
1358 Words
LOGAN’S POV — As I jump down the tree, I land with a heavy thud and I glance up at Marliya’s bedroom window, her head sticking out as she stares down at me. “Logan.” she calls out to me as I glance away, making me look back at her. “Yeah Ace?” I grin, “Thanks for my sweater.” she deadpans with no sort of smile. “Next time I’m throwing it away.” I tease before walking away. I was on my way to Davina’s, but I no longer feel like going and head back home. Waking up the next morning, I get dressed, eat breakfast that our maid makes and head off to school. A huge part of me is excited to see her, to share knowing looks but no one knows why. It’s thrilling, it sends shivers rushing through me and I hate that I only feel this way because of her. Never once as a kid did I listen when my parents told me to stay away, not because I was disobedient but because of her. Even as a kid, she had this glow around her, making me think that I might have imagined her, but I didn't. Walking into English knowing that I will see her makes my blood pump fast through my body but once I step into the classroom as the bell rings, she's not in her seat. Her desk is open and I wish that she was sitting there. A tap on my shoulder makes me sigh and I turn to look at my girlfriend, sitting with a frown on her face as she leans forward, "Where were you last night?" he chews on the back of her pen, but it's not as satisfying as when Marliya does it. "Must have fallen asleep." I shrug, lying through my teeth and I thank the Goddess when Ms. Bell begins the class. After school, I left in a hurry, hoping to find Marliya in the woods, but there was no trace of her so I went home and did my homework. -- The next morning, I am woken by awful singing and a bright light shone into my face, making me groan as I pull the pillow over my head. Today was my eighteenth birthday, the day that I could find my mate if she were of age, but I hope she isn't, just for the sake of her safety. "Come on Logan, it's your birthday." My mother beams, it's the only day that she's actually nice to me and I accept it because I'm so use to it by now. I pull the pillow off my face and sit up, stretching as the cake is put in my lap. I glance up at my mother and father standing there, the fire on the candles reflecting in their eyes as they both continue to sing and I blow out the candles just to make them stop hurting my ears. "I can't believe how big you've gotten." my mother comes closer, squishing my face and I pull away, rolling my eyes, "Maybe if you noticed me more then maybe you would believe." I pick up the tray and put it on the other side of the bed before I toss the covers off me and get up. "Where are you going?" my father asks, the shock in his tone very clear, "To school." I mutter and he starts to laugh like it was a joke. Perhaps Marliya will be there today and my birthday wouldn't suck so much. "You can't go to school on your birthday son." My mother giggles and I turn in the frame of my bathroom door, c*****g my head at them, "And why not? It's my birthday, I can do what I want to." I deadpan and my father sighs, "Son, you can find your mate today, imagine how unspecial would that be if it happened at school." his eyes narrow and I could tell that he wanted to get through to me, but he doesn't. "I don't think so, can you just leave me alone? I need to go to school." I scoff as I turn, "You aren't going!" My mother yells as I slam the bathroom door shut, but I ignore her and take my early morning shower. As I come out of my room, my mom is still there, sitting on my bed with her one knee crosses over the other, "I was thinking we could go shopping for your birthday." she smiles and I snort at the idea, "I'm not a girl." I ruffle my hair, feeling the droplets of water scattering down my back and front as I walk to my closet with just my towel wrapped around my torso. "It doesn't mean you wouldn't like something." she beams, "I already have everything I like, thanks." I mutter under my breath, "What about a new tv?" she offers and I could tell how badly she didn't want me to go to school today, but there were other days that I just wanted to spend time with her and she always said no, even though I was small, I still remember it like it was yesterday. "The one I got is big enough." I mutter as I pull clothes out of my pockets, "How about we shop for your birthday party tonight?" she offers and a bright idea sparks in my head. I turn to her, the folded clothes piled in my hand, "If I don't go to school and we go shopping like you want to, are you going to buy me booz for my birthday?" I grin and her lips form a pout and she pushes them side to side as she thinks about my request, "Fine," she caves, "And for my friends." I raise my brows and she stands up, smiling, "Yes yes, anything as long as you don't ruin your perfect moment by having it at school." disgust is written all over her face and I start to laugh, "Well we can leave in about an hour then.", "An hour?" she asks confused, "Well I need to go tell Davina that I won't be going to school, we walk together every morning and she'd be pissed if I didn't tell her." I roll my eyes, "Oh I do hope she's not your mate." my mother frowns and I snort, "Me too." The one thing my mother and I have in common, is that we think Davina is too full of herself. She probably shits sprinkles and pukes rainbows, but nonetheless, she keeps me occupied and makes me stop thinking about Marliya, well she use to. My mother on the other hand hopes I am mated to one of our own omega's, not that's likely but it does happen, or at least another high ranking omega from neighboring towns pack's that I am sure she invited for tonights party. It's going to be so big that she had to ask permission from the King and Queen to host it, but of course they like me and agreed. After getting dressed, I head over to the spot I usually see Marliya meet up with Kenzie to walk off to school and I notice Mackenzie walking off to school alone. I mentally curse and turn and go back home, bumping into Davina. "Logan!" she beams, smiling ear to ear, "Happy birthday my love." she wraps her arms around me, hugging me before stepping back and placing a kiss on my lips. "Here." she grins as she hands me a box and I smile, "Thanks, look I'm not going to school today, but I'll see you tonight?" I offer and she pouts, "Oh fine, just because it's your birthday." she waves it off, pecking me on the cheek before trotting off with the rest of her friends. I was surprised how easily she let me off, she's usually more controlling, but I shrug it off and go back home to go shopping with my mother. The only reason I'm going is because if I'm getting through this night, I need alcohol.
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