
1033 Words
Dominic: She held her smile as they sprayed her down with the liquid silver nitrate. The drops glistening on her body were turning her skin red as they hardened into solid silver. I know it hurts her s**t it's hurting me while I simply watch. She wasn't giving them the satisfaction of her pain. She just kept smirking at them. Once in a while, she would look up at me and our eyes would meet. Something in me telling me that she held that smile so that I wouldn't witness the heartbreak of her pain. Another part sees the anger she held for letting them do this to her. A sort of betrayal from what might be the only two people who she ever trusted. "You sure are quiet," she said. Her voice steady and calm just like it had been when she nearly killed Sasha. "Enjoying the show?" "No, I'm not," I answered. "I have nothing to say," "She asked you for something. I doubt that being in here like you are is going to stop what's coming for you," "Everything will be prepared when the time comes," "Isaac, Sam baby, take a break. Come up. We have visitors and they know you both. They're looking for Edith," Elijah walked in his eyes never met mine or hers. He glanced at my mate and then at me with sadness in his eyes but he never lingered too long. "Dom I..." "Just go, Elijah, I'm fine," I said. he nodded and the three of them went up the stairs locking us both in here. I looked down at my mate. She had sat down crossing her arms across her chest her legs stretched out and crossed at her ankles. she sat in a puddle like it was nothing staring back up at me while she peeled away the silver on her body. "You should have allowed me to go. Flayme wouldn't have needed this if we could have gone back to base," "Did you ever ask yourself why if it was destiny that allowed you to leave that base?" "Destiny put me in that base since the night I was born for a reason," "And what reason might that be?" "To keep the alphas in line," "You mean to keep all wolves on a leash?" she nodded. "All dogs can be domesticated with the right trainer leading the way," "That's where you're wrong, baby. Wolves can't be domesticated. We were born to be free. We were born to be what we are," "Pack wolves are domesticated they're the easiest to submit. All untamed animals just like serial killers want to get caught they want to be stopped from being what they are," "You would know that. Isn't that why you're here?" she growled at me. "I'm here because Flayme wants to be here. She is after all one of you. I wouldn't be here otherwise," She didn't say a single word after that and neither did I. Hurt overwhelmed me. She was right she was here because Flayme wanted to be here but once she has power over Flayme again she can easily take off. Will she go back to what she was? She didn't want me. She doesn't want me. Maybe I should have let her go. Maybe I should have just moved on. My wolf growled at me for my pathetic thoughts. He's right I shouldn't think like that. Maybe this is Edith's way to reach out for help. Maybe I can make her fall in love with me so that she would want to stay just like Flayme. "Edith you have a guest. She'll be taking over until you have control of Flayme," Edith stood up. Sam came over to me and unlocked the shackles. Isaac and a few others came in and grabbed me. The last person I ever expected to see walked in. Aren Glass and her mate Shane Blake. I began to try and move away from the wolves holding me back. If Sam and Issac were hurting her, I can't begin to imagine what this woman who doesn't know limitations can do. Aren glanced at me but her full attention is on my mate. "I never thought I'd be the one to break you, Edith," Aren chastised with a smile on her face. "If there's a person on this earth alive who can, it would be you Glass," my mate smiled and hugged Aren as if they were old friends. "Let's get this party started," "Get him out of here Glass," "f**k that, she can kill you, Edith. You have no idea what this woman is capable of," "I know," my mate smiled looking at me. "This wasn't the girl I was talking to a few seconds ago. This is the wolf. "Flayme?" she smiled. "Tricky isn't it? It'll all be over soon," "Why are you back?" I asked. "Because of the last time we met Glass," she said looking up at Aren. Aren popped her knuckles by pressing them against one another. "We almost killed one another. If it wasn't for me. I would have died," "No," Aren said playfully. "We would have died. My wolf responds to you, Flayme. They're kind of like sisters. In a really f****d up violent way," Flayme looked over at me and smirked. "What?" I remember her telling me how she and Sam aren't fully related. "Get him out of here," my mate said kneeling in front of Aren. "We're going to be here a while and I rather not wait anymore. Edith is kind of upset," I was hauled up the stairs and out of the basement by Isaac, Elijah, and Shane. Before the door shut I heard a smack followed by Edith letting out a loud pain filled growl. I struggled to try to get back to her. All of my instincts needing to. "Sedate him," I heard a low girly voice. I growled my wolf urged me to try and shift. I felt a small pinch on the back on my neck and everything began to fade to black. All I can hear is the antagonizing howls of my mate as they continued to torture her.
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