Chapter 2

1066 Words
SONIA POV I woke up, finding myself on the couch in the living room. “I'm having his baby.” Words of that lady haunted my thoughts. I had passed out. ‘What becomes of me if she's truly carrying Jason’s child’? I muttered to myself. “Is that lady still here?” I asked Mrs Sarah. With heavy emotions, she replied, “yes, Madam Sonia. But please don't let her words get to you. I'm sure Sir Jason doesn't know about her.” “I know you sincerely care about me, Sarah, but she's carrying my husband’s child. No one dares walk in here making such false claims. Where is she?” “She’s in the compound area, bossing the maids around to bring in her things. I'm afraid, Madam Sonia, it seems she's here to stay.”. “I will go talk to her” I trekked towards the door when I saw her yelling orders. “Hey, be careful with that; those cost me a fortune.” I gasped at the horrific scene before me. For a moment, I wished it was all a dream, and I would wake up. But this was real. ‘What did I ever do to Jason to deserve such betrayal? If he was in love with someone else, why then did he marry me?’ I muttered to myself. “There you are; the sleeping beauty is finally awake.” She growled at me through greeted teeth. “Why are you doing all this? Of all days, why today?” I snarled at her. “Excuse me, you have no right dictating to me when to come to my man’s house.” she snapped at me. “This is my husband’s house, and we are still legally married. You can't just move your things without permission, even if you claim to be carrying his child”, I tried hard to compose myself. Not letting the rage I felt within consume me. “Jason already granted me permission,” she rolled her eyes at me with a stoic expression. “You’re lying. Jason loves me and would never hurt me.” She laughed hysterically as she walked towards me, cupping my chin in her hands. “ We both know Jason never loved you. You were just a tool he used to get what he wanted.” I hit her hand off my chin, “I'm not a tool, and Jason loves me.” she shook her head in disbelief as she gawked at me. “I know the truth is bitter; just accept you've been played. Have you ever wondered why he suddenly asked you to be his wife?” “Stop interfering in my marital affair and leave. Jason loves me without a doubt. I'll prove it to you right now.” I pulled out my phone. “Jason married you in accordance with his late father’s will and also to acquire the highest share in the company,” she deadpanned. I was still grappling with the shocking revelation. “ You’re lying!” I screamed at the top of my voice. “Lying? I wish I had that luxury to waste on you. Let me give you a piece of advice. Start arranging your things. Because the moment he gets here, you will be kicked out for good.” “Stop talking,” I raced towards her before Mrs Sarah yanked me from behind. “Don’t waste your time on her, Madam Sonia; she's just trying to ruin your big day.” I paced back and forth the mansion, thinking of what to do next. It was almost midnight, and Jason wasn't home yet. I called his phone, but he didn't pick up after three unsuccessful attempts. I sent him a text, notifying him of the tantrum that was going on at home. He didn't respond to either my calls or text, which got me really worried. For some reason, I started to believe the lady. Was Jason truly capable of all that she had said? The phone fell off my hand as hot tears rolled down my face. “I need some air, please,” I said to Mrs. Sarah as I stood and strolled to the garden In the mansion. My heart clenched tightly against my chest. A wave of nausea washed over me as I tried to make sense of everything. I flashed back to the days when Jason just met me. He was the most charming, romantic man in the world. He would bring me a fresh bouquet everyday, buy me ice cream, and take me to the cinema. It was all fun and beautiful. Why did he change all of a sudden? What did I do wrong? Where did I make a mistake? The tears pooling down my cheeks were uncontrollable, and I let them flow freely. ‘Why am I sad on my big day? I will not believe a word from that woman not until I hear from Jason. That he truly has an affair with her, and he never loved me,’ I muttered to myself. Mrs. Sarah found me in the garden. Her sudden presence jerked me from my reverie. “I'm sorry to bother you, Madam Sonia. But the new Mistress is causing mayhem in the mansion”. I took a deep breath and wiped off my tears. I overheard an argument coming from my room as I raced up the flight of stairs. “What is going on here?” I thundered, my gaze scanning my entire room. “ Madam, this lady ordered us to bring her things into your room,” Ariana said without meeting my gaze. “Finally, you're here. I want your room, and I'm taking it. I don't see why I shouldn't have the biggest room in the house. Besides, I'm the one with Jason’s child.” she said in a commanding tone. “You can take the next room until Jason comes back. There's no way I'm leaving my room for you.” I retorted. With daggers in her eyes, she replied. “ Fine, if you won't leave, then I'll ruin it.” She threatened, and before I could blink an eye, she lifted my flower vase, smashing it against the marble floor. “Are you crazy?” I yelled at her, landing two hot slaps on her face simultaneously.
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