
1354 Words
Samaritan: The nerve of him. I watched as my sister let go of what we were. Gearing up one last time fighting for our freedom and he pulls this s**t. Edithian may not be the perfect being but she would never abandon us. She's my other half. We've been together since before birth. s**t, we were womb buddies. Isaac has always seen more than the rest of us. He had been there for her more than I had. That didn't give him the right to accuse her of anything. He must be hurt that she never made the change for him. There is no way that Edith would leave. Not when she has so much here. Not when she's finally smiling the way she is. We have something here. "How are you holding up?" Edith's voice snapped me out of my thoughts and back to reality. She had a soft crooked smile on her lips to soft for a smirk but viscous enough to let someone know she's dangerous. That smile had always been reserved for me. I hadn't seen it in almost six years. That smile lets me know this is real. She's exactly where she needs to be. "I'm good. I can't believe this," "He's cool. I'll still kill his ass if he ever hurts you," that made me laugh. "So, after this, you'll head back to Oregon right?" the other half of her lips pulled up into a smile. "Remember when you asked me to stay away from Isaac?" I nodded. "I hate to say it but I should have listened to you," "Maybe I was jealous," I shrugged. She put her forehead to mine playfully. "I'm glad you kept it all to yourself. Now you can give it to someone who's truly worthy of you. I'm really proud of you. I've always been," "Why does it feel like we're saying goodbye?" she smiled showing me her pearly white teeth. "We're not. I just have this good mood going and... well, I want to let you know that I'm sorry for all the s**t I put you through. I thought... still do think I'm protecting you," "I know," I sighed. "Maybe I didn't need protecting. Ever think of that?" "Not protection from them, Sammy. Protection from me," she kissed the top of my head. She was about to move away when she lifted her head and took in a sharp breath. I did the same. The smell of a vampire is in the air. She whistled catching Isaac's attention. One simple nod and everyone began to scatter into their positions. "Promise me you'll come back," I said gripping her arm before she could run off. "I'll always make my way back to you Sam. No one can stop me from that," I let her go as she put on her holsters. Her answer is satisfying. I trust it. There was no hint of a lie in it. After checking my Glocks and ammo I followed her. She stood at the edge of the forest in the shadows where the red eyes flashed. One scent was the most prominent. A scent we used to make sure we were home and safe. All that scent reminds me of now is the cage we didn't know we had been in. How naive had we been thinking we had been her family. Something much more than just experimental soldiers. Mother should be happy we found a place to really call our own. "I want to see your face before we start," Edith demanded. Her voice cold and angry just like it was before she broke enhancement. That had always been a part of her. It's the true alpha nature she holds. "I come in hopes of not having to do this. Lots of people will die tonight," Mother's voice echoed from the darkness. "I'll leave her be if you come with me," "She's not going anywhere," Dominic growled stepping closer to Isaac and Edith. "Edithian, this isn't the life for you. You aren't a pack dog," mother said stepping forward into the light. "Come home with me. I'll forget any of this ever happened," "I can't do that," Edith said. "I don't want to. I don't want to kill anymore," "That's the Hyde effect speaking Edith. You came to me asking to allow you to take away that guilt. You said you loved taking those lives. You said that little bit of human feeling was tearing you apart. You wanted it to go away," "I remember what I said. I also remember what you did for me to reach the boundaries of those words," Mother took a deep breath lifting her head a little almost as if she was shocked. "What?" "The thing about the Hyde effect, Cassian, is that the wolf takes complete control. Making me become a simple conscience. The human side you compelled was destroyed once Flayme took over," "Wait, what?" I asked looking at mother. She looked at me and smiled. Edith held her hand out stopping me from moving anywhere. "When I broke enhancement her memories became mine allowing me to remember everything she has recorded in her memory from the very beginning. I feel the guilt of all the lives I have taken but what hurt the most was your betrayal. I believed you'd protect me from everything. I came to love you as a mother. So did Flayme. "Flayme wants me to kill you. She knows now that I am back in control of my body I can. She wants me to kill everyone. To unleash her so she can rampage like before. God, I feel like such an i***t," she shook her head before she took a deep breath. "E," Issac whispered glancing over at her. "I won't do that though. I won't let her not because she doesn't know who is an enemy or who is a friend but because I want to enjoy my own rampage. I'm going to take everything from you. Just like you took it from me and I'm not going to kill you so that you can live the life you are most afraid of," there is so much venom and anger in her voice now. Mother didn't say a word. As what she said registered in my mind and how calmly she had spoken I couldn't believe it. I looked up at my sister not recognizing who she is. She had a menacing smirk. The smirk I had grown to fear since she separated herself from me. I had expected for my sister to return to the way she had but I never expected for her to be what she had become. She's changed. This isn't the drugs anymore. This is her. What mother had turned her in to. I looked over at the woman I had looked to in most difficult times and didn't recognize the monster standing in front of me. Mother gave her a nod an headed back towards the shadows. She turned and smiled at my sister one last time before spreading her large demonic wings. "Edithian, I made you a promise and I plan on keeping it. I don't need you to kill all these fangs for my life to be lonely. I've been alone. Everyone around me. They're just pawns awaiting their death. I wait for his return," with that she slightly bent her legs and leaped into the air. Edithian removed her two swords from their straps. She spun them around in her hands and took the all too familiar stance positioning herself to take blood. She looked at Isaac and he looked at her. "No prisoners," he smiled. "No mercy," she smirked and they faced those deadly red eyes. "f**k the Justice," they both growled. A cry of war rang from inside the thick darkness in the trees. My heart is pounding in my chest. Fear turning into sweat in my palms and forehead. A hand gripped my elbow and I was shoved back into warm arms. I looked up to see Elijah. "I'm sorry, baby," he said before darkness surrounded me.
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