Lost everything

1013 Words
========== Xenia's Pov Is he being serious? He is the person who shouted in my face in front of the crowd of wolves to address him as prince Ares, but not by Ares, which I have been calling him since my childhood but in the blink of a few days, he changed like weather and lashed out on me in front of everyone when he used to tell me that he'll always be there for me whenever I need him but he....he also left me like others. Not only he but his entire family left me alone to rot in pain, and now they want me to behave like before? What do they take me as? Their doll? I'll do whatever they want? I'm so miserable in their eyes now? I didn't want to cry, but I could not control that drop of tear as it slipped out of my eyes in pain, in those pain which still makes my heart bleed. I noticed that he was also staring at me with his golden eyes, there were some emotions floating in his eyes, but I didn't want to name them. Because in that end, I'm the one who'll get hurt by him. I noticed that he raised his hand towards my face, maybe to wipe my tears. Now he cares? He didn't give a fu*k when I was crying bitterly in the hall of our school, in the middle of the wolves! He walked away from me like I was air to him! I immediately pushed his hand back and wiped my tears because I didn't want to look pathetic in front of him, not anymore. Now I learned how to control my emotions and my heart. "So tell me now, King. Do I have to act well in front of your family? I do not wish to anger you, the mighty King." I said, and surely my tone contained sarcasm, but he didn't show my emotions; he just kept staring into my eyes. Maybe he's trying to read my eyes, but little he knows I'm a closed book now where he'll find nothing but cold treatment. Finally, he sighed and said, "No, need to act. Just be yourself." Saying it, he walked out, leaving me alone on the balcony, and I'm thankful to him for leaving because the moment he left our room, my tears started falling like a broken dam. I'm not a robot, I feel bad, I cry, but I won't do all this in front of him. Wiping my tears, I sat on the couch, which was on the balcony. Staring at the sky, I could not help but think of my parents, who left me alone to live in this hell. I was living my life with my parents, my brother, and my best friend happily when their sudden death not only broke my heart but also broke me. I not only lost them but lost everything. The care of my brother, the love of my friend, and the affection of my second family. Suddenly I thought of that time when I was the happiest girl in the land. Flashback to 16 years ago "Luna Bella!!" Little Xenia screamed and ran towards Bella, who took her tiny body in her arms. "My sweetheart, how come you're so late today? I prepared your favorite muffins today; come, it's turning cold." Bella said happily while from behind, Xenia's mother, Elina walked ahead with a smile. "I must say, Bella, my daughter loves you more than me," Elina told Bella, who chuckled after hearing her. It is not hidden from anyone that the Wright and the Hurgus family have been like best friends for thousands of years. Even their older generation was friends since the Hurgus are the best Beta of the Royal Crystal moon pack. Even the parents of Xenia are the greatest Beta of the pack when the father of Ares is the Alpha King. Little Xenia was enjoying her muffin while playing alone on the swing when suddenly someone started moving her swing gently, making her turn behind. And as soon as her beautiful almond eyes fell on the little 13 years old Ares, her eyes started shining with happiness. "Ares! When did you come from the school?" She asked happily when he gave her a small smile and said, "Just a moment ago." "You came to push my swing?" She asked excitingly while he nodded his head. Little Xenia was smiling brightly, but suddenly her smile froze when she remembered something, and her gloomy expression didn't go unnoticed by Ares. "What happened?" He asked gently, making her again turn towards him. "What will I do when you leave me, Ares?" Abruptly she asked, making him chuckle. "Who said I will leave you?" He asked when she puffed her cheeks and pouted cutely, "Daddy said that you'll leave the city when you turn older because you need to get trained and complete your study in the other country." She innocently said as she heard her dad talking about it. This time Ares didn't deny her words because it was true, but he immediately flashed her a smile and said, "Don't worry, your Ares will never leave you. No matter where I go, at the end of everything, I will run back to you." And as soon as she heard him, a big smile formed upon her lips, making Ares smile automatically. "Really?" She again asked to confirm because she couldn't live without him now. "Yes, really." Ares said, but Xenia was not convinced, so she kept her little pink finger in front of him and said, "Promise?" It's her habit to keep her pinky finger in front of others for eternity, promise. Ares chuckled and bent down towards her and crossed his pinky finger with hers, "Promise." She again gave him her mesmerizing smile while he smiled back with doting eyes. Return to the present Knock* knock* I was so lost in my happy memories when suddenly the knock on the door broke the chain of my thoughts.
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