Oh, but she…

893 Words
LOGAN'S POV -- Spending the day with my mother was actually not that bad and once we got home, I was shook when I saw the huge tent stretching out into the Royal's property, men and women carrying things inside and I just stop to stare as my mother gets out of the car. "I've been waiting for so long for this moment." she beams. I slightly jump as she slams the car door so hard that it could have gone through the vehicle to the other side. "Could you stop doing that?" I grit out as I turn to look at her, "Stop what?" she frowns confused and I decide to let it go. "Nevermind, let's just get the things." I mutter and walk to the trunk of the car, "Logan, no. We have people for that today, you do nothing today." she smiles and I roll my eyes as I nod and walk towards the house, my eyes continuously flicking to the tent. "They said they'll drop the alcohol around five and the party starts at seven so it's all good." my mother rambles as I walk along side her into the house. I stop in the doorframe, clearing my throat, "I'm actually in the mood for a run, do you mind?" I ask for politeness because all day it's been all about her, what she wants to do for me and what she can buy for me. It's tiring. "To where?" she asks curiously, "Just in the woods, nowhere near people." I shrug and she hums, "Alright, just be back by four." she beams and I nod, walking up the stairs. I look down at my watch, noticing that it's one pm and I didn't know shopping could ever take that long, but it did. I take my watch off and put my phone on the bed before getting undressed and putting on black jogging shorts. I jog down the stairs and out of the house, dodging my father as he walks to the house but I run into the opposite direction. I could feel my skin heating up as I focus on my wolf and I continue to jog into the woods, but just as I ready myself to shift, my senses make me freeze and I glance to the side, noticing Marliya training again. Before I could walk up to her, I hear her laughing and my jaw tightens at the sight of Keegan sitting with her. "You got so much better." the way he says it makes my face twitch up into a snarl, is he serious with his flirting tone? "You think?" she giggles and my heart stops at the sound of her little laughter. "I do, I can show you how to improve some of your attacks if you like? I learned a lot while I was away from home." My eyes squeeze shut as she agrees and I turn, going into the other direction even though I wanted to stay and just stare at her, but I know that would be weird and stalkerish. I shift when I'm far enough and run as fast as I could. All I see is her magical bright smile, the way her cheeks lift, the way her eyes sparkle, but while she's doing all of that, she's looking at Keegan f*****g Black, the i***t that thinks his glow up will make him more popular, but to me, all he'll ever be is Davina's dork brother. I know that I shouldn't hate on the future king, but something about him has always been fishy, like he's hiding something. But then again, it could have been my jealousy, me wanting something to be wrong with him. Every time I’d see them together, even when we were younger, she’d always laugh and smile at him, until she spots me and it’s like her soul leaves her body and she has seen a ghost. Her eyes would grow wide like she’s seen a monster, terror filling her bright ocean orbs every time we’d make eye contact and it would haunt me for days and I’d get sad and sometimes cry in my room when I was a kid, but as I got older, I substituted my tears with cigarettes and boos, drinking myself f****d so that I could forget about her a bit, but it never usually works because I end up thinking about her even more. — Returning home at five pm, my mother is pacing on the patio, her arms crossed and her face contorted. I shift right in front of the steps, jogging up butt naked and I grab a pair of shorts, putting them on. “I’m sorry I’m late.” I mutter as I reach for the shut door. “I asked only one thing Logan, four pm.” She’s seething and if she were a cartoon, angry flames would be coming out of her ears. “I lost track of time.” I lie, I went back and watched Marliya train with Keegan, silently sitting in the bushes while beating myself up for stalking them. “Fine.” My mother squeezes her eyes shut as she inhales a calming breath, “Just go get ready, the delivery should be here any second.” She grits out, pointing at the door and I nod, making myself scarce.
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