
1569 Words
ARIEL’S POV I try to ignore the feeling in my gut that I am about to be betrayed by my parents. Mum told me the family would move to Greywood "Finish your food" my dad said before standing up to leave for his office. Business has been struggling lately, I overheard my parents talking about selling out one time. We finished breakfast and Leo helped to clear the table and do the dishes with me while Mum got ready to leave also. She was going grocery shopping first before we went for my school shopping and dinner in the evening. While in the kitchen, I heard Mum's footsteps at the front door "I will be back shortly" she shouted as she left. "Are you good?" Leo asked me in his concerned voice. "Let's start with why you didn't tell me you applied to Greywood University" I shot back ignoring his concerned expression, "you knew how bad I felt when I found out you could not apply, yet you didn't have the decency to tell me it worked and you applied?" I continued "Do you know how guilty and insensitive I felt every time I talk to you about going to Greywood University?". Leo just stared at me while I ranted and vented my anger and frustration on him. "Why will you keep…" "shhhhhh" Leo shushed me as he drew me into a bear hug, my best kind of hug. "I'm sorry, I didn't tell you, it was meant to be a surprise." "I came here early today to tell you but your dad beat me to it by asking first" he explained. "You should have told me still, I hate surprises" I argued further still fuming. He pulled me back to get a better look at me, "Are you sure it's just me you are pissed at right now?" "I sighed" "I have a bad feeling about what my mum said earlier, feels like I will be going to Greywood alone" "Don't say that, superman Leo will be there with you" he said, making a Superman pose to cheer me up. It worked, so I decided to let it go and wait till I heard from my parents during dinner later. We finished the dishes and Leo left saying he had to run some errands. Feeling alone in this big house, I decided to continue the series I was watching. I may not have time for movies once I'm in school, I smiled to myself at the thought of that and jogged upstairs like a little happy child. I was 3 episodes in when I dosed off. “What am I doing in this foggy woods?” “How did I get here?” “Hi Ariel, you are finally here, welcome home” I turned around and faced the direction the voice came from. “Ariel! Ariel!! Ariel!!!, It feels like I am being hypnotized by the sound, I instinctively follow the sound, the further I went the thicker the fog got. Suddenly I noticed a dark form, I could not explain what it was, too big to be a human shadow, wait! Is that a bear, how do I escape from it, I turn to run and suddenly the bear-like form appears in front of me. “Arghhhh” “Please don't hurt me” I start to plead. It looked at me and in its eyes I saw comfort and terror. I closed my eyes out of fear and covered my mouth with my trembling hands. “Ariel!” “Wake up” “It's just a dream, snap out of it” I was hearing my mum's voice from a distance, I slowly opened my eyes and I was wrapped tightly in her arms sweating profusely. “You had a nightmare princess,” my mum said as she kissed my forehead to calm me. “I'm fine now mum, don't worry,” I say as I break out from her hands to sit up properly. “Your dad called, he said he's sorry he has to cancel dinner. He is meeting some important potential partners, we can postpone going shopping if you are not up for it today.” My mum finished. “It's fine mum, like I said earlier, I don't need to buy new stuff since we are moving anyways.” “You look like you need a shower, freshen up, and come downstairs for lunch,” my mum said before leaving my room ignoring my talk about moving. “Mom, are we moving or not?” I asked my mum as soon as I got to the kitchen. “Princess come and eat first, let's talk after lunch” she tried to persuade me. “Just tell me now Mum, I don't like this suspense. It feels like you are hiding something from me and Dad is feigning oblivion” I responded. “What is it, mum? Tell me, I'm no longer a child, I will be 21 soon so I am an adult” I coerced my mum. “Fine, I have not been able to convince your dad to move to Greywood” she dropped the bomb I felt the “kaboom” in my heart as my heart exploded and sank at the same time. My mum had convinced me to apply to Greywood University, she convinced me that the small town would be cheaper to live in as they would be moving to Greywood to start a new life since dad would be selling out the business. “Why on earth did you convince me to apply to Greywood?” I fired back now enraged. “ I would have applied to Harvard or SNU, you convinced me that Greywood was better since we would all be there together.” My mum looked really sorry, I could see the regret on her face but I wasn't having any of it, I was angry. I always did everything she asked including my choice of University. I never knew there was a town called Greywood or even a University there until she came to my room one night and asked if I had filled out applications for Universities. I told her I hadn't submitted any and my plans to submit to Harvard and SNU. Mum asked me to apply to Greywood University. In her words; “I promise you won't regret it, you will love it in Greywood, it will help you become a better version of yourself” She also added that she and Dad were going to move to Greywood so I won't stay alone. I cannot believe she would go back on her word. I picked up my phone and called Leo to pick me up, I could not spend another minute in the same space with my mum. 15 minutes later I heard the sound of Leo's truck as he pulled up by the gate, I could see him from inside because we have a low fence. “Don't forget dinner at 7 pm” I heard my mum yell from the kitchen as I stepped out of the house. I hate fighting with any of my parents but this time I was really offended. I was caught up in my head thinking about Mum and the whole Greywood thing as I walked to the gate, I didn't know I was at the gate already till I bumped into the gate getting myself a bleeding nose. “Oh s**t” I cursed. I forgot to tell you about myself, I am a trouble magnet. When I am not hitting or bumping into something, it is vice versa. “You look like a real damsel in distress,” Leo said as I walked out of my gate with a bloody nose and messy hair. “And you look like a prince charming without the charming part” “you are supposed to bring a horse to save me but here you are with a half-dead truck” I love teasing Leo about his looks and truck, it always got to him. He just shrugged and I chuckled satisfied that I got the desired effect. “ where are you taking me to, Prince Charming without charms?” I asked as I settled in on the Passenger seat of the truck. “Do you want to go for a run?” Leo asked without looking at me. I was taken aback by the question, he knows I have asthma, I obviously cannot be caught running. “Are you being serious?” “No, of course not” he responded looking at me apologetically. “A walk on the beach will do you good and we can have some coconut juice if you want,” Leo said trying to make me feel better. Honestly, I don't mind what it is we are doing, I just needed air and distance from my folks. “Sure but can we have lunch first, I am super hungry plus my bout of anger didn't help,” I said doing the puppy dog eye for Leo. “You are cute,” he said laughing. We had lunch made up of sandwiches and soda at Nigel's. The beach was almost empty when we got there. I was taking off my sneakers when my phone vibrated. I checked and there was a text from “Dad”.
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