You'll seriously kill me!

1620 Words
Xenia’s Pov Wiping off my tears, I walked near the door and opened it when the smiling face of Alina greeted me with a couple of servants behind her with huge dresses in their hands. "I got your dresses for tonight's ceremony," Alina said in her usual sweet tone as she rushed inside the room while I took a few steps behind as Alina placed all the dresses on the bed. "I got all these dresses for you, and now you'll choose the final one from them. All of them are great; I'm sure you'll love all of them." Alina said, and I just nodded my head with a small smile. "Come check them." Alina looked so excited that I smiled at her while she started showing me the dresses. First was a black puffy off-shoulder dress, the second one was a deep red sleeveless long gown, and lastly, she showed me a royal blue dress, and this dress caught my attention. "You like it? I also love it, even I showed the dresses to my brother just before coming here and even though he told me to ask for your opinion, but I noticed that he liked the blue one. Then it's final." She said, and I cursed in my mind as if I knew it a while ago, I would have picked anyone except this. But now I can't do anything. I had to spend the entire day with Alina as she got makeup artists even though I didn't need them. Even they had to fit to dress according to my size. They just gave me a small break in the middle to have lunch, and I was thankful for that because I was exhausted since I had never experienced them before. Even Ares's mom also came to see me, but surprisingly Ares didn't come to see me once. It's not like I'm missing him, but after our conversation, he didn't return to our room. I didn't even see him at lunchtime. Brushing off my thoughts, I looked at myself in the mirror since finally everyone had left me alone in my room as my make-up and everything was done. Basically, they didn't have to do much because my skin is naturally smooth and my cheeks are pink, so they applied some base with lip color pink lipstick. I kept my hair open because I love them open. I was admiring the dress; it looked mesmerizing with spaghetti straps and a long slit from my waist to down, making my long leg exposed. I'm pretty long, and I got the best legs which I'm proud of, but suddenly I noticed that I didn't wear my shoes. I started looking for my shoes, but they were nowhere to be found. 'Strange, didn't Alina get a pair of shoes for me?' I was wondering when suddenly someone walked inside the room, and I noticed that it was Ares, looking dashing in a matching deep blue suit, making him look breathtaking. I was a little surprised because I saw him after the entire day, but he steadily walked near me with a box in his hand. And finally looked into my eyes as I was also looking at him intensively. "Sit." He said in a low tone making my eyebrows squint, but the next second I found his hand on my shoulder as he made me sit on the bed, and he squatted down in front of me on the floor, making my eyes go wide in shock, but I didn't utter a word as I noticed he opened the box and pulled a beautiful white crystal shining shoes out of the box and gently took my leg in his hand, but I had to stop him. "H..hey, leave it, I ca_" "Quiet," suddenly he said in a cold tone cutting my words as he made me wear the shoes, and I must say, I loved them. They looked pretty as I started checking out myself in the glass. Standing in front of the glass, I took a last look at myself when I noticed Ares approaching me from behind and stopping just behind me. "I got something for you." He said and pulled out a small box. I didn't turned towards him, but I could sense that it was either a ring or a pendant, and as I thought, he pulled out a pendant, and it contained a small shining snowflake pendant. I kept staring at him through the mirror; in fact, he was also staring at my eyes through the mirror, but none of us uttered a single word. Suddenly, he slowly pushed my hair to one side and I shivered up when I felt the touch of his cold fingers on my bare neck, but I didn't lose our eye contact. He gently made me wear the pendent, and my entire attention was on the warmth as I just loved the warmth that his body emitted. I know I should love it but....but he makes me weak, my heart soft. We both kept staring at each other with unknown yet different emotions and feelings floating in our eyes. And suddenly, my breathing hitched when he bent over my neck as he sneaked one of his hands around my waist and pulled me onto his chest, brushing his lips against my naked neck as he murmured, "Xenia, One day you'll seriously kill me." Saying it, he pressed his lips against my neck, making me gasp hard in surprise and maybe in pleasure! While he started leaving butterfly kisses on my neck, making me close my eyes and lean over his chest because the moment his warm lips touched my shoulder, I felt my legs turning into jellies. Suddenly he kissed my neck hard as if he was leaving his mark on my neck, more like he was marking his territory, and instead of pushing him away, I moaned softly. And I'm sure he's grinning after hearing my moan but....but I couldn't control my mouth because his hands were also moving upward. W..what is happening? Aren't we supposed to leave for the get-together? How come were_ My words got stuck in my mind when I felt his warm hand over my breast and squeeze it gently, but for me, it felt like someone splashed a bucket of cold water over me. What the f**k am I doing? How can I allow him to touch me? So Intimately! No! Without wasting a second, I jerked off his hands and came out of his hold while taking long breaths and throwing draggers in his direction with my eyes. How dare he touch me like that? Isn't he was disgusted by me? But surprisingly, he looked indifferent as he kept staring at me with those soft eyes. Yes, he is a rude, cold, and heartless Lycan king who never smiles at everyone and always looks at them with hard eyes, but now he's looking at me with soft eyes. Not from now but from the moment he declared me as the Luna, as the bride of the Lycan king. "What are you doing? How dare you to touch me?" I hissed at him because I was furious at him, and I don't want my hate for him to vanish so soon with his these acts. He doesn't deserve my love, not any longer. While I was glaring at him, he shrugged his shoulder and said in a poker face, "Don't think much. I just left my mark on your neck so that you don't dare to flirt with the other wolfs." I gave him a 'ARE YOU SEROUS?' look when he ignored my gaze and looked at his watch, "It's time to leave. Let's go." Saying it, he didn't wait for a second before taking my hand into his as he walked out of the room, with me walking beside him. Even I didn't complain because now I'm a Luna, Luna of the most powerful King, so I have to stick with him and match his steps. We hopped into the car, and the entire ride was silent since he was looking into his phone while I rubbed my palms together since they were sweaty in fear. Yes, I'm afraid because for the first time, I'm going to get introduced as the Luna of the Lycan king and wife of the billionaire since Ares is the CEO of the biggest running corporation in our country. In fact, they're the royal family. And now I'm the princess in another words. I could not help but sigh helplessly after thinking about so many identities of mine. Even two days ago, I was an unwanted wolf-less sister of my brother, and now I'm a Luna, missus, and the Princess. While I was lost in my thoughts, I noticed the car stopped, and the moment I looked out, I felt my breathing getting heavy. The entire gate is filled with cameraman and news reports. I felt my throat turning dry when suddenly I felt the familiar cold hand holding mine. I turned towards Ares and found him staring at me intensively, "Don't worry, I'm here with you." Saying it, he gently kissed the back of my hands before getting down of the car while I paused. He came at my side of the car and opened the door before forwarding his hand in front of me, to hold him. But I was staring at his face blankly as his words were ringing around my ear making my eyes turn moist. ~Don't worry, I'm here with you~ Really? He's here with me? Will he be there with me always like before?? Can I....can I really trust him AGAIN??
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