
1304 Words
ARIEL’S POV. Whenever my alarm goes off, I curse under my breath before getting up to turn it off. The silly clock can wake the dead with its loud sound like a church bell. Dad bought me the clock to instill the discipline of waking up early. I love my dad but his strictness can be overbearing sometimes. I got up and turned off my alarm, “Oh after I cursed under my breath for the day” it’s 6 am. I threw my clock in my bedside drawer and drew my blanket over my body to get that last dose of morning sleep. Less than 10 minutes later I heard a loud knock on my door, I tried to ignore it but it became louder and sounded more urgent, i heard my mum’s voice calling me to come and open the door immediately. I reluctantly got out of bed and opened my door. “Mrs Regina, what do you want from me this early in the day?” “saw me in your dream?” I asked my mum looking like an angry bird. She ignored me and walked past me inside my room holding a sheet of paper. She had a bright and mischievous smile on her face. “Guess what I’m holding” she started, still wearing that mischief on her face. I shrugged “I don’t know, you tell me what it is and why you had to burst my eardrums” I answered. She shoved the paper in my face and shouted congratulations, I immediately understood what she meant. Greywood University is supposed to write me back today on the status of my admission application, I quickly looked at the sheet of paper and read its content “ Dear Ariel Brighton, we are pleased to inform you that your application was accepted and you have been offered provisional admission…” In excitement, I screamed at the top of my voice, hugged my mum so tight like she was the vice chancellor of Greywood University, and we danced around singing in excitement. Just then, my dad walked in, The almighty Andrew Brighton does not like noise and all these kind of shenanigans especially at home. “We have an asylum here now?” my dad asked, looking really irritated by the screams. We stopped and turned to face him, he was still standing by the door “What is the reason for this cacophony?” he asked again. Mum and I burst out laughing, dad is known for his strong vocabulary especially when he is angry or irritated. I walked to the door and gave him a very tight hug which made my mum laugh even harder. “Dad” I started, “your baby girl here just got accepted at Greywood University” I told him holding up the mail my mum printed out this morning and looking at him with so much pride and happiness on my face. Dad took the mail from my hand and read through it, then his face beamed with the brightest smile you can ever imagine. “that’s my girl,” my dad said swelling in fatherly pride and looking at me with so much admiration and happiness. You can tell from his facial expression that he is the happiest father on earth at this moment. “I’m taking you both out to dinner to celebrate this great news, be ready at 6 pm,” he said. Classic Andrew Brighton, always giving orders around. We both echo “ay ay Captain” and started laughing again, mum kissed my forehead and followed Dad out, “breakfast will be ready in 30 minutes, be downstairs by then,” she said on her way out. I quickly shut my door and went straight to get my phone and call up Leo. The line rang twice and there was no response, “who knows what that cunning bastard is up to” I chuckled as I thought to myself before going to do my morning skin care routine for a skin that doesn’t care. Leo is my closest friend at the moment, not that I have any other friends, it's been just a year since he transferred to my school during our senior year but it feels like I have known him all my life. I am blessed to have him in my life. I was still reminiscing on how amazing our friendship had been when I heard yet another loud knock on my door. “Knock!” “Knock!” “Hold on” I screamed from the bathroom as I was trying to wipe water off my body with a towel, seemed like the person did not hear me because the knocking got louder almost like the person was enjoying banging and drumming on my door. I just knew it was none other than my cheeky best friend. “You bastard, my dad is still home” I screamed amidst laughter. I heard him say something, I don’t know what it was but I’m sure he had a fearful expression on his face. Leo is so scared of my dad, he is even uncomfortable around him, I jokingly asked him if my dad stole someone dear to him one time and he reacted in a very weird way, I dropped it immediately. “What are you doing here so early in the day when I’m not your girlfriend?” I asked him as I opened my door, “you wish” he shot back giving me a mischievous grin. He believes no one is more handsome than his 5ft 7 inches well-built body with black hair and dark brown eyes to compliment his well-sculpted face. I have never agreed with him on that but he is self sufficient so my opinion is useless. “I would scratch out my eyes if you were the only man on earth,” I said back to him. “You’d be doing me a favour, I would not have to look at those bulky owl eyes” he retorted, I was thinking of a comeback when my mum called us downstairs for breakfast. We sat at the table to dine, and after saying grace, we ate. We were halfway through our meal when my dad spoke; “Leo, what is your plan for University, did you apply to any schools?” Everyone was surprised, my dad never spoke to Leo except to answer his greetings. The shocked expression on Leo’s face was priceless, I would have had a good laugh under better circumstances. His jaw dropped, he swallowed hard, “I… I…” he stammered, “I… got accepted at Greywood University to study archeology sir” he finished. Now it was my turn to be surprised. He told me he could not apply before the deadline for Greywood University. “That is impressive, congratulations,” my dad said. “Ariel will not be alone in Greywood after all” my mum added. I returned from my trance “What does that mean?” I asked, looking from her to my dad. “Nothing baby girl, finish up your meal” she responded. “What’s the rush, are we going somewhere?” I asked. My dad spoke this time, “You need to shop for the things you would be taking to school” “Why?” “We are moving anyways, I will just take my old stuff and buy other things there” “I will be going to school from the house anyways” My dad shrugged when I said that, mum too. “What is going on?” “Mom?” “We are moving to Greywood, right?” she just looked at me with a defeated expression. I knew something was wrong immediately.
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