
1583 Words
Dominic: I tried opening my eyes for what seems like the hundredth time. The brightness of the light above me blinding me. I heard Someone moved around and turn them off. Leaving the room dim. The only thing illuminating the room is a small desk lamp on the other side of the room. Once my eyes adjusted I stared at the ceiling fan as it slowly made a faint breeze across my half-naked body. "You're very stubborn," I shot up looking at whoever had just spoken. My ears are ringing. I came face to face with Edith who is sitting at the end of my bed. A faint smile lingering on her chapped dark shaded pink lips. She was bruised where ever her skin was exposed. Her heavy golden waves draped over her shoulders onto her chest. "I've heard that several times actually," her faint smile turned into a small genuine smile. "You couldn't just let me go huh?" she asked a frenzy of emotions washed over me. It wasn't me though the emotions were coming from her. Feeling that surprised me. I didn't know our bond was so strong already. "How long was I out?" she looked back at me. "You were sedated four times before I broke. So about sixteen days," "They... for sixteen days?" I growled. She took in a deep breath and nodded. "I'm so sorry I allowed them to do that?" "I'm not. Thank you. You freed me," she smiled. "I didn't realize how lost I was. I didn't know what I was," I wanted to get closer to her, hold her in my arms, and make all the pain wash away. I didn't know how she would react to that. I don't want to do anything to scare her away. I can't afford to lose her. She stood up and I finally realized she wasn't an average wolf. She's about five feet ten inches tall. Her body looked rock hard under those black tight skinny jeans and her white fitted v neck. She has a solid six-pack under there. She smirked knowing I was openly eyeing her with no shame. "Take a shower pretty boy. There's clothes in the bathroom set for you. Come downstairs for dinner when you're ready," The way she walked out of the room was extremely predatory. I guess the military training never leaves once it's been imprinted in one's body and soul. Especially after being put into action. My mate is a warrior and here I am thinking about ways to get her to fall in love with me. None of my tricks are going to work on a girl like that. Showering and putting in the Jean shorts and a black t-shirt that was put out for me made me feel a whole lot better. I walked out and put on my black and yellow kicks. I had been in this room before. It was the guest bedroom Elijah always let me crash in. "She's really something," I heard him say from the doorway. He tossed me his axe gel and a razor. "Thanks, I thought I was going to have to go out there looking like a hobo," he smiled and followed after me. "She was down there for fourteen days. Gary got a little carried away with the tranc and you were out for two extra days. "Edith watched over you. Didn't eat. Didn't sleep. She would have killed Gary if it wasn't for Aren and Shane," "She feels now. I can feel her inside of me," I said as I continued to shave. "Aren and Sam got her into a bath. She was completely destroyed. I have never seen or felt so much pain come from someone in my life. I think they're royalty. We might all feel her because she's linked to all of us that way," I started to wash my face once I was done. I can feel her in me but not her sister. If she is what Elijah says she is wouldn't I be able to feel the other one? Do others feel the sister? She's calm right now, but I could feel what he was saying. She has a unique kind of pain in her. The kind of pain that drives people insane. The kind that drives a serial killer to pull the trigger, to s***h a blade across someone's throat, the kind of pain that makes the most beautiful kinds of nightmares. We joined everyone in the living room. Edith sat to the right of Aren both girls sat on the two-seater their backs straight, their legs crossed in different directions, and both looked intimidating as f**k. Flayme's theory makes a lot of sense right now. "You're up sleepy head," Marie startled me when she jumped in front of me. We gave each other a hug. "Hey little bug," I greeted her putting her at arm's length. The last time they were here we had grown close. I looked over at my mate who had that same ghostly smile tugging at her lips. "Dinner is ready," Elijah announced walking in. He dropped his arm around Sam Edith's twin sister. They looked nothing alike. Maybe the same smirk and a little in the nose area but that's it. She's even shorter than Edith. "Her name is Rayna Montgomery. She's a siren. One of the few remaining. She's special because she's the only remaining royal of her kind. She and her little sister Rayleen," my mate said continuing an obviously pending conversation with Aren. "I didn't know Sirens existed," Aren answered looking over at Sam. "There's an entire different world in the water. They're overpopulated down there. Mermaids, sirens, shark shifters, Lokeye, kracken. We aren't the only living supernatural. Water creatures hardly ever come up to dry land. Most can't. Except for Sirens but they stay on the shorelines. There are rare occasions where a siren and wolves are joined. Same with vampires, incubi, Succubi, third generation angels, third generation demons. It's all based on the disruption of fate," "f**k. I'm glad we don't live near the ocean," Gary laughed. "Sirens are beautiful creatures and powerful. They're usually calm and loving. Very grabby until you threaten them. They're scary as f**k," Sam said. My mate let out a low chuckle. "Hayley did scare the s**t out of you," "Shut up, E. It was your fault she got mad," my mate laughed. The sound of her laughter made my body stiffen. I could feel the humor coming from her and it made me laugh as well as the others. They all looked over at her with a smile. "So, are you going to help me out on this?" Aren asked. "She's waiting," "Aren, I have a few things to take care of first. I can't just get up and leave. Mother will be coming back for Sam and I. I can't leave both these packs knowing they're in danger. I can catch up with you later," Aren nodded. "So, what do you guys think they want with us?" Shane asked. "All the names in this list are Royals. Firstborns and twins. You're the heir to the Throne of Amadeus. The original werewolf Omega Clan. The Huntress is the Heir of the Original wolf. His great-granddaughter. Sam and I are Royal behind both of you. If you were to die I take your position if Zuluna were to die Sam can take over for her. I'm not sure how we're connected or related yet. "There are also Vampire royals, Angel royals, mother's name is on here. If I didn't know better I'd say they were gathering the Royal Families for some kind of ritual," "Why do you say if you didn't know better?" Aren asked. "Rituals can only be performed by originals or their second generations. Royals like Edwardian Pierce the hybrid queen. Or king Abandon Chambers one of the first fallen sons. Lucifer. The alpha king, Lamia queen Liliana Pierce. Maybe a high ranking witch. We don't have many of those around anymore," "Maybe they're gathering us," Gary suggested. Sam and my mate chuckled. "Improbable. The creator trapped them all in purgatory after The Fall of Darkness," "What's that?" I asked. "A worldwide supernatural war that goes back to the fall of Lucifer and the First Bride," Sam answered. "Who would want us dead?" Aren asked. "Was Zuluna attacked shoot to kill or was she wanted alive?" Edith asked. "It looked like shoot to kill to me," Marie answered. "I'll look into it. I have to pay the base a visit," "You're not going back there, Edithian. Are you fucken crazy?" Sam growled. "Sam, I have to. I have to let mother know that I'm not going back and neither are you. I'm not going to sit on my ass for the next five months waiting for us to send a whole lot of fangs after us," "She's right Sam. That way you guys can see the fight coming," Aren agreed. I spaced out the rest of the meal. Part of me was overjoyed to know that she was going to stay while another part of me didn't want to let her go. The rest of me wanted to grab her and take her upstairs to mark her. The part of her in me feels what she's feeling. There's an urge in her. Something loud enough to overpower the pain. She keeps glancing over at me and I'm really hoping that's a good thing.
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