Meeting the Grandparents

1362 Words
{Margo’s POV} “Anything you say Angel!” I smiled, and tucked myself away behind them. We walked up to the house, and as the door opened I could hear a lot of people talking. I could hear an older woman’s voice. “How much longer Enzo! You know I’m not a patient woman!” She sounded nervous, and excited. “We’re here!” Angelo said, keeping me behind him and Max. I heard the shuffling of feet, and suddenly Angelo and Max stepped out of the way. I saw two older woman, and an old man, they all stood frozen looking over me. One had the same eyes as mine, her hair was black, and short, some grey hairs poking through. She was short, and chubby, about 5’6, and her eyes never moved from me. The other older woman was taller, about 5’8, and had long grey hair, with icy blue eyes like dads. She was skinny, and slender, she had her hands clasped in front of her mouth. The old man, had dark blue eyes, he was muscular, but also kind of chubby, his hair was salt and pepper colored, but he was tall, about 6’2. “She looks so much like my Anna..” the short chubby woman whispered, before running to me and engulfing me in a hug. The other two followed in suit, and soon they were all smothering me in an emotional hug. “Are you? Are you my grandparents?” I asked, looking over each and every one of them. The short chubby woman spoke up. “We are, I’m Anna’s mother, my name is Francesca, but you can call me Franny!” She smiled. “I’m Enzo’s mother, Maria..” the other woman smiled. “And I’m your Nonno Alonzo!” The man said merrily. I smiled and curtsied politely. “My name is Margaret, but I go by Margo!” Franny ran back engulfing me in another hug. “My beautiful Margo! You look so much like my Anna! So much like your mother!” She smiled. “Your Aunts, uncles, and cousins are also here!” She pulled me into the living room where a large group of men, and a few women stood. “She’s here!” She shouted, making everyone’s eyes snap to me. I smiled, and looked at my feet nervously before giving another small curtsy. “Hello.. I’m Margo..” I said softly, keeping my eyes on the ground. “She’s so adorable!” A woman shouted before I was swallowed into a hug. The woman was chubbier than Franny, but had her same brown and gold eyes. Her hair was highlighted blonde, and she lifted me into her arms and hugged me tightly. “Thank you!” I groaned out, and let out a sigh as she sat me down. Angelo walked up behind me, and turned me to face him. “You’re the first granddaughter to Franny, Papa and Nana have a few granddaughters, they’re on their way, but you’re the only one on this side of the family. Are you okay? Looks like Aunt Marnie almost killed you!” He laughed. “Oh I’m sorry!” The woman said from behind me. “I was just so excited to see you! I didn’t expect you to be so tiny!” I turned and faced her smiling softly. “That’s okay Aunt Marnie, I’m getting used to the crushing hugs with these big oafs as brothers!” I giggled. “This is my husband Raymond, and my younger sister Brinya, and her husband Daren!” She said pointing around. “These there are our sons, they’re twins, Derek and Devin!” She said pointing to them. They were identical twins, both had shoulder length curly black hair, and tanned skin. Each stood around 6’3, and they were lean, but muscular. “Hello, nice to meet all of you!” I said, walking around and shaking all of their hands. My other aunt pulled me into her arms. “I’m sorry Margo, but we’re big huggers!” She said smiling down at me. I hugged her back softly. “I’m learning that..” I said, taking in a deep breath as she sat me down. She smiled down at me, and turned to the three boys sitting on the couch. “These are my sons Jose, Fernando, and Alejandro!” She said, each of the guys walked over and shook my hand. Fernando was tall with piercing grey eyes, he was bulky and muscular, while his younger brothers were more lean in build and slightly shorter than him. Fernando had long dark brown hair that laid in a man bun. Alejandro had short buzzed off black hair, and Jose had shaggy dark brown hair. They all went back and sat on the couch and continued talking with my brothers. I walked over to Angelo and tugged his shirt. He knelt down on one knee and looked to me. “I don’t know what to say or do..” I whispered in his ear. He chuckled, and everyone glanced at us. “Did Angelo just laugh?” Alejandro shrieked. “None of us are making it out alive tonight!” Whimpered Jose. I turned to look at them, then back at Angelo. “Angel, why does everyone think that when you smile or laugh that they’re in danger?” I asked, gripping his shirt lightly. Devin spit out his drink, and turned to us. “Did she just call him Angel?” He laughed loudly. Angelo’s eyebrow tilted, and his eye twitched as he stared at Devin. “S-Should I not call you Angel?” I asked turning my attention completely back to Angelo. “Is it bad for me to do that? I didn’t know!” He kissed my forehead then stood back up. “No bambina, you are the only person in the world with permission to call me that!” He smiled. “Because I will always be your angel when you need me, okay?” He asked, his smile widening. “Okay my angel!” I said, smiling happily then hugging him tightly. Max laughed hysterically on his chair and I took this opportunity to have some fun. I ran and jumped on top of him sending us both falling to the ground. I landed on top of him and laughed loudly. “What are you laughing at Maxy!” I giggled. “Hey, don’t start giving me gushy nicknames too!” He snickered. “I think I’ll give everyone in here a gushy nickname!” I laughed standing up and reaching down to help him off the ground. He snorted and took my hand standing. “Alright, why don’t you start with them?” He asked pointing behind me, and there in the doorway stood Carter and Damon. I turned back to Max and giggled. “I bet I could make both of them resemble tomatoes!” “Do it sis, show us all your power!” He said, turning me to face them. I ran towards them with a large smile on my face. I reached my arms out and crashed into Damon. “Day! You’re here!” I said smiling brightly. His face turned red instantly. “CC!” I shouted hugging Carter. His face turned blood red, and he actually turned around covering it. I giggled and skipped back over to Max. “Wow.. I actually didn’t think you could do it!” He said, looking between us all. “Do what?” Damon said, Carter also turning back around and straightening his tie down. “She said she could make both of you red!” Max said. They both shot a glare to me. I held up my hands innocently. “I would never!” I giggled running back and hiding behind Angelo. “Right Angel?” Angelo turned and smiled, laughing slightly. “Of course not Margret Olivia!” He said, my whole face turned red. I turned and walked back to Max. “Fine, you win Angelo!” I giggled once again, causing everyone to join in.
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