Chapter 4

1051 Words
SONIA POV It's been exactly five years since the divorce. It has been five years since I left New York for Los Angeles. With Mrs Deborah's help and the money I got from the devotee, I was able to set up my own art exhibitor gallery. I became a big player in the art collection industry. The past few years have been fraught with different challenges and obstacles. But with my son Ethan beside me, I was able to stay strong, forced and resilient. “You have a press meeting in 10 minutes, ma'am.” My secretary informed me. This press meeting was going to be televised in and around Los Angeles. My company was poised to hold the biggest art exhibition auction in the country. I closed my laptop and headed to the press briefing. The room was filled with reporters and journalists from different stations, camera flashing their lights with microphones projecting from every corner. “ Mrs Sonia, we heard you are about to host the biggest art exhibition auction in the country. How were you able to achieve such a feat in the art industry within a short amount of time?” Came the report from a local Newspaper. “It's simple, really. I stayed true to my core values, my goals, and I followed my passion.It wasn't always easy from the beginning, but with resilience and a never-give-up spirit, I was able to surmount all the hurdles on this journey.” “Mrs Sonia, there are rumors of your past life gaining tractor in the media. They say you left your relationship, fleeing with your son. Some also say you were caught in a scandal pertaining to your relationship,” the next reporter questioned. “You know what they say; rumors are like castles that are built in the air. No proof. I assure you all. These are just rumors.” “Mrs Sonia, what are your plans for the coming years?” The third reporter asked. “My plans?” I chuckled. “I plan on expanding my reach as far as the Middle East. We plan on becoming the biggest players in the art industry in the next few years. For now, I can't delve into details.” I smiled and walked off the podium. The camera flashed continually as I walked out, with unanswered questions roaring in the air. “Mrs Sonia. Mrs Sonia. One more question. The cacophony of their questions faded into the background as my bodyguard accompanied me to my car. We headed straight to my son’s school. “Mommy, Mommy!” Ethan screamed from the hallway as he raced towards me. I crouched and hugged him. Lifting him up as he wrapped his little arms around my neck. “Did you miss me?” I smiled at him. “Yes, Mommy. I couldn't wait for the closing bell to ring. So I could come to be with you.” He said to me, smiling. “You’re so sweet and adorable, my knight in shining armor. It's time to go home.” I whispered in his ears. He yelped in excitement, a grin spread across his face. We drove by a cafeteria and grabbed some vanilla ice cream. That was Ethan’s favorite. The drive home was fun as Ethan told me all he had learned in school for the day. He was a bright, intelligent kid. One look at him and his father's face flashed through my mind. I shoved the thought aside, bringing my mind back to reality. “Welcome home, Madam,” Mrs Martha greeted as we entered the house. “I'll take Master Ethan to his room and have him ready for lunch in no time.” She added. “Thank you, Martha,” beaming a smile at her. We finished having lunch, and when my phone buzzed. “Hello” “Hello Sonia, I just saw you on TV. Your face is all over the news. I'm happy for your achievement.” Mrs Deborah said over the phone. “Thanks a lot, Debbie. I couldn't have achieved this without you in the first place.” I said. “You’re welcome. I'm glad I was a part of your success story. How is your son? Ethan?” “He's doing great. He is right here with me.” I said as I ruffled my hand through Ethan's curly blonde hair. “Okay, dear. I hope to see you next week during the auction.” she said and ended the call. I sat on my front porch as Ethan played with Mrs. Martha. She was like a grandma to him as he was fond of calling her “nana” The night was calm as the evening breeze kissed my skin, and flashes of my past life came flooding through my mind. ‘What was life like for Jason? A part of me wished for him to be happy with Alina. But another part of me cursed and wished him ill luck. Although we were divorced, I still caught my thoughts drifting off. How is Grandma? Did he ever tell her the truth? Well, it wasn't any of my business. Ethan's presence filled up the void that Jason had once created. I was truly grateful for having Ethan. He made me laugh when I felt low. He pampered and cared for me in his own little ways. He was truly my everything. My knight in shining armor. I felt his little hands on my arms, and I smiled. “Mommy, you don't look happy, what's wrong? Is it about Daddy?” Ethan pouted. I was surprised when he said that. Ethan was only four years, but he had the memory of a ten year old child. When he was three, he confronted me about his father. I told him everything about my past relationship with his father and how we went our separate ways. I didn't tell him about Jason’s new family though. Ethan was too young to be exposed to such details. I'm fine son, it's just stress from work. I'll be fine after I go for a swim,” I said. “Are you sure, Mommy? I don't want you worrying about anything. I'm here to protect you, and I'll make sure to keep you safe.”
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