Black Tie

1202 Words
{Margo’s POV} Once we made it to the restaurant, all eyes were on us. We walked to our table in a back room. I had my arm linked with Angelo’s as we made our way in. “No way! Did Angelo finally get a girlfriend?” Some guy shouted as he approached us. He knelt down taking my hand in his and kissing my knuckles. He held my hand to his lips for way too long, before inhaling the scent of my hands. “Mmm, she smells like oranges!” He whispered softly. Angelo pushed the man away and knocked me behind him. Carter held onto one arm, while Damon held on to the other and both stood beside me, almost as if guarding me. “Don’t touch my sister Austin!” Angelo warned. “Your sister?” He asked. “So what you’re saying is I have a chance..” he shot me a smirk. I interlocked arms with Damon and Carter and turned towards the room our parents were in. I made my way there with them, without a single word. My body was shaking, I hated men that just touched me like that. It was disgusting, and degrading! “You okay? You’re shaking again..” Damon leaned down a whispered. “I’m fine..” I said calmly before releasing the two of them and walking to sit beside my father. I sighed, and sunk down into my chair. “It’s okay bambina, your brothers will handle anyone that bothers you!” Dad smiled and pulled me to him. “I just don’t like being grabbed around like a piece of meat..” I said, looking down at the table. There was a glass of wine in front of all of our seats. “Dad.. I’m not 21 yet..” I whispered. “It’s okay bambina, you don’t have to drink it if you don’t want to. Though, we’re from Italy, and the legal drinking age there is 18!” He smiled. “We allow you guys to drink since it’s only one glass.” He smiled. “Plus you’re 20, you’ll be 21 in about a month and a half. If you want to drink it you can, if you don’t want to, that’s also fine!” I smiled and pulled the glass up to my lips, I took a sip and set it back down. It was a sweet red wine, it tasted almost like Strawberries. I smiled and turned to dad. “Is it strawberry wine?” I asked. He nodded, taking a sip of his own. “Do you like it? I knew you had a sweet tooth and I asked them for some strawberry wine for you.” He said. I smiled up at him. “It’s very nice, thank you.” I sat up straight in my chair and waited for someone to take our order. Instead a salad was brought to each of us. They sat my salad down in front of me and I smiled. “Thank you.” I said to the waiter as he walked away. I watched as everyone else began to eat, and I followed in suit. I finished part of my salad before the entree came out. He sat down plate of ratatouille in front of me. I picked up my forks and began eating my dinner. Once I was done with my food I sipped on my wine. I hadn’t realized that the waiter had refilled it.. apparently more than once, until Marco turned to me. “Bambina, thats your fourth glass!” He said, scolding me. “What? I didn’t realize!” I shrieked setting it down. My utensils clanked slightly and I giggled. “Oh no.. you’re drunk!” Mikey laughed from beside Marco. “But I.. I’ve never dramk beef..*hiccup* fore..” I giggled again. Angelo was across the table, and I could see him chuckling. “She didn’t realize that they refilled her glass!” Marco wheezed. I giggled, and picked up my glass taking another sip before realizing what I did and setting it back down. I lifted my hands up to cover my face and was sent into a fit of giggles. “What’s wrong bambina?” Dad asked beside me. “Dad.. they kept refilling her glass! She didn’t realize and now she’s..” Marco said, but Mikey was laughing too hard beside him. “She’s drunk dad..” Angelo said, before chuckling. Damon began laughing too, then leaned over and whispered to Carter who also began laughing. I covered my face once again and giggled. “I’m so sorry! I didn’t know!” “It’s okay bambina, at least now you know your limit!” Dad laughed. “Good thing this is a dinner with friends!” I giggled and raised up in my chair, I took a sip of my water and tried to compose myself. Angelo was still laughing, and I kicked his leg, at least I thought it was his leg until Damon groaned. I looked over to him and giggled. “Sorry..” I mouthed to him and pointed to Angelo. He nodded, and smirked, god.. his lips were so plump and perfect. When he smirked it made my whole body heat up. I suddenly felt quite warm, and began to fan myself slightly. “You hot sis?” Marco asked. “That’s something that happens when you get drunk, it makes you really warm!” He laughed. “I feel like I’m in an oven!” I giggled, before picking up my glass of wine and taking another sip. After I drank down that sip I looked between the cup, and Marco and began giggling like crazy. “Take this away from me!” I said, handing him the cup. He took the cup and moved it down to Mikey, who picked it up and threw back the rest of my cup. I leaned back in my chair and fanned myself again. “You poor thing, you look miserable!” Joyce said, pointing down to Damon. “Damon, be a dear and escort her outside, allow her to get some air!” She said. Damon raised from his seat and walked around the table. He held out his hand, and I slid mine into his. He walked me out of the restaurant, and as soon as we got outside in the night air I began to cool down. “That’s so much better!” I giggled, stumbling at his side. He caught me around my waist and helped me stand up straight. “You’re a lightweight huh?” He laughed, as he helped me stand up. “No!” I giggled. “Im fine, just fine!” “You’re drunk Margo, very drunk!” He laughed. “No.. I’m not drunk.. I’m fine.” I said smacking his arm playfully. I laughed, and swatted at him, when my hand landed on his chest. I looked at where my hand was laid flat against his chest. I looked up at him, dreamily, my eye lashes fluttering. “I’m.. fine..” I said again. “You’re beautiful..” he whispered, placing his hand over mine.
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