I want to go Home

1176 Words
[Trigger warning! This episode contains themes of S/A!] {Margo’s POV} “You’re beautiful..” he whispered, placing his hand over mine. “I’m what?” I asked, before hearing a loud bang as the door flew open. “There she is.. little miss too good for me LaRoux!” The man that grabbed me inside burst out the door. He was obviously drunk, even more so than me, and at the moment, with his terrible attitude I was beginning to sober up. “So you’re too good for me, but not for Damon!” He spit on the ground. Damon pushed me behind him gently. “Walk away Austin, I’d hate to get blood on my outfit!” Damon said, in a low growling voice. Austin walked past him and grabbed my wrist pulling me to him. He took his hand and put it on my a** and squeezed. “I think she should decide!” He said, turning to me with a smirk. I turned and punched him square in the nose, sending him tumbling backwards. I walked up, slowly, and eerily, placing my heel on his chest. “Touch me again, and you will cease to have hands!” I said coldly, pressing my heel down onto his chest. “Do I make myself clear?” He nodded, and whimpered, I turned around walking back towards Damon. Then I decided that wasn’t enough. I turned and kicked the man in the stomach. “That.. is for groping me!” I shouted, then made my way to Damon’s side. He looked down with a shocked look on his face. “Okay.. I have to admit.. that was the hottest thing I’ve ever seen. I didn’t think you had that in you..” he said, looking to me with an impressed expression. “There’s a lot you don’t know about me Damon.” I said coldly, pain evident in my voice, and with that, I turned on my heel and walked back into the restaurant. “Dad.. I want to go home..” I said, crossing my arms. “What happened bambina?” Marco asked, standing and walking to my side. “Seems that a lot of men can’t keep their hands to theirselves. Your buddy Austin is outside with a busted nose, and with any luck some internal bleeding.” I said, looking down at my knuckles, they were bruised, swelled, and bloody. “I also think I may have broke my knuckles..” I said pulling my hand up. “You broke Austin’s nose!” Silas said, smiling brightly. “That as***** touched you?” Mikey said, anger building in his voice. “How won’t make that mistake again, I left him crying like a baby in the parking lot!” My hand throbbed and I grabbed a napkin lying it out. I chugged down my water and poured the ice into the napkin before pulling it around my hand. I winced at the pain, before sighing as it began to sooth the ache in my bones. “Oh bambina.. we should get that x-rayed!” Dad said, pulling my hand over to him. “I’m okay dad, they can’t do anything for broken knuckles anyways! Just ice, meds, and rest!” I smiled down at him. “Trust me, I’m fine, just kind of ready to get out of this dress..” I finished. “Well, we have some more business to discuss, so maybe the driver can take you home.” He said. I smiled saying goodbye, and walking outside looking for our driver. “Where are you going?” Damon said, walking up beside me. “Home.. dad said the driver can take me.” I said, walking towards our car. “Let me take you home, I drove my car, my parents still have theirs here.” He said, pulling out his keys. “I’ll text Angelo and let him know that I’m dropping you off at home before I head home.” He said, putting his hand in the small of my back and leading me to his car. He opened the door, and I stepped inside. I pulled on my seatbelt, and soon Damon was driving me home. It didn’t take long before we were at my families mansion. He got out, and walked around opening up the door for me. I stepped out and walked up to the door, I unlocked it with my key, and opened it. We walked inside and I locked the door behind me. “Your brothers asked me to wait with you until they get back.” He said, smiling at me. “Alright, go on and make yourself comfy, I’m going to go get changed.” I said, turning and making my way up to my room. Once I got inside I walked into the bathroom. I pulled down all of the pins, allowing my hair to fall back down. I washed off my makeup, and stepped out of my dress. I took off my bra and panties and went back into my room to find some more. I changed into some pjs, a comfy tank top, and shorts combo. I pulled a huge button up shirt on around me, and make my way back downstairs. I went to the kitchen and got myself a glass of water. I drank some of it, before setting it down on the counter. The feeling of that jerks hands on me made me feel disgusting. I began to shake again, and I felt tears begin to stream down my face. I sniffled, wiping my eyes and turned around to see Damon standing in the doorway. “Are you okay Margo!” He asked, walking over and leaning on the counter beside me. I nodded. “Yeah, just.. a bit shaken up..” I said, trying to ignore the bile raising in my throat as the thought of Austin’s hand on me made me sick. “You’re a terrible liar..” he said, looking down at me with concern. “It’s something I picked up about you.” He smiled softly. “That, and you are defiantly much scarier than you look. Not to mention, so much stronger than I thought. There really is so much I don’t know about you.” He looked down at me admiringly. “If you knew the things that I’ve been through, you wouldn’t want to see me. You wouldn’t want to hang around me at all..” I whispered. “I know that you know I was kidnapped as a kid.. and that a lot of bad things happened to me growing up. The things that David did.. I still can’t talk about it without panic setting in. He hurt me.. the scars.. all of my awful scars.. they’re all from him.” “What scars?” He asked, looking down at me, his jaw clenched tightly. “Serena told me that you were hurt.. but she didn’t say much else.. What did he do to you?”
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