
1499 Words
Dominic: Her scent penetrated my nose as soon as my senses all rushed in as I woke up. Flat on my back I opened my eyes with her hair draped over my face. Edith has her arms wrapped around my neck still. Her face buried in my neck. Her body over mine, her legs entangled with mine. I couldn't help the smile stretching over my lips. I want to wake up like this every single day for the rest of my life. "Don't move. I'm enjoying this," she whispered in my ear. The sound of her husky sleepy voice in my ear sent chills down my body. "I'm not going anywhere," I whispered. She pressed into me a little more. "Good morning," she yawned. I wrapped my arms around her. She didn't have a shirt or a bra on. I looked down through her hair and noticed all she was wearing was her red lace underwear. All I have on is my Jean shorts. "Edith, you aren't wearing any clothes," she laughed. The sound she made has me grinning. "I know. I don't know how that happened. I just know your bare skin against mine feels really good," I started to get hard. I pulled my hips away from her a little so I could reposition my growing erection. She lifted her head smiling down at me. There is a hint of mischief in her eyes. It deeply unsettles me. "I'm sorry," I said. she pressed her lips to mine. "For what?" she asked as she began to kiss down to my neck. Goosebumps started all over my body as she made her way down to my navel. "Baby, stop," I growled my wolf telling to shut the f**k up. She can do as she pleases with our body. It's hers. He growled. She unbuckled my belt and undid the button to my shorts. Before I could stop her, not that I was putting up much of a fight, she pulled my shorts and briefs off tossing them on the floor. I tried to sit up but she shoved me back gripping on to me hard. I let out a growl as she began to pump up and down over and over again slowly. She kept her hand holding me down while she worked me. I kept my eyes shut as she built up a release in me. I could feel her gaze on me. Burning my skin with her intense gaze. I didn't allow myself to open my eyes to look at her. I just gripped the sheets as she continued to pump. When I felt like I was going to burst my entire body tensed up. She felt it placing her hand under my belly button and pressing down hard. Her hand slid over the tip of my d**k several times. "Ready?" she asked hastily and removed her hand off my stomach. A growl ripped through my chest, my hips jerked as the orgasm rocked through my body. Sweat broke out everywhere as I fought to catch my breath. "Oh. My. f*****g. God," I shuddered. My body feels sensitive now. Her body once again on top of mine licking up the sweat in my neck. She pressed her lips to mine. I grabbed her flipping us over so that I could be on top of her. I can taste me on her lips. The taste of her is mouthwatering. This is first for me. I had never come undone in anyone's hand. She looked down at the way our bodies fit together perfectly. She smiled before she looked up at me and it made me wonder what the hell she's thinking about. Those eyes of hers are completely reserved right now. Always. "Thought your little buddy would like some attention," she smirked. She's satisfied with what she's done. "Who are you?" I growled. She let me place my hands on her. It bothers me that there are scars peppered along her body. It just now dawned on me that this woman is dangerous. She isn't coddled like other women. All she knows is the triumphs of the battlefield. All she knows is war. Yet there is an unmistakable kindness under all of that. Conflict isn't something she seeks. It's something she fights against. "I'm Edithian Benjamin. Alpha female to Alpha Dominic Hemsworth," I growled loving the mentions of both our titles together. "Mine," I growled into her mouth. She laughed. Alpha. We're ready whenever you and the Luna are. Benson my beta said through the mind link. I growled. We'll be down in a minute. I sent back. I placed my forehead against hers. "Duty calls. We'll finish this later," she smirked pushing me off. She got up making her way to the bathroom. The way she walks is that of a soldier getting up in the middle of a war zone. There's no shyness or regard to any insecurities. She was showered and dressed in less than ten minutes. I quickly showered. My dirty wolf trying to fight it so that we could have her scent on us. Her touch still lingers on my skin and as much as I want to give in to his demands. I can't not right now. "Ready?" she asked. She lied there on the bed with that smirk still playing on her lips. She is in the same spot where I had been her boots propped up on the headboard her arms folded behind her head. She looks exactly how she looked the first time I laid eyes on her. Ready to hurt someone except she has a white t-shirt instead of a blue one this time. "Always," I replied. We walked out together. She pulled me with her not letting go of my hand making sure everyone saw. She has a smile on her face. The way she's looking at everyone is surprising them. I doubt they have ever seen her smile like this before. She always seems so serious. She stopped in front of her sister who's holding a plate topped with today's breakfast. "Is there any for us?" Sam's eyes lit up. The girl smiled at her sister and nodded. Edith hardly ever eats. That's something that Sam warned me about. Since she's been here, she would drink a protein shake in the morning, pick at her food for lunch, and go to bed without dinner. It worries me but Same assured me that this is simply the way things are. So, the request for food is good. "Duh," Sam laughed. She handed the plate of food to Elijah before she went over to the kitchen to get more food. She even served me. I sat at the head of the table like I always did. I figured she'd sit to my left but she sat on my lap and began to eat. Everyone stared at her. "What?" she growled menacingly. Everyone looked away and began to eat again. "E, can I speak with you and Sam when we're done?" Isaac asked. Both Elijah and I growled at him. "Sure," Edith answered almost like it bothered her and Sam simply nodded. We all ate in silence. Edith gave me a peck when she was done. She didn't finish all of her food but she ate a big portion of it. Sam and Isaac followed her. I love this. I couldn't help my smile as I watched her make her way into the kitchen completely oblivious to how happy she's making me. "She finally accepted you," Elijah stated looking in my direction. "Yeah. I honestly don't know what brought it on. She wants to stay," "I told you she'd never leave Sam. It's sincere," I nodded hoping it would stay that way. "f**k you, Isaac. Always a negative mother fucker. You can't see beyond yourself ass hole," Sam shouted. Elijah and I stood up and walked into the kitchen. "Sam, calm down. I can see where he's coming from," Edith tried to reason with her angry sister. "That's not the case now Isaac. I want this I'm tired. Flayme is tired. I don't want to do this anymore. I can't," "I hope this is real, Edithian. You're going to be hurting a lot more people than just us two," Isaac shot back before he walked away. "What's going on?" Elijah asked. "Isaac just being an ass hole that's all," Sam growled burying her face in his chest. "We should start preparing. She'll be here at nightfall," Edith completely ignored the situation as she wrapping her arms around me. I pulled her into me. As we prepared for tonight I couldn't help but think about Isaac. What had they been arguing about? What was making him so angry? The guy seems like the kind of person that hardly ever takes anything personally. He cares about Edith, that much I know. If whatever they were arguing about is enough to shake him up like that, maybe I should be concerned.
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