A Walk to Forget

1316 Words
{Margo’s POV} I sighed sitting down on the kitchen island, everyone was either at the pool or the movies, or talking in dad’s office. I wasn’t really up for a swim, or a movie so i decided to come get a snack. The only problem being I was still stuffed from lunch. Nonna Franny, and Nonna Maria have been feeding me like crazy. I sat on the kitchen counter, my feet dangling just watching outside. Today was a perfectly sunny day, and it was nice and warm. I took off my jacket placing it on the counter beside me, and decided to go outside. I walked out onto the patio, and took off my shoes leaving me in my thigh high stocking and sage green sun dress. I walked out into the yard, feeling the grass against my feet. “You’ll catch a cold if you get your feet wet!” I suddenly heard Silas’ voice ask he came running over to me. “I’ll be fine Si! The chances of me getting sick from this are very low! I just wanted to feel the sun on my skin.. it’s been so long since I actually just went out and enjoyed it.” I said softly, looking down at my face. “You haven’t told us everything that happened to you, have you?” He asked, his face turning serious all of a sudden. I kept my eyes on the ground and shook my head. “I don’t want to worry any of you, I’m doing much better now. I can actually go out and enjoy the sun whenever I want to, I just haven’t yet.” He walked over, standing in front of me. He was my only younger brother, and yet he towered over me like the rest of them. He tilted my head up, when he did some stray tears spilled down my face. “What happened? You can tell me, I won’t tell the others.” He said, his face still its sweet baby looking face. I smiled at him. “I’m sorry Si, I’m trying so hard to be happy today. I truly am grateful, and excited to meet everyone, but..” I sighed. “It just reminds me of what I’ve been missing out on my whole life.” I wiped my eyes. “I was..” I cried, once against trying to wipe tears away. “I wasn’t allowed outside unless I was going to one of my jobs..” I whimpered, i wanted to tell him everything. I wanted to tell all of them, but telling them I was locked away in a closet.. it was just too much to take. “I was depleted of vitamins when I went to the hospital, especially vitamin D. I always loved standing in the sun, letting myself feel its warmth. I imagined it was like a warm, protective hug..” He lifted me into his arms and hugged me tightly. “I’m so sorry Margo! We should have been there for you!” He choked back a sob. I looked up, wiping his tears. “Don’t worry too much about me bambino! I’m okay now, I’m happy with you all now!” I smiled. “Hey, are you two okay?” Marco yelled from across the way. He ran over towards us and I nodded up to him. “You’ve been crying bambina, you both have!” He said, wiping my face, some of my makeup came off showing one of my black eyes. “Who did that?” Silas said, touching my eye. I winced as he pressed down. “It was a jerk at the club..” I said, turning and looking away. “I’m okay, really..” I said, but before I knew it Silas lifted me up and carried me into the pool house. He tossed me into the pool, and I sunk until I remembered how to swim. I swam to the shallow end and stood up. “What was that for?” Mikey asked, swimming over to me and scolding Silas. I sat up rubbing my eyes, they were tender, and I knew all of my makeup had been ruined. Mikey looked down at me, and tilted my head up softly, he froze when he saw my eyes. “Who?” He asked, in a dark voice. “I told Silas, it’s fine! We handled it last night!” I cried, walking back to the stairs and trying to leave. Silas blocked the way, and Mikey was right on my tail. Next thing I knew, Marco, Mikey, and Silas all surrounded me. “Who did this bambina?” He Mikey asked in a low voice. “It was a jerk at the club! I’m fine!” I cried, but they didn’t seem to listen, soon Devin, and Alejandro were also standing around me, looking at my eyes. “That looks pretty bad Margo, you should put some ice on that..” Devin said softly. I was shaking violently, I could feel my body tensing up at every single muscle. “A-Angel..” I whimpered before I fell to the floor, shaking violently. Angelo ran to me, flipping me onto my side, and holding my hair back. “Da**** you guys, I told you that we’d talk about the incident at the club later! You know that she has seizures when she gets overly stressed!” He snapped back at my brothers. Marco sunk down beside me and pulled my head up into his lap. “I wasn’t thinking.. I’m sorry Angelo..” he said. “Apologize to our sister! Look! Look at her Marco!” He yelled. I could see them, their bodies at least. I finally stopped shaking and was able to see more clearly. Everyone surrounded me, looking down at me with pity. I sat up slowly, reaching to Angelo, he helped me stand up. “D-Don’t look at me like that..” I said turning to everyone. “I don’t want to be pitied.. I know it’s bad, I saw it this morning, but the man who did this to me is now dead, and I am still alive. If you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go change out of my wet clothes.” I said, as Angelo lifted me up and carried me back inside. We passed by Damon and Carter who were both talking to my father in the hall. “What happened Angelo?” Dad asked, running to us and looking at my face. “Oh my bambina.. your eyes..” he whimpered. “I-I’m okay..” I whispered. “You aren’t okay, you just had another stress induced seizure! You need rest!” Angelo snapped. My dad looked at both of us. “You haven’t had one in so long, what happened?” He asked, looking over me, and checking to make sure I was okay. “Just got stressed about the guy from last night.. I’m okay daddy.. I promise..” I said softly, hoping he may believe me. He smiled, and wiped my face softly. “Did you get thrown in the pool again?” He asked, noticing I was dripping. I smiled back. “I have five brothers! Of course I got thrown in the pool again!” I chuckled and squeezed Angelo. “I promise I’m okay Angel, I can make it to my room from here. It was just a lot in the moment, but I’m okay!” I said, squeezing his neck. He sighed and set me down gently on my feet. I hugged him, and dad and turned walking up to my room. I closed the door and slid down it, I couldn’t control when my emotions reacted this way. I couldn’t control my stress, and it was causing problems. I pulled my knees to my chest and sighed heavily.
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