
2485 Words
MARLIYA'S POV -- Suspended. For three days. I am going to f*****g kill Davina Black for doing this to me. I walk home after being told that I was suspended for hitting the princess, that the queen was insisting on it and they could not defy her. Arriving at home, my mother frowns at me when I walk into the kitchen for a bottle of water, "Liya, why are you home this early? Did you forget something?" she asks concerned and I scoff, "Just my mind." I scoff sarcastically and she puts down her cup of tea and stands up from the small table. "What do you mean?" my mother asks asked, concerned. "Anna! Our daughter has lost her mind!" my father slams the front door as he walks into the kitchen and freezes when he sees me standing in the kitchen, his eyes wide. "What were you thinking Marliya?" he asks disappointingly and it really stings. My dad never uses my full name unless I have disappointed him or made him mad. "Link, what is going on?" My mother asks, "She slapped Davina." he stares at my mother dumbfounded as if he was hearing it for the first time too. My mother's face falls as her eyes widen and she glances at me, "What were you thinking?" she asks concerned, "Is that why you're home? Did you get expelled?" she rambles with questions that I have no patience to answer, but I have to. "She came at me, raising her hand and I slapped her first." I shrug, "It was self-defense." I stand tall, showing them that I don't care, "And no, I wasn't expelled, just suspended for three days. It's not like I purposely attacked her out of my own." I grit out and both of my parent's shoulders fall as they relax a notch. "Why were you even talking to her?" My father asks, "I wasn't, I was talking to Keegan.", "He's back? That's great!" my mother beams and my eyebrows just hop, "It is.", "But why would she want to hit you?" my father raises his eyebrow at me, "Because she was bad mouthing me, so I bad mouthed her back. I know I'm not out going, but I stand up for myself.", "Why would she bad mouth you? Davina is a very nice girl." my mother stares at me as if I were making all of this up. "Probably because her boyfriend is staring at me." I deadpan, "Logan?" My father frowns and both of them stare at one another, their eyes filled with concern. "Yes." I grit out. "Well you know we have to give you some sort of punishment, right?" my father looks uncomfortable as he says this, "They told you to, didn't they?" I grit out and he sighs, "Oh my goddess! Link, they can not tell us what to do with our daughter." My mother defends me as she stares at my father shocked. "They are our King and Queen, we need to follow orders.", "Just great, here's my phone.." I fish it out of my pocket and put it on the counter, "And I will be in my room." I grit out and waltz out of there. "Link, this is not right." my mother's voice is filled with anger and I stop at the stairs, listening to them bicker about how the royals are our leaders and that they need to follow orders. It's all my father can say, meaning that he doesn't actually want to do this, but he has to. I close my room and take the books out of my bag before I start to self-study all of my subjects ten pages each. After studying, I head downstairs, biting on my lip as I walk into the living room to see my mother and father doing paperwork. "Can I go train?" I ask politely and their eyes flick up to me before they look at each other and then back to me, "Sure, it's work so why not?" my father shrugs and I thank them before heading out. The school came out two hours ago and even though I usually go to Kenzie's after doing homework, I guess that I'm not allowed. I head off into the woods right outside our border where I usually train by myself and I take off my sweater, putting it on the log and I start to stretch while standing in just my white sports shorts and matching sports bra that has an open back with a lot of straps for support. I start to do squats, leg raises, bend overs and neck rolls before I start to work on my form, slowly doing punches for muscle memory . I tense when I feel eyes on me and I stop, my hands dropping to my sides as I glance around, but there's no one so I shrug it off, thinking it might be a bunny or something and continue. I start with kicks to the side, "f**k!" I curse out loud as I almost fall over and I run my one hand over my hair, flattening the loose strands before I kick a rock to the side. "It's because you're doing that wrong." an unfamiliar voice beams and I turn around, staring into the eyes of Logan Lombardi. I glance around, as if hoping that he might be with someone, talking to someone else but it's just him sitting on the log next to my sweater, pulling out a black box before opening the top, pulling our a cigarette and rests it between his lips. "What are you doing here?" I ask with a raised brow. "It's no man's land, I'm allowed to be here." he shrugs as he flips open his zippo lighter, the flame coming to life and he lights his cigarette. "You can't smoke here." I grit out, angered at his stupidity. "I always smoke in the woods, relax. I'm not stupid." his eyebrows bounce and my insides twist with disgust of the smell. "Well could you not smoke here? I'm training." I hope that he leaves and soon. I do not want Davina's rath and if she finds us together, I'm sure that she'd find a way to completely ruin my life. "Are you afraid of me Ace?" his bushy brow raises as he drags a lung full of smoke. "Marliya." I correct him on my name and of course, he wouldn't know it. "I know what your name is Ace," he mutters before blowing out a cloud of smoke. The air immediately fills with stench and my face scrunches up in disgust, "Fine." he huffs, crushing his cigarette against the log he's sitting on before putting it back in it's box. I don't answer him, silently praying that he'd just leave. If you'd ask me, this was punishment enough. He gets up and I take a steady step back as I stop breathing. His gaze flicks to my feet before his eyes trail up my body, his orbs observing every curve on my body. "You are scared of me." he grins, the devilish glint in his eyes forms a hole in my stomach. "There isn't much to be scared of." my eyes trail over him as I focus on saying my words calmly and collected and he starts to laugh. "You have to fix your kicks, you're putting to much weight into