this world!” He patiently answered. I nodded in understanding. We neared the water I saw Vann glow a tale hue once his feet touched the waters. I couldn’t help but stretch my hand out to touch him. My fingers brushed when big bro suddenly pulled me onto Tani’s back Vann took a quick look behind and jumped on behind me and Tani dove underwater. And swam through for a while before she moved up towards the surface. As she brought us to the surface, I gasped for air. I greedily inhaled and saw Rebh do the same but what caught my attention was Vann. I heard him hyperventilating and tuned back to see what had happened only to find him in shock and trying to breathe. I was confused but didn’t want to pry Rebh however thought differently. “What the f**k man? How’s this even possible?” “Don’t… know…” Vann responded between gasps, still trying to breathe. “Relax…” I said reaching out to him. “I’m… translucent… in… these waters… can’t touch… your hand… will just… go through!” He said still hyperventilating and I nodded. “Just relax and take a deep breath…” He did as I said. “Good, now breath out!” He followed my instruction. “Just like that… in and out… there you go! Feeling better?” I asked as he seemed to be able to breathe fine now. He nodded with a frown though. “Can this day get any weirder?” Rebh said exasperated. “Don’t mind Chocopie, I love the fact that you are finally awake but…” “Don’t stress yourself, big bro! I feel the same! So much for wanting to have a quiet 18th birthday!” I sighed heavily. “It’s your birthday today?” Vann asked, now he looked much better. I nodded. “Of course, that’s why I visited her this morning, to wish her like every year, Vann! How could you not know?” Rebh sighed. “That being said now that you’re awake, listening, and responding Chocopie; Happy 18th Birthday!” He continued. “Happy 1st Birthday my love!” Vann wished too. “1st? I’m 18, Mr. Sexy Spirit!” I replied with a chuckle. Did I just call him sexy? Uh oh! I turned ahead nervously only to be met with Rebh’s gaze. He looked at me as if to say “Really?” I just shrugged in response. I turned to the side and found Vann smirking from the corner of my eyes. Thankfully, we reached the shore at that very moment! And I gasped...
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