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Edith: When I'm alone, I can feel. There isn't any anger let. The fiery rage inside of me is gone. All I want to do is break down and cry. I keep looking at myself in the mirror trying to remember when I had changed so much. I can remember everything I've done but at the same time, it feels like these memories aren't mine. It's somewhere between remembering them like I had watched them in a movie or someone telling me what I was doing all this time. A story that isn't entirely concrete. I need to talk to mother but it's not like I can pick up the phone and call her. I need to get to her before she gets to us. I need to keep these people safe. Then maybe I can try to be a little normal. What is normal for me? Can I be what is expected of me even with this bloodlust? A part of me might still be heightened. If that's true is what I am right now real? "Can I come in?" I had heard Dominic walk up the stairs but I had hoped he would have gone up to his room. I don't want to drag him and his pack into this with me. Enough people have died because of what I am or rather what I was. "Yeah," I called back. I had been staring out the window towards the woods contemplating an escape. It wouldn't do anything for me though. I don't want the enhancement anymore. Breaking out of that s**t hurt and I sure as hell don't want to do it again. Flayme refused to let me take back What's mine. She refuses to be one with me still. She wants to be a spectator in what's to come so that she can make her full decision. "Is she still being difficult?" "Yeah, it'll be that way from now on," I answered looking at him through the reflection of the glass. "I'm sorry about that," "Don't be. I knew what I was doing when I volunteered," "Want to talk about it?" I sighed. "Not yet. I have to ask you something," "No," he said firmly. I smiled. "They know we're here. Sam has been marked. She's part of this pack now. They'll be coming. They don't want her. They know she won't go back. I have to protect her. She's the only family I have," Before he could say anything Sam appeared at the doorway. She held a cellphone in her hand. She looked upset which told me exactly who it was. Her eyes filled with tears as she walked over to me and gently placed the phone in my hand. I took it from her remembering why I had done all of this. It's so easy to forget when there is so much power involved. "Edithian Benjamin," I answered putting the phone to my ear. "You're all dead you realize that?" mother's voice sounds very disappointed on the other end of the line. "You know I won't allow you to get very far, mother. I trained all of them. Every battle plan any strike, I can intercept. That's what you made me for. I created your weapons for you. You knew what you were doing when you handed me all that power," "Edithian you can't be set free," "I broke enhancement," there was a short pause from her. "What? How?" "It doesn't matter how, mother. The enhancement only separated Flayme and I. It let her take control. I'm in control now. You know what that means. So, please, save the threat for someone who is threatened by you," "I'll see you in four days," she said and the line cut off. "Call it in, Sam. All the stashed weaponry I want it here by tomorrow," "Does that mean...?" she started to say. "Yeah, Sammy. We're done," she jumped into my arms and started to cry. I caught her effortlessly. She's still so small. So very fragile. Not a single thing about her is broken and it has to stay that way. If that means she has to go on without me, so be it. One of us deserves to have more than what mother made us settle for. "I love you, E," I pushed her away from me. "Go do what I asked you to do," she nodded wiping away her tears and ran out of the room. "Are you staying?" he asked. "You still have the chance to get away," I said playfully. He growled and pulled me into him. You dumb b***h. I didn't allow them to capture me so you can leave once this is over. Flayme growled in me. This is the first time she's made her presence known. "When are you going open your eyes, Edith? I'm not letting you go," "Unfortunately that's not a decision you can make alone," "What is that supposed to mean?" he growled holding me closer. His claws are digging into my side tearing through the skin. I couldn't help but enjoy the brutality of it. It turns me on. I had to do something about that attraction. I needed to avoid him for the next three days so that I can do what I need to do. The possessive look in his eyes tells me that it's going to be a very difficult task to complete. Especially when he's built the way he is. The soft tender look he holds in his eyes when he watches me from afar down to the hungry look he holds now. This poor soul is going to suffer over the likes of me. What a f****d up fate to have. Whether I stay at his side or leave. He will know what pain is. I've been catching up on what mates are and if the legends are true, he will never be whole if she takes me or worse if she kills me. Sam will be fine. She will grieve, she will struggle, but she will be fine. But not this man. "It means I'm sorry for giving you such a hard time. I feel like I've caused you nothing but trouble since we met," he smiled pressing his forehead against mine. "It's to be expected," he chuckled. "Why is that?" "Isn't that what soldiers are? Trouble?" I smiled at him. In the very least, I can give him something nice to look back on. "No, they're supposed to prevent trouble or in the very least, end it," "Just a means to an end," he smiled looking down at me. The enthusiasm of him is contagious. He is definitely an alpha.
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