your lifted leg." He shrugs as he just stands there, staring at me with his evil eyes. "I've got it under control." I scoff and his eyebrows lift, "Do you now?" he steps closer and I force myself to stand still. He will not intimidate me, or at least he won't know he's doing it. "Yes, so you can stop being a judgy prick and go." I snap and he starts to laugh loudly. "Then come on, kick me." he closes almost all of the distance between us, lifting his hand as he waves me closer. "I won't bite." he grins, but something about how he speaks and looks at me makes my blood boil. I ready my stance, gritting my teeth as I lift my arms to defend myself in case he tries anything."Kick my side." he pats his waist and I hurriedly kick my leg towards him with full force, believing that I can do it even though sometimes I stumble, but as soon as my leg flies forward, almost hitting him, my leg I'm standing on gives out and I fall onto my ass onto a patch of grass. No matter how soft the grass is, the fall hurts and I winch. All I can hear is his laughter, "I told you." he murmurs and he suddenly appears above me. A number of situations fly through my head, he can smash his foot into my face, slam his hand through my chest, easily hold his foot to my throat until I die because of the lack of oxygen... My eyes widen when he holds out his hand to me, "Get up." he mutters and I slap his hand away before getting to my feet. He grabs my hips from the back and I jump out of his hold, whipping around to face him, "Don't touch me." I grit out and he crosses his arms, "I am just trying to help." he shrugs and I roll my eyes, "No, your family and my family...", "I know." he cuts me off before I could explain the hatred between them. "So why don't you hate me?" I ask confidently, "Who says I don't?" he shrugs indifferently. "Well first off, you are trying to help me and secondly you're talking to me, giving me nicknames." I frown and he starts laughing. "Don't think this is more than just offering help, I have manners." He deadpans with no emotion. "Well thanks, but I'll be fine." I snap irritably . "You just have to fix your stupid stance, let me just show you." he seethes and I blankly stare at him, wondering where he gets the audacity to get mad at me. He's the one insisting on helping me. "Fine." I deadpan, wanting to get this over with so he can leave. He slides in behind me, adjusting my hips and he taps the outside of my right thigh, "If you are kicking with this foot, then you're going to stand on the other, so to put your weight there..." he adjusts my hips, letting me put all my weight onto my left leg, "And turn your foot to a ninety degree." he continues to tap my leg as I shift my foot, "Now kick." he demands after removing his fiflty hands off me. I sigh and kick up, my eyes widening how fast my leg swings and I don't loose balance, "Now it's the same with the other. Try it." he demands and I shift onto my other leg, adjusting my foot before I kick and it's the same. I have been struggling to perfect my kicks for months and he comes in here and I get it right within seconds. I smile as I turn to him and he's barely a foot away from me, "Thanks." I breathe out, finally catching a glimpse of his gloomy eyes that looks grey... "No problem." he tucks his hands into his pocket and it feels like we're staring at one another. "So um, why don't you try kicking me again?" he asks, clearing his throat as he removes his hands from his jean's pockets. I adjust my strap on my shoulder, nodding, "Yeah sure." I focus on my stance as he holds his hands up and I kick him. My leg flies fast, but I tense when his hand wraps around my ankle and he catches my leg. My upper body is bent to the side and he tugs me closer, my foot I'm standing on slipping and as I fall, I reach for his shirt, fisting it before I pull him down with me. He lands on top of me and we both burst out in a fit of laughter. "Smart, smart." he croaks out as he props his hands next to my head, pushing up and he hovers over me, laying in between my parted legs. "Get off." I deadpan in a state of panic, but before he could, my father's voice booms through the air, "You little prick! Get the f**k off my daughter!" my father launches for him before I could say anything, grabbing him by the nape as he shoves him off me and pulls me to my feet and behind him, "You will never, ever, touch my daughter again. Are we clear?" he seethes and I embarrassingly watch as Logan gets off the floor, cracking his neck as his head tilts to the side, "Look, Mr. Schultz, it's not what you think." he tries to explain, but only if he knew how stubborn my father actually was. "I don't f*****g care, this might not be my land, but if you ever lay a finger on my daughter, I will have you arrested." my father threatens, "Don't you know who I'm dating?" Logan c***s his one eyebrow at my dad and the tension between them makes the hair at the back of my neck rise. "Don't threaten my dad, I will tell them you attacked me." I grit out overprotectively and his jaw drops an inch as he blankly stares at me. Logan dusts off his hands before tucking them into his pockets, "Good luck with that." the devilish glint in his eyes makes my heart spike and he leaves. "Daddy, I'm sor-", "I told you not to encounter with that pack!" he bellows and I'm sure that Logan could hear us. "Go to your room." my father demands just as I open my mouth to explain and I drop my head and walk to the house. I took a shower when it turned dark and continued to sit on my bed, writing in my journal about what I needed to do the next day when my open window creaks. I look up, staring with wide eyes at two large hands curling at the base, opening it fully. My heart stops when Logan pops his head in before climbing through and I sit frozen, staring as he enters. "What are you doing?" I finally ask and he scoffs before untying my sweater from around his neck, "You forgot this in the woods." he tosses next to me onto the bed. "How did you..?" I glance at the window and he glances at it too, "You have a climbable tree next to your window, you know that right?" he points his thumb to the outside and I finally take a deep breath, nodding. I still can't fathom that Logan Lombardi just climbed through my window to return my jersey.
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