
1135 Words
Dominic: She makes it all look so easy. Elijah and I have been watching her train my wolves in combat, how to shoot guns, grenade launchers, Knives, bows, and arrows. It's quite the sight and definitely memorable. I'll never forget how focused and dedicated she is when it comes to her toys. Sam helped but it was obvious who was in charge. They used regular ammo to practice instead of the bullets she had been replicating since the day her weapons arrived. There are so many rounds I think even she's beginning to lose count but with how she pays attention to everything I think she knows exactly how many rounds she has. I haven't had a chance to be alone with her. I haven't had a chance to hold her. Whenever I had a small opportunity someone always gave her something else to do. It's clear to see where her mind is. She glances at me now and then to make sure I'm watching her. "How are you holding up?" Elijah asked approaching me. "She's something," I answered looking over at him. "Military brats. This is what they do," "I know but She's different even from Sam," "She was experimented on, brother. She told Sammy it was like waking up from a never-ending nightmare. I was there when she woke up, Dom. I thanked the goddess for not allowing you to see that man. It would have broken you apart," "I get that but I can't help but shake the feeling that I'm going to lose her. She's going to leave me, Elijah. I know it," I felt my body tighten and my wolf winced inside of me knowing I was right. "Look at her and Sam. She won't leave her. She'll never trust me enough to protect her. She's dedicated her life to protecting Sam. She's not going anywhere," I sighed. "I hope you're right," I said. He smacked me on the back and made his way to his mate. Sam jumped into his arms and kissed him as he twirled her around. She didn't fight the bond, she let him mark her. I doubt she even questioned it. "Don't think about it. I really never liked corny cliche s**t like that," I turned to see Edith with two bottles in her hand. "Wolfsbane. One of Aren's companies finally made it public. Safe for humans and supernatural," "I wasn't thinking about it by the way. I was just thinking about how your little sister turned my best friend into her complete b***h," she snorted almost spitting out the beer. I smiled and took a long drink from the bottle she handed me. Is this even considered beer. "Nervous about tomorrow?" she asked. "I'm nervous. Just not about the fight," I admitted. She lifted her left eyebrow questioning me. "What's shaking you up?" she asked. "The aftermath," she nodded taking a drink out of the violet-blue bottle. This stuff is actually pretty good. "Yeah, I think that's always the worse part. Having to clean s**t up, counting the casualties, realizing what we've lost," her eyes stayed on me. I can feel her stare on the back of my head. "Yeah, the losses are always the worse," This is genuine wolf's bane. I'm starting to feel it and I'm beginning to wonder if it has the same effect on humans. This drink is made for wolves when they want to party. Really party, human-made drinks don't do much to us no matter how much we drink. "Turn around and look at me," she demanded and I did. Edith is sitting on a weapons container that is stacked on two other containers. How she had gotten up there phased me because the things aren't flat they're curvy silver cases. She looked down smiling at me like my reaction is amusing her. Her golden blonde waves are all sitting over her left shoulder. The right side of her hair was faded down with a little tribal design in it. Her big mix-matched eyes. One green with little specks of blue, the other, blue with specks of green. They had changed from the honey color they had been after she broke enhancement. Her tanned skin stretched over her sharp features perfectly sprinkled with freckles. The rosy color setting in caused by the drink in her hand. My goddess, the woman is beautiful. She's wearing dark green skinny jeans and a fitted black v neck with her dog tags hovering over the shirt. Her black combat boots just complete who she is. My beautiful mate. "What are you doing up there?" she smirked and jumped off. She landed in a crouching position in front of me. Seconds later, the cases fell back. "I'm down here now," she challenged standing up straight before getting closer to me. I couldn't help but feel several eyes on us. "Don't mind them. They're unimportant at the moment," "I really want you to stay with me forever," I found myself saying. I mentally slapped myself. Can I sound more desperate? "I really want to stay," she whispered leaning into me. She's warm now. Nothing like what Flayme had been. Her beautiful, plump, pink lips grazed my jawline. Probably because she couldn't reach my ear. I gripped her waist bringing her up closer to me. Our chests pressed against each other. Her cool minty breath fanning against my face. "I'm not letting you leave. Ever," "Good," was all she got to say before I dropped the empty bottle and picked her up completely. She held on to her bottle as she let her arms rest against my shoulders. She held her self up by wrapping her powerful legs around me tightly. I rested my hands on the exposed skin between the hem of her shirt and the waistline of her jeans. "I want to mark you," she tensed. "I have to wrap my mind around that," she answered pulling back drinking the rest of the wolf's bane. "It seems a little too fast for me," "Take all the time you need, sweetheart," her eyes started to droop. "How many of those have you had?" "Sixteen," she chuckled before she let out a little hiccup. I heard her bottle hit the grass behind me. Her legs relaxed around my waist. I gripped her thighs as she leaned on my shoulder passing out. She moaned arching her body into me burying her face in my neck taking in deep breaths. "I love the way you smell. It lights my body on fire," she whispered placing a soft kiss behind my ear. "You're sleeping with me tonight," I said making my way back into Elijah's pack house. "Don't let go," she whispered before her body went completely limp. "I'll never let go, Edith. I can promise you that,
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