God can’t save them Now

1288 Words
[Trigger Warning! This episode contains references to abuse!] {Margo’s POV} Once I stepped into my room I locked the door, I screamed grabbing my lamp and throwing it across the room. I walked to my full length mirror and picked up my clock, tossing it and listening as it shattered the mirror. I gripped at my stomach as I dropped to the floor sobbing. I didn’t want anyone to ever see my scars.. it was bad enough that my family had seen some of them. Now, all of my shame was on display. I cried out loudly, allowing myself to finally cry out my emotions. “Bambina.. let me in!” I could hear Angelo’s worried voice on the other side of the door. “Go away angel!” I wept, returning to my sobs. “Bambina, open this door!” He said again, his voice urgent. I stayed in my fetal position on the floor and cried, I couldn’t move, I didn’t want to. I just wanted to have my breakdown and move on. It was what I needed, I needed to finish breaking so I could rebuild. I heard the lock click, and soon strong arms scooped me up. “Margo..” Angelo whispered, lifting me up off the floor. “It’s okay, I’m here now..” he said, trying to comfort me. “Please angel.. leave.. I don’t want to see anyone!” I said, between sobs. “Bambina.. I don’t want to leave you alone.. you’re upset, you’re angry, you’re hurt. I’m not leaving your side.. never again..” he said, kissing the top of my head. “Angelo! Don’t make promises you can’t keep” I yelled, swatting him as he sat me down. “Why?” I cried. He sat beside me on the bed, and pulled me close to him. “Why what?” He asked, resting his chin on top of my head. “Why did you save me? Why didn’t you just let him kill me?” I asked, tears streaming down my face. “He was choking me.. it could have ended..” His eyes widened, fear, anger, and heartbreak glinting within them. “No, no, no bambina! Don’t ever say that!” He said, hugging me to his chest. “You’re the most important person in the world to us.. don’t ever..” he began but I cut him off. “If I was the most important person in the world to you all, then you wouldn’t have jobs.. and you wouldn’t have taken so long to find me!” I said standing and walking away from him. I walked through the broken glass in the floor and over to my window. I heard the glass crunch under my feet, and felt a slight burning sensation, but nothing like the pain I’ve had to endure before. “Margo! Your feet!” He began, but once again I cut him off. “My dear angel.. this doesn’t hurt. The only thing that can hurt me now is within my own mind. The memories of the things that I’ve endured are more painful than a little glass.” I said, turning back to look at him. “Physical things.. they don’t hurt as much when you’ve been tortured your whole life. It’s the mental and emotional things that begin to really weigh on you.” He ran over and scooped me up in his arms and packed me downstairs. He took me the opposite direction of the kitchen, and down a hallway to a bathroom. He sat me on the counter, and got a box out from under it. “Whether it hurts or not, the glass needs to be removed. So will you at least allow me to do that?” He asked, looking up at me as he sat the box down beside me on the counter. I paused for a moment, it wasn’t my intention to hurt him.. but I don’t want anyone’s help, or their pity. I nodded, turning my head to the side. He begun digging out shards of glass, and putting them into a cup. “I see the way you all look at me..” I said softly. “With love, and admiration?” He asked, smirking up at me. “No, with pity.” I said coldly. “You all pity me.. and I don’t. This isn’t the life that I would have picked.. but it’s what I got. I don’t want to be pitied by any of you!” “Bambina.. we don’t mean to look at you like that, it’s just.. we feel responsible. You’re right, we should have found you sooner, we should have helped you sooner. All of us feel guilty, when we look at you, and think of the things you’ve endured.. we’re angry. Angry at David, at the Petrov family, and at ourselves.” He said, digging out more glass. I heard footsteps approaching, and sighed. “I’m sorry Angel.. you’re all kind.. and caring. I felt like, the more that I tried to settle, the harder it got. I’ve never had friends, a loving family, more than a handful of outfits.. I’ve never had people who cared about me. I knew only what David told me.. and nothing he ever told me was good. I turned lightly to look in the mirror, and pulled up my shirt slightly. “Now.. I see these scars.. and it just reminds me of that he’s done. Every lashing.. slashing, stabbing.. every bad thing he’s ever done, it’s marked on my body! It’s so hideous to look at.. I can’t stand to even see the things he’s done. I’ve thought about just lying in the fireplace, just to burn away the skin so I don’t have to see it anymore.” I whimpered. “When you said that there was a doctor that may be able to help.. I allowed myself to dream for a moment, but I know that they couldn’t fix this. Almost all of my skin on my stomach, and back is covered in these awful scars.” I pulled my shirt back down and looked at him. He had tears in his eyes, and I gently touched the side of his face. “I can’t be fixed my Angel.. I just can’t. I’ve been broken, and rebuilt so many times that I lost track. I can’t be fixed.. but I can try to move on. That’s all I have, it’s all I can do. I love all of you, so much, so deeply! I know you want to help me.. but you have to understand, you can’t. There is no help for this, no fixing what is broken.” I let out a small smile, and held his eyes with mine. “I’m trying to move on.. but I can’t.. I’m not going to be able to move on until that family is snuffed out. I’m going to break them.. all of them, the same way they broke me. I’m going to destroy their hopes, their dreams, light their houses on fire, and watch them all burn.” I finished, looking down at my feet which were now wrapped up. “God help anyone who gets in your way bambina!” He said, putting away the first aid kit. “God can’t save them now.” I said coldly, turning and looking in the doorway. I could see Damon and Carter standing there, their eyes fixated on me. I hopped down from the counter and walked back down the hallway and up the stairs to my room. I closed the door behind me, and climbed into bed. “God can’t save you now..”
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