Chapter 3

1070 Words
It was bright and early, and Jason wasn't back home. Did he sleep at the office? I went downstairs; the mess Alina had made last night was still fresh in my head. I quickly got dressed and drove to Jason’s office. The magnificent building of Phoenix conglomerate towered over me as I made my way to the lobby. “Hi, I would like to see my husband,” I smiled at the receptionist. “I'm sorry ma, Mr Jason is in a meeting and asked not to be disturbed. Do you mind coming back later?” She said to me in a calm voice. The secretary, a young lady in her early twenties. She had dark curly hair that accentuated her oval face. “Okay, thank you”, I replied and strolled back to my car. I drove by a cafe to grab a cup of coffee. While the barista was making my coffee, Mrs Deborah walked in. “Mrs. Sonia, I didn't know you were here. I'm so happy to see you.” Deborah smiled at me as we hugged each other.“ I have some exciting news: there’s an exhibition coming up soon. I would love for you to attend; your painting is already amongst the top 10 best art paintings in the city. “Oh wow, thanks a lot. I'll check my schedule and see what art I can curate.” I managed to reply. My thoughts were a mess; I wasn't in the right frame of mind. After our little conversation at the café shop, I drove back to Jason’s office. I got the same reply from the receptionist as before. “ Your husband is in a business meeting, ma, and he wishes not to be disturbed.” “I am Jason’s wife, for Heaven’s sake. He will be waiting to see me as well. It's an urgent matter. Please just let me talk to my husband.” “I'm sorry, ma'am, but Sir Jason gave us a strict warning not to let you in. I suggest you call him or go back home to wait for him.” “What do you mean? Did my husband give an order not to let his wife in? Tell him Sonia, his wife is here to see him,” I said in a stern voice. “I'm afraid, ma'am, there is nothing I can do. I've passed the message to you. If you don't mind, I have other tasks to attend to,” she said, burying her head into the computer screen in front of her. Pausing for a second, I thought out loud, “I can't take this torment anymore. I'm going in.” I made my way to his office as I barged in, my jaw dropped, and I felt shivers run down my spine at the sight before me. Jason was striped to his singlet, talking to two ladies as he grinned from ear to ear. “Jason!” I yelled at the top of my voice. When he saw me, his smile quickly vanished, replaced with a beastly gaze. “What are you doing here, Sonia?” he bellowed at me. His husky voice echoed across the entire room, causing me to tremble. “ I'm here to see you. Why won't you let me in?” He stood up from his desk as he walked towards me. His statue, towering over me. “Sonia, do me a favor; go back home and wait for me. I'll soon be home to resolve everything.”He ordered. “Really, Jason, you want me to go back home, so you can have these girls? Do you even care about me, your wife? Who is Alina, and why is she in our home?” I said defiantly. “SONIA!!! GO HOME, DON'T MAKE ME REPEAT MYSELF,” he yelled to my face. I cried as I rushed to my car, tears flowing freely and ruining my makeup, but I didn't care. I got to my car as my hands were still shaking. I flashed back to the day he proposed to me. He was such a sweet romantic. Jason. “Sonia, let's get married”, he said. “But we haven't even dated for long.” “Doesn't matter, my love, okay, a contract marriage then, after three years, if things don't go your way, we can end it. But please don't say no. I really need us to get married as soon as possible. When the time comes, I'll explain everything to you.” I thought then maybe he was shy and didn't know how to express his feelings. People said a lot of negative things about him then, but I was ready to prove them wrong. They said he was incapable of loving me. I wanted them to witness our love and see that Jason could love me. I was willing to wait patiently. Jason used me to get what he wanted. I was foolishly in love to believe the words from his mouth. I drove home and was surprised to see Jason. How did he get home without me? I opened the door and was immediately greeted by a scornful smile from Alina as she stood behind Jason. “ Thank Goodness you're here, darling” I rushed towards Jason. His devilish halted me in my tracks. As he growled. “Here, sign this paper.” With shaky hands, I picked up the document and accessed its content. “ These are divorce papers,” I said. My voice was laced with curiosity and trepidation. “What did I do to offend you, Jason? All I've ever done is love, respect, and obey you as my husband.” My voice was brittle as tears were forming in my eyes. “You've done nothing wrong, Sonia. Alina is my true love, and she's carrying my child. You helped me achieve my ultimate goal, and for that, I'm grateful” “No Jason, please don't do this to me. I can change; if it's the way I cook, I can improve my love, but please don't end this marriage like this,” I pleaded. His expression remained stoic. “I've made up my mind, Sonia, sign those papers. In those documents, there's a cheque for a hundred million dollars. That should be enough to get you started on whatever you wish to do with your life.“
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