
A Second Chance With Her After Divorce

contract marriage
second chance

Sonia heads over heels in love with Jason and agrees to marry him, leading to moments of bliss and happiness. However, her happiness is short-lived as she sacrifices everything for their relationship, only to face betrayal, disappointment and heartache from Jason. Despite her efforts to save the relationship, Sonia is finally thrown out of her matrimonial home, only to discover that she is pregnant.

Years later, she crosses paths with Jason again, but now Jason, once mighty and influential, seeks forgiveness and a second chance. Sonia's forgiveness doesn't come easily. Unbeknownst to her, Jason's betrayal was motivated by Alina. Who wanted all that Sonia had as she was jealous of her. As they attempt to reconcile, Alina strikes again with incriminating evidence against Jason as she seeks to take over his company.

Will Sonia fight for the man she once loved? Or will she stand by and watch Alina?

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Chapter 1
SONIA POV I finished preparing different cuisines for my birthday, plus our wedding anniversary was in a few weeks. I was overly joyous to celebrate this moment with my husband, Jason Rosheir. The enigmatic billionaire CEO of Phoneix Conglomerate. When I overheard the maids say, “ Why would madam Sonia go through all this trouble of preparing these meals, when it's obvious sir Jason will never celebrate her birthday with her,” Ariana deadpan. “I feel immense pity for her; being in a loveless marriage all these years without a child to comfort her is truly terrible.” Said the second lady. “That serves her right; I heard she seduced Sir Jason and manipulated his Grandma to make sure she became Jason’s wife. She was desperate, now see where it ended her. A loveless marriage.” “What are you two nitwits doing here, talking about Madam Sonia.” The oldest maid interfered with their gossip “ How dare you speak ill of Madam Sonia; I'll make sure to deduct your wages.” “No, Mrs. Sarah. We weren't gossiping,” they replied. “Sorry for yourselves.” I decided to stop listening as I just couldn't handle the tears any more. Where did I ever go wrong in loving Jason? The maids were right; Jason never really loved me back. I made a promise to his grandmother that I will love him with all my heart and be a good wife. I never could explain the coldness Jason exuded towards me. He was never like that from the onset. He never stayed home during our anniversary, and today being a special day for me; he didn't wish me a happy birthday, no text, not even a bouquet. Was I so repulsive to him? “Madam Sonia, please don't do this to yourself. Stop crying over what the maids said. I will punish them after your big day.” Mrs. Sarah said, beaming a smile as she dabbed the tears from my cheeks. “I never forced Jason to marry me; he told me he loved me and wanted me as his wife. I felt happy, thinking the feeling between us was mutual. But after the marriage, he became a cold-hearted beast,” I replied, my voice sounding like a broken record. “Today is your birthday, Madam Sonia; you shouldn't be crying”, Mrs. Sarah said, pulling me into her embrace. She was like a mother to me. “ Thanks, Sarah” I whispered. The doorbell rang, and she sprinted across the room to the door. I felt a wave of anxiety wash over me as I stood in anticipation. I had prayed all night that Jason would celebrate my birthday with me today. My hopes were dashed under the bus when I saw who the person at the door was. It was a delivery guy. Jason’s Grandma sent a delivery guy who came bearing gifts, and immediately my phone buzzed. “Hello, Grandma.” “Happy birthday, my beautiful Sonia. I'm so sorry I couldn't make it to the house. I hope you got my gifts,” she asked in excitement. “Yes, I did, Grandma, you're the best” I smiled at her over Facetime. “And where is my good-for-nothing grandson? I hope he's spending the day with you.” I didn't want Grandma to suspect cracks in our relationship, so I lied. “Yes ma, he even sang for me before leaving for work. I'm certain he’ll take me on a date tonight to celebrate it” “That’s so romantic. I have to go now, call me if you need anything.” “I will, grandma; bye for now.” I ended the call as I fought back a pool of tears. “How long will you keep lying to protect him, Madam Sonia?” Mrs Sarah asked, her tone inquisitive. “He is my husband. I know he will change. I made a promise to his Grandma.” She heaved a sigh. “ Okay, madam, you don't need to stress yourself; I'll help fix the candles on your cake; you need to be happy.” “Thank you, Sarah. I wonder what I would do without you” I smiled. “You’re welcome, madam” she replied. Moments later, the cake was all set, and Mrs Sarah had decorated the entire dining area. I made sure everything was in its rightful place before my husband arrived. I prayed silently for the next doorbell to be Jason. The doorbell rang, and I rushed to get it. I opened the door, totally excited to welcome my husband home. But my hopes evaporated into thin air when my gaze fell on a lady standing on my porch, wearing a short red dress. I gulped, perplexed at who she was. She shoved me to the side as she made her way into the house. “Who are you miss? You have no right to barge into my home like you own it.” I said, trying to keep up with her stride. She halted in her tracks before turning, and with a menacing look on her face, she chuckled in a devilish way. “Oh, poor Sonia. Do you really believe you own this house? Do you believe that Jason loves you? Poor little thing.” “Who are you, and how did you know my name?” I growled at her, curiosity flickering in my eyes. “Well, I came to tell you, your time In my man’s house is over. Today will be the last day you spend in this house or get to host a celebration.” she sneered at me. I pursed my lips, with anger simmering below. “ This is my husband’s home. You must be gravely mistaken, miss” I was losing my cool this time. She laughed loudly, her laughter reverberating across the entire room. “ husband, you say? Soon, he will be your ex. Where do you think he has been all this while? All the late nights and board meetings? What were you thinking? He has been with me all this time. He left you alone at home. He loves me so much. Before I forget, I brought you a birthday surprise as well. I'm having his baby.” I couldn't believe my ears, the sound of my heart pounding loudly in my chest.

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