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Edith: A burning sensation at my wrists, my ankles, around my waist, and around my neck woke me up from the darkness Flayme had put us in. The last thing I remember is taking Sam to Alpha Elijah's pack. I don't remember anything after arriving. How long have I been here? Where is Sam? What the hell happened and how could Flayme allow us to be captured? The million dollar question is who put me in shackles? Even with the pain I was able to stand up. My eyes began to adjust to the darkness. A figure started to appear in front of me. What the f**k? "Dominic," I stated and for some reason, I was really glad to see him. Another part of me is hurting. Why would he do this to me? "Hey," he said his voice strained like he was in pain. I can't really see much. Everything is blurry the only thing I'm sure of is, I'm about to put him in pain if he doesn't let me go. I shut my eyes trying to clear my vision. When I opened them again, my plans faltered. I'm very surprised to see he is also chained to the wall across from me. That made me feel a little guilty and a sort of relief washed over me knowing he wasn't the one to chain me up. "What's going on?" before he answered the lights in the cell turned on hurting my eyes. I had to blink several times before I opened them up again. What I saw in front of me, I never would have guessed. Not this s**t again. "I'm sorry about this E. I really am but it's the only way to save you from yourself," Isaac said. Sam standing right behind him. I didn't say a word as I looked over to Dominic. He was the one that put me in here. What I don't understand is why he was in here with me chained up to the like he is. "The Hyde effect will never leave me. Flayme will always be herself. Violent, Vile, and murderous," I sighed. It's the truth. He stood directly in front of me blocking my view of Dominic I looked down at my self all I have on is a grey sports bra and my spandex work out shorts. A lot of my skin exposed. I know what comes next. This happened back when I first started treatments. Back when Flayme killed half my squad for no reason. "You'll be able to control her though. She will no longer be able to control you," he answered. "Why are you doing this?" "She gave us the okay to do this. Maybe she's tired of all of it. Aren't you?" "No," I growled. He took a step back. "That's bull s**t, Edithian. I know you are," Sam said placing her hand on my chest and shoving me back until my back slammed against the wall. "You wouldn't act like this if the silver wasn't holding me back," I growled at her. My anger bubbling up in me. "He's obviously in on this why is he chained up?" "Once we told him what Flayme meant he went crazy and didn't want that for you," Isaac answered. "So we chained him up. I know you can feel the connection to him. If you fight he will be watching. If you cry, he will cry. If you suffer, he will suffer. Is that what you want?" I growled at her showing her My canines. "Kill him for all I care, b***h. As soon as I get out of these chains you're dead. You, Isaac, and anyone who stands in my way," "Get the wolfsbane," she told Isaac and he handed her a small water gun. She aimed it at my stomach. "Do it. You know you've wanted to have me at your mercy since the night I killed Merlin. I killed him and loved it when he pleaded for mercy. He begged me to let him go," She pulled the trigger pumping it. As soon as the liquid hit my stomach the sizzling sound of my flesh burning rang in my ears. The pain shooting through me but I refused to let her see me in pain. I kept my eyes on her letting her know it isn't going to be that easy to crack me. I doubt that she ever could. She isn't built for this kind of thing. If these chains weren't enough to bring me to my knees neither would a little bit of wolfsbane in tea form. I was used to pain like this. I've had so much worse. Much more than she can imagine. Since I started in the field I have been developing an immunity to it. Sipping a little here and there so if I were ever exposed to it out on the field it wouldn't phase me. Mother didn't want just any soldier she wants an unstoppable force and I had sworn I'd give her just that. "Try something a little stronger. That's baby s**t," I smiled trying to sound bored. "You should be withering in pain. Both from the silver and the wolfsbane," she said mostly to herself. "E, did she make you drink this?" Isaac growled. The three of them growled making me laugh. "You're mad that she made drink it and here you are with your little rubber made gloves spraying me with it," I shook my head "Get me the silver nitrate," I smiled knowing that was the one thing that can hurt me and the b***h knew it. One small knife was all it took to shut my body down the night Isaac compromised us. "I'm going to enjoy this just as much as you are," I said wrapping the chains around wrists before gripping my chains bracing myself for what was about to come. Issac came over to her side holding a metal container. "I'm not going to enjoy this at all," she said taking it from him. "But I have no choice. I need you back. We need you back. You need to sweat this out and this is the only way to do it," "There is nothing wrong with me," I growled stepping towards her. She stepped back eyes wide. "You can clean me up and do what you want but at the end of the day. She will bring me back because there is nothing wrong with me. I am what I am because she wants us to be this," "We're going to fix that," she promised opening the container. "You can't. You're not strong enough," I laughed. "You're too weak,"
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