Fu*k! Our Mate is in trouble!

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========= Ares's Pov I ignored her for the entire day because the moment I saw her crying because of me, I could not control myself but leave because I could feel my wolf, Atlas also growling after seeing her crying. Just like me, my wolf Altas is also mad for our mate. 'Why do you always have to act like a Di*k in front of her? Can't you simply tell her everything to make everything easy for us? I also want my mate to be near me!' I hear Atlas growling inside me, but I could just sigh, 'You also know the reasons, Atlas. We can't act impulsive when they might come to see her tonight. More than telling her everything, I would prefer to keep her safe without saying anything.' I said as it hurts no one more than me. I want to adore her and love her like before but nothing is like before, not even she and her feelings for me. Well, it hurts, but I deserve it since I actually acted like a Di*k with her. After the entire day, when I saw her looking breathtaking in her gown, I couldn't help but kiss her neck while I wanted to do more when she pushed me away, making me realize that I was crossing the bound since I needed to win her back slowly and steadily. And that’s when I gave her a lame excuse to not show how much I wanted to kiss her neck and her cherry lips. Even in the car, I acted my best to ignore her because the more I looked at her, the more Atlas made me eager to pull her into my lap and kiss her senselessly, but I CAN'T! I could see that she was scared, that's why I told her not to worry before getting out of the car and opening the door for my wife, yes, finally MY WIFE. But she kept staring at me blankly until I gently called her. She blinked twice before keeping her hand over mine, and I tightly held her hand as she got out of the car. I helped her with the dress, and finally we turned in front of us where over thirty media channels were presented to take a look at my wife. Even though we're living in the middle of the humans, my family is the royal family of the country, and my family company is the biggest corporation in the entire region. That's why they're here to see the wife of CEO Ares. Basically, the Lady boss of Wright Corporation. Everyone was clicking pictures while I felt her palm getting wet in fear. I gently turned towards her with doting eyes and whispered, "Don't be afraid; I'm always beside you to hold you even if you fall." Hearing me, she also turned towards me without any smile while I gave her a smile which is not my character, but for her, I can do every impossible task of my life. She again turned towards the reports and gave them her mesmerizing smile. After clicking the pictures, we both walked inside the hall with hand in hand when everyone paused in their place and turned towards us with their eyes stuck on Xenia basically. Not only men but even some women started drooling at her sight, and it's normal because she is breathtaking. She always stayed behind covers because, after her parents death, her world collapsed. Even I wasn't there for her, which made the scenery worse for her, so she hid herself from the world. She got the perfect body that girls pray for, with heavy curves and a perfect model like height of 5'8. And her smile alongside her green eyes are the weapon to make anyone drool over her but too bad for them. I'll pop out those all lustful staring eyes at my wife because she's only mine, ONLY MINE! We both slowly walked inside the hall with our heads held high in a very delicate manner. She knows them well because she has grown up with me, and my mom already trained her well because she knew how Xenia would end up being her daughter-in-law. Unknown to me, I kept smiling while staring at me when I heard her saying, "Don't keep staring at me. Look at the front." I chuckled and looked ahead when I noticed mom and dad smiling brightly after seeing us as they walked ahead and gave us a gentle hug. "You're looking so beautiful." Mom told her while she slowly replied, "You're also looking beautiful, Queen." In public, we can't say Luna or Alpha, so we call by King, Queen, Prince, or Princess, but I'm not pleased with her reply because now she should call mom by mom or mother. "Sweetheart, now you're our daughter. You should call us by Mom and Dad." She said when Xenia kept staring at her with blank eyes, and I'm damn sure she remembered something of our childhood, but thankfully she smiled at mom and said, "Alright, Mom." And I could see the moist eyes of my mom, who was over the moon after hearing her calling her Mom. Even dad was happy. Finally Alina, the trouble maker came and took Xenia into a Squeezy hug before all the high profile figures started walking towards me as they introduced themselves to Xenia who talked with them just like a royal. We both kept greeting everyone for almost two hours since everyone was important, so we had to greet them. And finally, I found her tapping her legs when I remembered that she's wearing hills and she had to walk for hours in them. Shit, how come that slipped out of my head? "Let's sit for a while." I whispered near her ear when she turned towards me and said, "No need, we have more people to greet." And this stubborn lady of my life won't listen to me in once. "Did I ask you?" I said in a cold tone making her glare at me but the next second she replied, "Alright, grumpy ass." Grumpy Ass!! Nice name, darling but just wait for a few days until this grumpy ass of yours make you moan his name aloud from your soft lips in pleasure. I guided her towards a couch in a corner and gently made her sit before sitting in front of her when she immediately held my hand, which was on her legs. "Hey! What are you doing? Stop it. Everyone is looking at us!" She instantly whispered with panicked eyes while I looked at her and said in my calm tone, "I'm holding the feet of my wife, not theirs. Why should I care about their eyes being on me? Like I care." I could see she was speechless after hearing me while I again moved my eyes back to her feet as I gently removed her heel and started massaging her legs; when she stayed silent with her eyes stuck on me as I could feel her gaze. "At least sit beside me." Suddenly she whispered since I was sitting in front of her. I was about to reject her when she added, "Please." And hearing her pleading tone, I didn't argue, just sat next to her with her legs over my lap as I noticed they turned red and I felt a pang in my heart because I shouldn't have gotten hills for her. "You should have taken a break. Look, how red your legs are. You even got blisters." I whispered when she said, "It's alright; I'll apply a bandage over there later. Moreover, I'm no longer invisible Xenia. Now I have to bear the heavy crown of being your wife." Saying it, she kept a invisible crown in her head, doing a little acting, making me chuckle at her since it's her habit. I'm glad at least she's trying to get along with me while fighting with me every now and then. "They're fine, now leave. Look, Mr. Mathew is looking for you." She said and I turned towards Mr. Matthew, who entered into the hall and looked for me. Even though I don't want to leave her alone but I have to greet him since he's the prime minister of the country. "Wait, I'll call Alina to sit with you. You don't need to walk." I said, but she immediately hissed, "Do I look like a kid to you? I can take care of myself. I just need to sit for a while. You should go." She said and pulled back her legs out of my lap. While I sighed and held her hand, "Alright, I'll be right back. If you need anything, just look for me or Alina. Even Mom and Dad are here. Don't wander alone." She immediately nodded her head as if she wanted to brush me off her side as soon as possible. I gently kissed the back of her palm before walking towards Matthew. And we both started talking, but I kept looking at my wife, who was eating silently. I am happy as long as she gets comfortable. In contrast, Mr. Matthew was talking about a upcoming project since they need approval from the Royal family for every new project in the country. And our conversation was quite long when I finally ended our discussion by saying I need to see my wife. He also stopped talking, thankfully. With a smile and I turned towards the couch where Xenia was sitting, and instantly my smile vanished when the empty couch greeted me, as she was not even near of it. Immediately I started looking around when I saw mom, dad, and Alina with hundreds of people, but Xenia was nowhere near. I was looking for her when suddenly I felt a sharp pain in my heart, making my eyes go wide in surprise as I heard Atlas saying, "Fu*k! Our Mate is in trouble.”
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